
Play Games

前提 入行已經7,8年了,一直想做一套漂亮點的自定義控制項,於是就有了本系列文章。 GitHub:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl 碼雲:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_contr ...





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 1  public enum TemperatureUnit
 2     {
 3         /// <summary>
 4         /// 不顯示
 5         /// </summary>
 6         None,
 7         /// <summary>
 8         /// 攝氏度
 9         /// </summary>
10         C,
11         /// <summary>
12         /// 華氏度
13         /// </summary>
14         F,
15         /// <summary>
16         /// 開氏度
17         /// </summary>
18         K,
19         /// <summary>
20         /// 蘭氏度
21         /// </summary>
22         R,
23         /// <summary>
24         /// 列氏度
25         /// </summary>
26         Re
27     }


  1 /// <summary>
  2         /// The glass tube color
  3         /// </summary>
  4         private Color glassTubeColor = Color.FromArgb(211, 211, 211);
  6         /// <summary>
  7         /// Gets or sets the color of the glass tube.
  8         /// </summary>
  9         /// <value>The color of the glass tube.</value>
 10         [Description("玻璃管顏色"), Category("自定義")]
 11         public Color GlassTubeColor
 12         {
 13             get { return glassTubeColor; }
 14             set
 15             {
 16                 glassTubeColor = value;
 17                 Refresh();
 18             }
 19         }
 21         /// <summary>
 22         /// The mercury color
 23         /// </summary>
 24         private Color mercuryColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 59);
 26         /// <summary>
 27         /// Gets or sets the color of the mercury.
 28         /// </summary>
 29         /// <value>The color of the mercury.</value>
 30         [Description("水印顏色"), Category("自定義")]
 31         public Color MercuryColor
 32         {
 33             get { return mercuryColor; }
 34             set
 35             {
 36                 mercuryColor = value;
 37                 Refresh();
 38             }
 39         }
 41         /// <summary>
 42         /// The minimum value
 43         /// </summary>
 44         private decimal minValue = 0;
 45         /// <summary>
 46         /// 左側刻度最小值
 47         /// </summary>
 48         /// <value>The minimum value.</value>
 49         [Description("左側刻度最小值"), Category("自定義")]
 50         public decimal MinValue
 51         {
 52             get { return minValue; }
 53             set
 54             {
 55                 minValue = value;
 56                 Refresh();
 57             }
 58         }
 60         /// <summary>
 61         /// The maximum value
 62         /// </summary>
 63         private decimal maxValue = 100;
 64         /// <summary>
 65         /// 左側刻度最大值
 66         /// </summary>
 67         /// <value>The maximum value.</value>
 68         [Description("左側刻度最大值"), Category("自定義")]
 69         public decimal MaxValue
 70         {
 71             get { return maxValue; }
 72             set
 73             {
 74                 maxValue = value;
 75                 Refresh();
 76             }
 77         }
 79         /// <summary>
 80         /// The m value
 81         /// </summary>
 82         private decimal m_value = 10;
 83         /// <summary>
 84         /// 左側刻度值
 85         /// </summary>
 86         /// <value>The value.</value>
 87         [Description("左側刻度值"), Category("自定義")]
 88         public decimal Value
 89         {
 90             get { return m_value; }
 91             set
 92             {
 93                 m_value = value;
 94                 Refresh();
 95             }
 96         }
 98         /// <summary>
 99         /// The split count
100         /// </summary>
101         private int splitCount = 0;
102         /// <summary>
103         /// 刻度分隔份數
104         /// </summary>
105         /// <value>The split count.</value>
106         [Description("刻度分隔份數"), Category("自定義")]
107         public int SplitCount
108         {
109             get { return splitCount; }
110             set
111             {
112                 if (value <= 0)
113                     return;
114                 splitCount = value;
115                 Refresh();
116             }
117         }
119         /// <summary>
120         /// 獲取或設置控制項顯示的文字的字體。
121         /// </summary>
122         /// <value>The font.</value>
123         /// <PermissionSet>
124         ///   <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
125         ///   <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
126         ///   <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Flags="UnmanagedCode, ControlEvidence" />
127         ///   <IPermission class="System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission, System, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
128         /// </PermissionSet>
129         [Description("獲取或設置控制項顯示的文字的字體"), Category("自定義")]
130         public override Font Font
131         {
132             get
133             {
134                 return base.Font;
135             }
136             set
137             {
138                 base.Font = value;
139                 Refresh();
140             }
141         }
143         /// <summary>
144         /// 獲取或設置控制項的前景色。
145         /// </summary>
146         /// <value>The color of the fore.</value>
147         /// <PermissionSet>
148         ///   <IPermission class="System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" version="1" Unrestricted="true" />
149         /// </PermissionSet>
150         [Description("獲取或設置控制項的文字及刻度顏色"), Category("自定義")]
151         public override System.Drawing.Color ForeColor
152         {
153             get
154             {
155                 return base.ForeColor;
156             }
157             set
158             {
159                 base.ForeColor = value;
160                 Refresh();
161             }
162         }
164         /// <summary>
165         /// The left temperature unit
166         /// </summary>
167         private TemperatureUnit leftTemperatureUnit = TemperatureUnit.C;
168         /// <summary>
169         /// 左側刻度單位,不可為none
170         /// </summary>
171         /// <value>The left temperature unit.</value>
172         [Description("左側刻度單位,不可為none"), Category("自定義")]
173         public TemperatureUnit LeftTemperatureUnit
174         {
175             get { return leftTemperatureUnit; }
176             set
177             {
178                 if (value == TemperatureUnit.None)
179                     return;
180                 leftTemperatureUnit = value;
181                 Refresh();
182             }
183         }
185         /// <summary>
186         /// The right temperature unit
187         /// </summary>
188         private TemperatureUnit rightTemperatureUnit = TemperatureUnit.C;
189         /// <summary>
190         /// 右側刻度單位,當為none時,不顯示
191         /// </summary>
192         /// <value>The right temperature unit.</value>
193         [Description("右側刻度單位,當為none時,不顯示"), Category("自定義")]
194         public TemperatureUnit RightTemperatureUnit
195         {
196             get { return rightTemperatureUnit; }
197             set
198             {
199                 rightTemperatureUnit = value;
200                 Refresh();
201             }
202         }
204         /// <summary>
205         /// The m rect working
206         /// </summary>
207         Rectangle m_rectWorking;
208         /// <summary>
209         /// The m rect left
210         /// </summary>
211         Rectangle m_rectLeft;
212         /// <summary>
213         /// The m rect right
214         /// </summary>
215         Rectangle m_rectRight;


1  void UCThermometer_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
2         {
3             m_rectWorking = new Rectangle(this.Width / 2 - this.Width / 8, this.Width / 4, this.Width / 4, this.Height - this.Width / 2);
4             m_rectLeft = new Rectangle(0, m_rectWorking.Top + m_rectWorking.Width / 2, (this.Width - this.Width / 4) / 2 - 2, m_rectWorking.Height - m_rectWorking.Width * 2);
5             m_rectRight = new Rectangle(this.Width - (this.Width - this.Width / 4) / 2 + 2, m_rectWorking.Top + m_rectWorking.Width / 2, (this.Width - this.Width / 4) / 2 - 2, m_rectWorking.Height - m_rectWorking.Width * 2);
6         }


 1  protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
 2         {
 3             base.OnPaint(e);
 4             var g = e.Graphics;
 5             g.SetGDIHigh();
 7             //玻璃管管
 8             GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
 9             path.AddLine(m_rectWorking.Left, m_rectWorking.Bottom, m_rectWorking.Left, m_rectWorking.Top + m_rectWorking.Width / 2);
10             path.AddArc(new Rectangle(m_rectWorking.Left, m_rectWorking.Top, m_rectWorking.Width, m_rectWorking.Width), 180, 180);
11             path.AddLine(m_rectWorking.Right, m_rectWorking.Top + m_rectWorking.Width / 2, m_rectWorking.Right, m_rectWorking.Bottom);
12             path.CloseAllFigures();
13             g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(glassTubeColor), path);
15             //底部
16             var rectDi = new Rectangle(this.Width / 2 - m_rectWorking.Width, m_rectWorking.Bottom - m_rectWorking.Width - 2, m_rectWorking.Width * 2, m_rectWorking.Width * 2);
17             g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(glassTubeColor), rectDi);
18             g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(mercuryColor), new Rectangle(rectDi.Left + 4, rectDi.Top + 4, rectDi.Width - 8, rectDi.Height - 8));
20             //刻度
21             decimal decSplit = (maxValue - minValue) / splitCount;
22             decimal decSplitHeight = m_rectLeft.Height / splitCount;
23             for (int i = 0; i <= splitCount; i++)
24             {
25                 g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Left + 2, (float)(m_rectLeft.Bottom - decSplitHeight * i)), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right, (float)(m_rectLeft.Bottom - decSplitHeight * i)));
27                 var valueLeft = (minValue + decSplit * i).ToString("0.##");
28                 var sizeLeft = g.MeasureString(valueLeft, Font);
29                 g.DrawString(valueLeft, Font, new SolidBrush(ForeColor), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Left, m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - sizeLeft.Height - 1));
31                 if (rightTemperatureUnit != TemperatureUnit.None)
32                 {
33                     g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), 1), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left + 2, (float)(m_rectRight.Bottom - decSplitHeight * i)), new PointF(m_rectRight.Right, (float)(m_rectRight.Bottom - decSplitHeight * i)));
34                     var valueRight = GetRightValue(minValue + decSplit * i).ToString("0.##");
35                     var sizeRight = g.MeasureString(valueRight, Font);
36                     g.DrawString(valueRight, Font, new SolidBrush(ForeColor), new PointF(m_rectRight.Right - sizeRight.Width - 1, m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - sizeRight.Height - 1));
37                 }
38                 if (i != splitCount)
39                 {
40                     if (decSplitHeight > 40)
41                     {
42                         var decSp1 = decSplitHeight / 10;
43                         for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++)
44                         {
45                             if (j == 5)
46                             {
47                                 g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right - 10, (m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right, (m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))));
48                                 if (rightTemperatureUnit != TemperatureUnit.None)
49                                 {
50                                     g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left + 10, (m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left, (m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))));
51                                 }
52                             }
53                             else
54                             {
55                                 g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right - 5, (m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right, (m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))));
56                                 if (rightTemperatureUnit != TemperatureUnit.None)
57                                 {
58                                     g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left + 5, (m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left, (m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - ((float)decSp1 * j))));
59                                 }
60                             }
61                         }
62                     }
63                     else if (decSplitHeight > 10)
64                     {
65                         g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right - 5, (m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - (float)decSplitHeight / 2)), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Right, (m_rectLeft.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - (float)decSplitHeight / 2)));
66                         if (rightTemperatureUnit != TemperatureUnit.None)
67                         {
68                             g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(ForeColor), 1), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left + 5, (m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - (float)decSplitHeight / 2)), new PointF(m_rectRight.Left, (m_rectRight.Bottom - (float)decSplitHeight * i - (float)decSplitHeight / 2)));
69                         }
70                     }
71                 }
72             }
73             //單位
74             string strLeftUnit = GetUnitChar(leftTemperatureUnit);
75             g.DrawString(strLeftUnit, Font, new SolidBrush(ForeColor), new PointF(m_rectLeft.Left + 2, 2));
76             if (rightTemperatureUnit != TemperatureUnit.None)
77             {
78                 string strRightUnit = GetUnitChar(rightTemperatureUnit);
79                 var rightSize = g.MeasureString(strRightUnit, Font);
80                 g.DrawString(strRightUnit, Font, new SolidBrush(ForeColor), new PointF(m_rectRight.Right - 2 - rightSize.Width, 2));
81             }
82             //
83             float fltHeightValue = (float)(Value / (maxValue - minValue) * m_rectLeft.Height);
84             RectangleF rectValue = new RectangleF(m_rectWorking.Left + 4, m_rectLeft.Top + (m_rectLeft.Height - fltHeightValue), m_rectWorking.Width - 8, fltHeightValue + (m_rectWorking.Height - m_rectWorking.Width / 2 - m_rectLeft.Height));
85             g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(mercuryColor), rectValue);
88             var sizeValue = g.MeasureString(m_value.ToString("0.##"), Font);
89             g.DrawString(m_value.ToString("0.##"), Font, new SolidBrush(Color.White), new PointF(rectDi.Left + (rectDi.Width - sizeValue.Width) / 2, rectDi.Top + (rectDi.Height - sizeValue.Height) / 2 + 1));
90         }


 1 private string GetUnitChar(TemperatureUnit unit)
 2         {
 3             string strUnit = "";
 4             switch (unit)
 5             {
 6                 case TemperatureUnit.C:
 7                     strUnit = "";
 8                     break;
 9                 case TemperatureUnit.F:
10                     strUnit = "";
11                     break;
12                 case TemperatureUnit.K:
13                     strUnit = "K";
14                     break;
15                 case TemperatureUnit.R:
16                     strUnit = "°R";
17                     break;
18                 case TemperatureUnit.Re:
19                     strUnit = "°Re";
20                     break;
21             }
22             return strUnit;
23         }
25         private decimal GetRightValue(decimal decValue)
26         {
27             //先將左側的換算為攝氏度
28             var dec = decValue;
29             switch (leftTemperatureUnit)
30             {
31                 case TemperatureUnit.F:
32                     dec = (decValue - 32) / (9M / 5M);
33                     break;
34                 case TemperatureUnit.K:
35                     dec = decValue - 273;


Play Games
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