wframe不是控制項庫,也不是UI庫,她是一個微信小程式面向對象編程框架,代碼只有幾百行。她的主要功能是規範小程式項目的文件結構、規範應用程式初始化、規範頁面載入及授權管理的框架,當然,wframe也提供了一些封裝好了的函數庫,方便開發者調用。 wframe目前已實現的核心功能: 1. 應用程式初始 ...
1. 應用程式初始化自動從伺服器獲取配置,ajax成功後觸發ready事件;
2. 每個頁面對象可以配置是否requireLogin屬性,如果需要登錄,則每個頁面在進入ready方法之前會自動完成授權、獲取用戶信息、伺服器端登錄;
3. 完成ajax全局封裝:如果用戶已經登錄,則會自動在http-header添加token信息,如果session過期則會重新進入登錄流程;
1. _core文件夾
(a) 將此文件夾置頂;
(b) 標記此文件夾是一個特殊文件夾,本框架中還有其他地方也會用到下劃線開頭為文件夾/文件。
2. _demo文件夾
3. pages文件夾
4. app.js
5. mvcApp.js
1. app.js和Application類詳解
1 var mvcApp = require('mvcApp.js'); 2 var Application = require('_core/Application.js'); 3 4 function MvcApplication() { 5; 6 this.initUrl = ''; 7 = 'http://localhost:18007'; 8 this.confgis = { 9 host: 'http://localhost:18007', 10 cdn: '' 11 }; 12 this.mock = true; 13 this.accessToken = null; 14 this.useDefaultConfigsOnInitFailed = false; 15 }; 16 17 MvcApplication.prototype = new Application(); 18 19 MvcApplication.prototype.onInitialized = function (configs) { 20 if (configs != null && configs !== '') { 21 this.configs = JSON.parse(configs); 22 =; 23 } 24 }; 25 26 App(new MvcApplication());
1 var WebClient = require('http/WebClient.js'); 2 var AuthorizeManager = require('weixin/AuthorizeManager.js'); 3 var weixin = require('weixin.js'); 4 5 6 function Application() { 7 this.initUrl = ''; 8 = ''; 9 this.session = null; 10 this.initialized = false; 11 this.mock = false; 12 this.useDefaultConfigsOnInitFailed = false; 13 this.authorizeManager = new AuthorizeManager(); 14 this._userInfo = null; 15 this._readyHandlers = []; 16 }; 17 18 Application.prototype = { 19 onLaunch: function () { 20 var me = this; 21 if(this.initUrl === ''){ 22 throw 'please create YourOwnApplication class in app.js that inerits from Application class and provide initUrl in constructor'; 23 } 24 var client = new WebClient(); 25, null, function(result){ 26 if (result.success || me.useDefaultConfigsOnInitFailed){ 27 me.initialized = true; 28 me.onInitialized(result.success ? result.value : null); 29 me.triggerReady(); 30 } 31 else{ 32 weixin.alert('小程式初始化失敗', result.message); 33 } 34 }, '初始化中...'); 35 }, 36 onShow: function () { 37 38 }, 39 onHide: function () { 40 41 }, 42 onError: function () { 43 44 }, 45 onPageNotFound: function () { 46 47 }, 48 ready: function (callback) { 49 var me = this; 50 if (this.initialized === true) { 51 callback && callback(); 52 return; 53 } 54 this._readyHandlers.push(callback); 55 }, 56 triggerReady: function () { 57 for (var i = 0; i < this._readyHandlers.length; i++) { 58 var callback = this._readyHandlers[i]; 59 callback && callback(); 60 } 61 this._readyHandlers = []; 62 }, 63 onInitialized: function(configs){ 64 65 }, 66 getUserInfo: function(callback){ 67 var me = this; 68 if(this._userInfo != null){ 69 callback && callback(this._userInfo.userInfo); 70 return; 71 } 72 this.authorizeManager.getUserInfo(function(result){ 73 me._userInfo = result; 74 callback && callback(me._userInfo.userInfo); 75 }); 76 }, 77 getCurrentPage: function(){ 78 var pages = getCurrentPages(); 79 return pages.length > 0 ? pages[0] : null; 80 } 81 }; 82 83 module.exports = Application;
1. 應用程式初始化的時候從伺服器獲取一個配置,比如伺服器功能變數名稱(實現功能變數名稱實時切換)、CDN功能變數名稱,以及其他程式配置信息;
2. 全局存儲用戶的授權信息和登陸之後的會話信息;
3. 全局mock開關;
4. 其他快捷方法,比如獲取當前頁面等。
1. 應用程式初始化時首先從伺服器獲取客戶端配置信息;
2. 獲取完成之後會觸發onInitialized方法(在子類中覆寫)和ready方法。
2. PageBase類詳解
1 console.log("PageBae.js entered"); 2 3 const app = getApp(); 4 5 function PageBase(title) { 6 this.vm = null; 7 this.title = title; 8 this.requireLogin = true; 9 }; 10 11 PageBase.prototype = { 12 onLoad: function (options) { 13 var me = this; 14 if (this.title != null) { 15 this.setTitle(this.title); 16 } 17 this.onPreload(options); 18 app.ready(function () { 19 if (me.requireLogin && app.session == null) { 20 app.getUserInfo(function (info) { 21 me.login(info, function (session) { 22 app.session = session; 23 me.ready(options); 24 }); 25 }); 26 } 27 else { 28 me.ready(options); 29 } 30 }); 31 }, 32 ready: function (options) { 33 34 }, 35 onPreload: function(options){ 36 37 }, 38 render: function () { 39 var data = {}; 40 for (var p in this.vm) { 41 var value = this.vm[p]; 42 if (!this.vm.hasOwnProperty(p)) { 43 continue; 44 } 45 if (value == null || typeof (value) === 'function') { 46 continue; 47 } 48 if (value.__route__ != null) { 49 continue; 50 } 51 data[p] = this.vm[p]; 52 } 53 this.setData(data); 54 }, 55 go: function (url, addToHistory) { 56 if (addToHistory === false) { 57 wx.redirectTo({ url: url }); 58 } 59 else { 60 wx.navigateTo({ url: url }); 61 } 62 }, 63 goBack: function () { 64 wx.navigateBack({}); 65 }, 66 setTitle: function (title) { 67 this.title = title; 68 wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: this.title }); 69 }, 70 login: function (userInfo, callback) { 71 throw 'please implement PageBase.login method.'; 72 }, 73 getFullUrl: function () { 74 var url = this.route.indexOf('/') === 0 ? this.route : '/' + this.route; 75 var parts = []; 76 for (var p in this.options) { 77 if (this.options.hasOwnProperty(p)) { 78 parts.push(p + "=" + this.options[p]); 79 } 80 } 81 if (parts.length > 0) { 82 url += "?" + parts.join('&'); 83 } 84 return url; 85 }, 86 isCurrentPage: function(){ 87 return this === getApp().getCurrentPage(); 88 } 89 }; 90 91 PageBase.extend = function (prototypeObject) { 92 var fn = new PageBase(); 93 for (var p in prototypeObject) { 94 fn[p] = prototypeObject[p]; 95 } 96 return fn; 97 }; 98 99 module.exports = PageBase;
1. vm:即ViewModel實例,可以理解為官方文檔中的Page實例的data屬性;
2. title:頁面標題
3. requireLogin:是否需要登錄,如果設置為true,則頁面onLoad執行後自動進入登錄流程,登錄完成後才會觸發頁面的ready方法;
1. onLoad:對應官方文檔中的onLoad事件。wframe框架自動會處理requireLogin屬性,處理完成後才觸發ready方法;
2. ready:每個業務級頁面的主入口,每個業務級頁面都應該實現ready方法,而不一定實現onLoad方法;
3. onPreload:在執行onLoad之前執行的方法,不支持非同步;
4. render:非常常用的方法,功能是將ViewModel(即data)呈現到頁面上,在業務頁面中直接使用this.render()即可將更新的數據呈現出來;
5. go:頁面跳轉,相比官方的wx.navigateTo簡化了很多;
6. goBack:等於wx.navigateBack;
7. setTitle:直接設置頁面標題;
8. login:可以理解成抽象方法,必須由子類實現,在我們demo中由業務級框架中的DemoPageBase實現;
9. getFullUrl:獲取頁面完整地址,包括路徑和參數,便於直接跳轉;
10. isCurrentPage:判斷該頁面實例是否在應用程式頁面棧中處於當前頁面,主要用於setInterval函數中判斷用戶是否已離開了頁面;
3. DemoPageBase類詳解
這裡請註意同目錄的api.js文件。在我們的編碼規範中,所有ajax訪問都需要提到專門的api.js文件,通常與頁面類處於同一目錄,這是為了方便mock API。請看示例代碼:
1 var mvcApp = require('../mvcApp.js'); 2 3 var api = { 4 login: function (userInfo, code, callback) { 5 var data = mvcApp.serializeToKeyValues(userInfo) + "&code=" + code; 6 mvcApp.ajax.busyPost('/demo/api/login', data, function(result){ 7 callback(result.value); 8 }, '登陸中...', true); 9 } 10 }; 11 if (getApp().mock) { 12 var api = { 13 login: function (userInfo, code, callback) { 14 setTimeout(function(){ 15 callback({ 16 token: '98c2f1bd7beb3bef3b796a5ebf32940498cb5586ddb4a5aa8e' 17 }); 18 }, 2000); 19 } 20 }; 21 } 22 23 module.exports = api;
4. 頁面類的實現
1. IndexViewModel:該頁面的ViewModel;
2. api.js:該頁面所有ajax的封裝;
3. index.js:頁面入口;
4. index.wxml:HTML;
5. index.wxss:樣式;
1 var mvcApp = require('../../mvcApp.js'); 2 var DemoPageBase = require('../DemoPageBase.js'); 3 var IndexViewModel = require('IndexViewModel.js'); 4 5 function IndexPage() { 6, 'index'); 7 }; 8 9 IndexPage.prototype = new DemoPageBase(); 10 11 IndexPage.prototype.onPreload = function(options){ 12 this.vm = new IndexViewModel(this); 13 this.render(); 14 }; 15 16 IndexPage.prototype.ready = function () { 17 var me = this; 18 this.vm.load(); 19 }; 20 21 IndexPage.prototype.goDetails = function (e) { 22 var item =; 23 wx.navigateTo({ 24 url: '/pages/details/details?id=' + 25 }); 26 }; 27 28 Page(new IndexPage());
5. ViewModel的實現
在我們的編程思想中,ViewModel不僅僅是放數據的地方,更是封裝業務邏輯的最佳位置之一。所以我們的ViewModel會很肥(fat model),會包含相關的很多業務邏輯處理。
1 var api = require('api.js'); 2 var mvcApp = require('../../mvcApp.js'); 3 4 function IndexViewModel(page){ 5 this.users = []; 6 this.showLoading = true; 7 this.males = 0; 8 this.females = 0; 9 = page; 10 }; 11 12 IndexViewModel.prototype.load = function(){ 13 var me = this; 14 api.getUsers(function(users){ 15 me.showLoading = false; 16 me.females = users._count(function(x){ 17 return x.gender === 'female'; 18 }); 19 me.males = users._count(function (x) { 20 return x.gender === 'male'; 21 }); 22 me.users = users._orderByDescending(null, function(first, second){ 23 if(first.gender === 'male'){ 24 if(second.gender === 'male'){ 25 return first.birthYear > second.birthYear; 26 } 27 return true; 28 } 29 if(second.gender === 'female'){ 30 return first.birthYear > second.birthYear; 31 } 32 return false; 33 }); 34; 35 }); 36 }; 37 38 module.exports = IndexViewModel;
6. pages/_authorize文件夾
1 var DemoPageBase = require('../DemoPageBase.js'); 2 3 4 function AuthPage() { 5, 'auth'); 6 this.requireLogin = false; 7 }; 8 9 AuthPage.prototype = new DemoPageBase(); 10 11 AuthPage.prototype.onPreload = function (options) { 12 this.returnUrl = decodeURIComponent(options.returnUrl); 13 }; 14 15 AuthPage.prototype.onGotUserInfo = function (event) { 16 var me = this; 17 if (event.detail.userInfo == null) { 18 return; 19 } 20 var app = getApp(); 21 app._userInfo = event.detail; 22, app._userInfo.userInfo, function () { 23 me.go(me.returnUrl, false); 24 }) 25 } 26 27 Page(new AuthPage())
7. _core文件夾其他文件詳解
1. weixin.js
1 var weixin = { 2 _busyTimer: null, 3 _busyDelay: 1500, 4 toast: function (message, icon) { 5 wx.showToast({ 6 title: message, 7 icon: icon == null || icon == '' ? 'none' : icon 8 }); 9 }, 10 toastSuccess: function (message) { 11 this.toast(message, 'success'); 12 }, 13 busy: function (option, delay) { 14 clearTimeout(this._busyTimer); 15 if (option === false) { 16 wx.hideLoading(); 17 return; 18 } 19 if (delay === 0) { 20 wx.showLoading({ 21 title: option, 22 mask: true 23 }); 24 } 25 else { 26 this._busyTimer = setTimeout(function () { 27 wx.showLoading({ 28 title: option, 29 mask: true 30 }); 31 }, delay == null ? this._busyDelay : delay); 32 } 33 }, 34 alert: function (title, content, callback) { 35 content = content == undefined ? '' : content; 36 wx.showModal({ 37 title: title, 38 content: content, 39 showCancel: false, 40 confirmText: "確定", 41 success: res => { 42 callback && callback(); 43 } 44 }); 45 }, 46 confirm: function (title, content, buttons) { 47 var buttonList = []; 48 for (var p in buttons) { 49 if (buttons.hasOwnProperty(p)) { 50 buttonList.push({ 51 text: p, 52 handler: buttons[p] 53 }) 54 } 55 } 56 content = content == undefined ? '' : content; 57 wx.showModal({ 58 title: title, 59 content: content, 60 showCancel: true, 61 cancelText: buttonList[0].text, 62 confirmText: buttonList[1].text, 63 success: res => { 64 if (res.confirm) { 65 buttonList[1].handler && buttonList[1].handler(); 66 } else if (res.cancel) { 67 buttonList[0].handler && buttonList[0].handler(); 68 } 69 } 70 }); 71 } 72 }; 73 74 module.exports = weixin;View Code
2. extensions/ArrayExtensions.js
1 var ArrayExtensions = {}; 2 3 Array.prototype._each = function (func) { 4 for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { 5 var item = this[i]; 6 var result = func(i, item); 7 if (result === false) { 8 return; 9 } 10 } 11 }; 12 13 Array.prototype._sum = function (propertyOrFunc) { 14 var total = 0; 15 var isFunc = typeof (propertyOrFunc) == "function"; 16 this._each(function (i, item) { 17 if (isFunc) { 18 total += propertyOrFunc(item); 19 } else { 20 var value = item[propertyOrFunc]; 21 if (value != undefined) { 22 value = value * 1; 23 if (!isNaN(value)) { 24 total += value; 25 } 26 } 27 } 28