el.attributeStyleMap.set('padding', CSS.px(42));
const padding = el.attributeStyleMap.get('padding');
console.log(padding.value, padding.unit); // 42, 'px'
// Element styles.
el.attributeStyleMap.set('opacity', 0.3);
typeof el.attributeStyleMap.get('opacity').value === 'number' // Yay, a number!
// Stylesheet rules.
const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[0];
stylesheet.cssRules[0].styleMap.set('background', 'blue');
// All 3 of these are equivalent:
el.attributeStyleMap.set('opacity', 0.3);
el.attributeStyleMap.set('opacity', '0.3');
el.attributeStyleMap.set('opacity', CSS.number(0.3)); // see next section
// el.attributeStyleMap.get('opacity').value === 0.3
// StylePropertyMaps are iterable.
for (const [prop, val] of el.attributeStyleMap) {
console.log(prop, val.value);
// → opacity, 0.3
el.attributeStyleMap.has('opacity') // true
el.attributeStyleMap.delete('opacity') // remove opacity.
el.attributeStyleMap.clear(); // remove all styles.
if (window.CSS && CSS.number) {
// Supports CSS Typed OM.