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首先什麼是shiro? shiro是apache下麵的一個開源項目,下麵是其網站上對其的一段說明: Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, aut



Apache Shiro is a powerful and easy-to-use Java security framework that performs authentication, authorization, cryptography, and session management. With Shiro’s easy-to-understand API, you can quickly and easily secure any application – from the smallest mobile applications to the largest web and enterprise applications.

弱弱的翻譯一下:apache shiro是一個強大且易於使用的java安全框架,使用它可以進行








The Shiro framework is designed to make authentication as clean and intuitive as possible while providing a rich set of features. Below is a highlight of the Shiro authentication features.


  • Subject Based - Almost everything you do in Shiro is based on the currently executing user, called a Subject. And you can easily retrieve the Subject anywhere in your code. This makes it easier for you to understand and work with Shiro in your applications.


  • Single Method call - The authentication process is a single method call. Needing only one method call keeps the API simple and your application code clean, saving you time and effort.


  • Rich Exception Hierarchy - Shiro offers a rich exception hierarchy to offered detailed explanations for why a login failed. The hierarchy can help you more easily diagnose code bugs or customer services issues related to authentication. In addition, the richness can help you create more complex authentication functionality if needed.


  • ‘Remember Me’ built in - Standard in the Shiro API is the ability to remember your users if they return to your application. You can offer a better user experience to your them with minimal development effort

    remember me功能內置的支持:shiro中remember me功能的api可以給你應用更好的用戶體驗。

  • Pluggable data sources - Shiro uses pluggable data access objects (DAOs), called Realms, to connect to security data sources like LDAP and Active Directory. To help you avoid building and maintaining integrations yourself, Shiro provides out-of-the-box realms for popular data sources like LDAP, Active Directory, Kerberos, and JDBC. If needed, you can also create your own realms to support specific functionality not included in the basic realms.

      可 插拔的數據源-shiro使用被稱為Reamls的可插拔的數據連接對象來連接你的數據源,例如:LDAP,避免你自己去構建以及維護這些交 互,shiro內置提供了幾種常用的數據源接入機制,如果有必要,你可以自己創建特殊的Reaml來提供基礎Reamls所不支持的功能。

  • Login with one or more realms - Using Shiro, you can easily authenticate a user against one or more realms and return one unified view of their identity. In addition, you can customize the authentication process with Shiro’s notion of an authentication strategy. The strategies can be setup in configuration files so changes don’t require source code modifications– reducing complexity and maintenance effort.

      通過一個或者多個realms進行登錄認證-使用shiro可以輕易的認證一個用戶並提供一個統一的試圖,此外我們還可以定製化認   證的策略,我們可以在配置文件中進行配置而不必修改代碼。



  • Checks based on roles or permissions - Since the complexity of authorization differs greatly between applications, Shiro is designed to be flexible, supporting both role-based security and permission-based security based on your projects needs.


  • Powerful and intuitive permission syntax - As an option, Shiro provides an out-of-the-box permission syntax, called Wildcard Permissions, that help you model the fine grained access policies your application may have. By using Shiro’s Wildcard Permissions you get an easy-to-process and human readable syntax. Moreoever, you don’t have to go through the time-consuming effort and complexity of creating your own method for representing your access policies.


  • Multiple enforcement options – Authorization checks in Shiro can be done through in-code checks, JDK 1.5 annotations, AOP, and JSP/GSP Taglibs. Shiro’s goal is to give you the choice to use the option you think are best based on your preferences and project needs.


  • Strong caching support - Any of the modern open-source and/or enterprise caching products can be plugged in to Shiro to provide a fast and efficient user-experience. For authorization, caching is crucial for performance in larger environments or with more complex policies using back-end security data sources.


  • Supports any data model - Shiro can support any data model for access control– it doesn’t force a model on you. Your realm implementation ultimately decides how your permissions and roles are grouped together and whether to return a “yes” or a “no” answer to Shiro. This feature allows you to architect your application in the manner you chose and Shiro will bend to support you.




  1. Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();  


  1. AuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(username, password);  
  2. Subject.isPermitted()/checkRoles()  
  3. Subject.login(token)//登錄操作  
  4. Subject.logout()//退出登錄操作  

SecurityManager:Subject 代表某一個用戶,而SecurityManager就是對這些Subject進行管理的對象,在web項目中使用shiro的時候,我們通常在xml文件 中配置好SecurityManager對象,然後就不會跟它打太多的交道,而僅僅是訪問Subject的api.

  1. //這裡我們使用spring和shiro進行集成  
  2. <bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">  
  3.         <property name="realm" ref="shiroDbRealm" />  
  4.         <property name="cacheManager" ref="shiroEhcacheManager" />  
  5. </bean>  




  1. <filter>  
  2.     <filter-name>shiroFilter</filter-name>  
  3.     <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy</filter-class>  
  4.     <init-param>  
  5.         <param-name>targetFilterLifecycle</param-name>  
  6.         <param-value>true</param-value>  
  7.     </init-param>  
  8. </filter>  
  9. <filter-mapping>  
  10.     <filter-name>shiroFilter</filter-name>  
  11.     <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>  
  12. </filter-mapping>  

這 個時候我們可能想DelegatingFilterProxy是個什麼東東,難道這個就是shiro的入口麽?但是通過查看這個類是位於spring- web這個jar包中的,根本就不屬於shiro的一部分,那麼也不可能是shiro的入口,我們跟進去發現這個類繼承了抽象類 GenericFilterBean,而GenericFilterBean實現了Filter介面,應用程式啟動的時候應該會調用 GenericFilterBean.init()方法:該方法設置了filter的配置,另外調用了方法initFilterBean(),這個方法在 子類中進行實現。


  1. @Override  
  2.     protected void initFilterBean() throws ServletException {  
  3.         synchronized (this.delegateMonitor) {  
  4.             if (this.delegate == null) {  
  5.                 // If no target bean name specified, use filter name.  
  6.                 if (this.targetBeanName == null) {  
  7.                     this.targetBeanName = getFilterName();  
  8.                 }  
  9.                 // Fetch Spring root application context and initialize the delegate early,  
  10.                 // if possible. If the root application context will be started after this  
  11.                 // filter proxy, we'll have to resort to lazy initialization.  
  12.                 WebApplicationContext wac = findWebApplicationContext();  
  13.                 if (wac != null) {  
  14.                     this.delegate = initDelegate(wac);  
  15.                 }  
  16.             }  
  17.         }  
  18.     }  


  1. <bean id="shiroFilter" class="org.apache.shiro.spring.web.ShiroFilterFactoryBean">  
  2.         <property name="securityManager" ref="securityManager" />  
  3.         <property name="loginUrl" value="/login" />  
  4.         <property name="successUrl" value="/management/index" />  
  5.         <property name="filters">  
  6.             <map>  
  7.                 <!-- <entry key="authc" value-ref="baseFormAuthenticationFilter"/> -->  
  8.                 <!-- 是否啟用驗證碼檢驗 -->  
  9.                 <entry key="authc" value-ref="captchaFormAuthenticationFilter" />  
  10.                 <entry key="user" value-ref="dWZUserFilter" />  
  11.             </map>  
  12.         </property>  
  13.         <property name="filterChainDefinitions">  
  14.             <value>  
  15.                 /Captcha.jpg = anon  
  16.                 /styles/** = anon  
  17.                 /login/timeout = anon  
  18.                 /login = authc  
  19.                 /logout = logout  
  20.                 /** = user  
  21.             </value>  
  22.         </property>  
  23.     </bean>  


  1.     <bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">  
  2.         <property name="realm" ref="shiroDbRealm" />  
  3.                  <!--  緩存用戶的授權信息  -->  
  4.                 <property name="cacheManager" ref="shiroEhcacheManager" />  
  5.         </bean>  
  6.         <bean id="shiroEhcacheManager" class="org.apache.shiro.cache.ehcache.EhCacheManager">  
  7.                  <property name="cacheManagerConfigFile" value="classpath:ehcache/ehcache-shiro.xml" />  
  8.         </bean>  
  9.         <bean id="shiroDbRealm" class="com.mbb.ShiroDbRealm" depends-on="userDAO, userRoleDAO, moduleDAO, organizationRoleDAO,captchaService">  
  11.         </bean>  


    1. public class ShiroDbRealm extends AuthorizingRealm {  
    2.         //實現用戶的認證  
    3.         protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken authcToken) throws AuthenticationException {  
    4.              User user = userService.get(authcToken.getUsername());  
    5.              ShiroUser shiroUser = new ShiroUser(user.getId(), user.getUsername(), user);  
    6. <pre code_snippet_id="239402" snippet_file_name="blog_20140316_8_5493693" name="code" class="html">             return new SimpleAuthenticationInfo(shiroUser, user.getPassword(),ByteSource.Util.bytes(salt), getName());  
    7. </pre> }<br>  
    8. //實現用戶的鑒權<br>  
    9. protected AuthorizationInfo doGetAuthorizationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals) {<br>  
    10. Collection<?collection = principals.fromRealm(getName());<br>  
    11.         if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(collection)) {<br>  
    12.             return null;<br>  
    13.         }<br>  
    14.         ShiroUser shiroUser = (ShiroUser) collection.iterator().next();<br>  
    15.         <br>  
    16.         List<UserRoleuserRoles = userRoleService.find(shiroUser.getId());<br>  
    17.         List<OrganizationRoleorganizationRoles = organizationRoleService<br>  
    18.                 .find(shiroUser.getUser().getOrganization().getId());<br>  
    19.         <br>  
    20.         SimpleAuthorizationInfo info = new SimpleAuthorizationInfo();<br>  
    21.         info.addStringPermissions(makePermissions(userRoles, organizationRoles, shiroUser));<br>  
    22.         <br>  
    23.         return info;<br>  
    24. }<br>  
    25. }  
    26. <pre></pre>  
    27. <p></p>  
    28. <pre></pre>  
    29. <br>  
    30. <br>  
    31. <p></p>  
    32. <p><br>  
    33. </p>  
    34. <br>  
    35. <p></p>  
    36. <ul style="">  
    37. <br>  
    38. </ul>  
    39. <br>  
    40. <p></p


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