
Play Games

什麼是 Canvas?   canvas 元素用於在網頁上繪製圖形。 ...


什麼是 Canvas?

  canvas 元素用於在網頁上繪製圖形。<canvas> 元素本身並沒有繪製能力(它僅僅是圖形的容器),必須使用腳本來完成實際的繪圖任務,通常是用JavaScript在網頁上繪製圖像。canvas所在畫布是一個矩形區域,我們可以控制畫布的每一像素。canvas 擁有多種繪製路徑、矩形、圓形、字元以及添加圖像的方法。一句話說完,功能很強大,需要研究的東西很多!

創建 Canvas 元素

  在 HTML5 頁面添加 canvas 元素。規定元素的 id、和寬高:

  <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>

  Canvas 對象表示一個 HTML 畫布元素 - <canvas>。它沒有自己的行為,但是定義了一個 很多API 支持腳本化客戶端繪圖操作。

Canvas 對象的屬性

  height 屬性

    畫布的高度。和一幅圖像一樣,這個屬性可以指定為一個整數像素值或者是視窗高度的百分比。當這個值改變的時候,在該畫布上已經完成的任何繪圖都會擦除掉。預設值是 300。

  width 屬性

    畫布的寬度。和一幅圖像一樣,這個屬性可以指定為一個整數像素值或者是視窗寬度的百分比。當這個值改變的時候,在該畫布上已經完成的任何繪圖都會擦除掉。預設值是 300。



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <style type="text/css">
        canvas {
            border: 1px solid red;
            background-color: #fff;
            cursor: pointer;

        input {
            position: absolute;
            font-size: 20px;
            color: #f8b500;
            top: 18%;
            left: 9%;
            width: 100px;
            height: 30px;
            line-height: 28px;
            text-align: center;
<canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<input id="canvasText" value="">
    var canvasDrawing = {
         * 參數:type 初始化類型。arc:圓弧形;bar :柱狀圖
        init: function (type) {
            this.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");    //獲取用於canvas作圖的對象
            this.canvasEnv = this.canvas.getContext("2d");    //getContext()返回一個用於在畫布上繪圖的環境。當前唯一的合法參數值是 "2d",它指定了二維繪圖。
            this.pathr = 120;  //滑動路徑半徑
            if(type === "arc"){
                this.event();       //事件綁定初始化
                this.canvasDrawing.prototype = this; //canvasDrawing方法繼承父元素內方法
                this.ex = new this.canvasDrawing(type, 200, 200, 120);  //初始化創建實例,預設畫弧形圖
            }else {
                this.arr=[60, 90, 150, 130, 170, 190, 125, 175, 155, 165, 155, 145];
                this.ex = new this.canvasDrawing(type, 70, 280, 330, 280);  //初始化創建實例,根據type類型canvas作圖;此處為柱狀圖
        event: function () {
            this.canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMouseDown.bind(this), false);
            this.canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove.bind(this), false);
            this.canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp.bind(this), false);
         * 參數:type繪圖類型;x,y圓心位置;r內圓弧半徑;j可變圓弧結束位置,bgc圓弧顏色
        canvasDrawing: function (type, x, y, r, j, bgc) {
            if (type === "arc") {
                this.canvasEnv.clearRect(0, 0, 400, 400);
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.r = r;
                this.j = j || 0.85 * Math.PI;

                this.canvasEnv.lineWidth = 3;
                this.canvasEnv.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r + 15, Math.PI * 0.85, Math.PI * 0.15, false); // 繪製外層單弧線
                this.canvasEnv.strokeStyle = '#f8b500';

                this.canvasEnv.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, Math.PI * 0.85, this.j, false); // 可變條狀圓弧
                this.innerText = ((((this.j / Math.PI) - 0.85) * 100) / 1.3).toFixed(0);
                this.innerText = (this.innerText === "-0") ? (0) : (this.innerText);
                document.getElementById("canvasText").value = this.innerText;
                this.canvasEnv.strokeStyle = (bgc == undefined) ? (this.colorChoose(this.innerText)) : (bgc);
                this.canvasEnv.lineCap = "butt";
                this.canvasEnv.lineWidth = 20;
            } else {        //繪製柱狀圖
                this.sX = x;
                this.sY = y;
                this.eX = r;
                this.eY = j;
                this.canvasEnv.moveTo(this.sX, this.sY);
                this.canvasEnv.lineTo(this.eX, this.eY);
                for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                    var width = 10;
                    var height = this.arr[i];
                    var X = 85 + i * 20;
                    var Y = 280 - height;
                    this.canvasEnv.fillStyle = "#900b09";
                    this.canvasEnv.rect(X, Y, width, height);   //rect():創建矩形
        onMouseDown: function (event) {
            var X = this.getX(event);   //獲取滑鼠左鍵按下所在的X坐標
            var Y = this.getY(event);   //獲取滑鼠左鍵按下所在的Y坐標
            var minX = this.ex.x - 2 * this.ex.r, msXX = this.ex.x + 2 * this.ex.r;     //滑鼠按下橫向區間
            var minY = this.ex.y - 2 * this.ex.r, msXY = this.ex.y + 2 * this.ex.r;     //滑鼠按下縱向區間
            if ((minX < X && X < msXX) && (minY < Y && Y < msXY)) {   //判斷滑鼠是否在可允許區間
                this.ex.isDown = true;
            } else {
                this.ex.isDown = false;
        onMouseUp: function () {
            this.ex.isDown = false
        onMouseMove: function (event) {
            if (this.ex.isDown) {
                var coordinate = {
                    "x": this.getX(event),
                    "y": this.getY(event)
                var quadrantDoordinate = this.coordTransform(coordinate);
                if (this.check(quadrantDoordinate.x, quadrantDoordinate.y)) {
                    var co = this.getMoveto(quadrantDoordinate.x, quadrantDoordinate.y);
                    if (co == null) return;
                    this.ex.canvasDrawing("arc", this.ex.x, this.ex.y, this.ex.r, co.z);
        coordTransform: function (coordinates) {
            var target = new Object();      //象限按照數學順時針劃分
            if (coordinates.x > this.ex.x && coordinates.y > this.ex.y) {           //第一象限
                target.x = -(this.ex.x - coordinates.x);
                target.y = this.ex.y - coordinates.y;
            } else if (coordinates.x > this.ex.x && coordinates.y < this.ex.y) {      //第二象限
                target.x = -(this.ex.x - coordinates.x);
                target.y = this.ex.y - coordinates.y;
            } else if (coordinates.x < this.ex.x && coordinates.y < this.ex.y) {       //第三象限
                target.x = -(this.ex.x - coordinates.x);
                target.y = this.ex.y - coordinates.y;
            } else if (coordinates.x < this.ex.x && coordinates.y > this.ex.y) {       //第四象限
                target.x = -(this.ex.x - coordinates.x);
                target.y = this.ex.y - coordinates.y;
            return target;
        check: function (x, y) {
            var xx = x * x;
            var yy = y * y;
            var minArea = (this.ex.x - this.ex.r) * (this.ex.x - this.ex.r);    //可滑動最小區域
            var msXArea = (this.ex.x - this.ex.r / 4) * (this.ex.x - this.ex.r / 4);  //可滑動最大區域
            if (xx + yy > minArea && xx + yy < msXArea) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        getMoveto: function (x, y) {
            if (!this.ex.isDown) {
                return null;
            var temp = new Object();
            temp.o = Math.atan(y / x); //滑鼠移動點圓形角
            temp.x = this.pathr * Math.cos(temp.o);
            temp.y = this.pathr * Math.sin(temp.o);
            if (y < -60) { //坐標點處理;這裡判斷沒處理好,坐標判定有些問題,滑鼠滑動到-60上下,容易將最下麵一段圓弧也畫出來
                return null;
            if (x > 0) {  //弧度值計算
                temp.z = -Math.atan(temp.y / temp.x) + Math.PI * 2;
            } else {
                temp.z = -Math.atan(temp.y / temp.x) + Math.PI;
            if (temp.z > 6.77) {  //條狀圓弧最大值(右下角位置)
                temp.z = 6.77;
                temp.x = this.pathr * Math.cos(Math.PI * 2.05);
                temp.y = -this.pathr * Math.sin(Math.PI * 2.05);
            } else if (temp.z < 2.67) { //條狀圓弧最小值(左下角位置)
                temp.z = 2.67;
                temp.x = -this.pathr * Math.cos(Math.PI * 0.85);
                temp.y = -this.pathr * Math.sin(Math.PI * 0.85);
            return temp;
        getX: function (event) {
            return event.clientX - this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().left;
        getY: function (event) {
            return event.clientY - this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect().top;
        colorChoose: function (val) {
            var color = null;
            var marginLeftSet = document.getElementById("canvasText");
            if (val > 90) {
                color = "#FFD800";
            } else if (val > 75) {
                color = "#BF9900";
            } else if (val > 60) {
                color = "#997C00";
            } else if (val > 45) {
                color = "#725B00";
            } else if (val > 30) {
                color = "#4C3B00";
            } else if (val > 15) {
                color = "#261D00";
            } else {
                color = "#000000";
            if (val == 100) {
       = "-10px";
            } else if (val < 10) {
       = "-30px";
            } else {
       = "-20px";
            return color;
    document.getElementById("canvasText").addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
        var keyCode = window.event ? event.keyCode : event.which;
        var value = document.getElementById("canvasText").value;
        if (keyCode == 13 && (value != undefined && value != null)) {
            if (parseInt(value) <= 0) {
                value = 0;
            } else if (parseInt(value) >= 100) {
                value = 100;
            canvasDrawing.canvasDrawing("arc", 200, 200, 120, ((1.3 * parseInt(value)) / 100 + 0.85) * Math.PI, canvasDrawing.colorChoose(value));
    }, false);



Play Games
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