結論: 1、EF 查詢 比ADO慢,甚至直接報告超時錯誤,原因不詳。 2、在原生ADO.Net中 使用 參數化查詢 比 直接使用sql拼接 慢幾十倍!!! ADO.Net代碼測試 EF代碼(已捨棄) 資料庫內部測試 sqlHelper類 博客園非常蛋疼的說:字數少有150字不能發佈的首頁。 答:親, ...
1、EF 查詢 比ADO慢,甚至直接報告超時錯誤,原因不詳。
2、在原生ADO.Net中 使用 參數化查詢 比 直接使用sql拼接 慢幾十倍!!!
public List<v_yjdateggjgModel> SelectList(int yjxzqid, int ncpid, DateTime start, DateTime end) { List<v_yjdateggjgModel> list = new List<v_yjdateggjgModel>();
//第一條sql,採用參數化查詢 用時36秒 查詢1100條數據 // string sql = "select yjxzqid,ncpid,rq,sjttjg,sjpfjg,sjlsjg,ycttjg,ycpfjg,yclsjg from v_yjdateggjg where yjxzqid=@yjxzqid and ncpid=@ncpid and (rq>=@start and rq<=@end)";
//第二條 sql,採用 sql拼接 用時1.5秒 查詢 1100數據 string sql = "select yjxzqid,ncpid,rq,sjttjg,sjpfjg,sjlsjg,ycttjg,ycpfjg,yclsjg from v_yjdateggjg where yjxzqid = "+ yjxzqid + " and ncpid = "+ ncpid + " and (rq >= '"+start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")+ "' and rq <= '" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "')"; //SqlParameter[] sqlparms = new SqlParameter[] //{ // new SqlParameter("@ncpid",ncpid) , // new SqlParameter("@yjxzqid",yjxzqid), // new SqlParameter("@start",start), // new SqlParameter("@end",end), //}; using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql)) { if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { v_yjdateggjgModel info = new v_yjdateggjgModel(); info.yjxzqid = (int)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["yjxzqid"]); info.ncpid = (int)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["ncpid"]); info.rq = (DateTime)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["rq"]); info.sjttjg = (decimal?)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["sjttjg"]); info.sjpfjg = (decimal?)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["sjpfjg"]); info.sjlsjg = (decimal?)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["sjlsjg"]); info.ycttjg = (decimal?)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["ycttjg"]); info.ycpfjg = (decimal?)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["ycpfjg"]); info.yclsjg = (decimal?)SqlHelper.FromDbNull(reader["yclsjg"]); list.Add(info); } } } return list; }
// EF 查詢方式一 // var data1 = db.v_yjdateggjg.Where(d => d.yjxzqid == yjxzqid && d.ncpid == ncpid && (d.rq >= start && d.rq <= end)).ToList(); // EF 查詢方式二 // string sql = "select * from v_yjdateggjg where yjxzqid=@yjxzqid and ncpid=@ncpid and (rq>=@start and rq<=@end)"; // var sqlparms = new SqlParameter[] { // new SqlParameter("@ncpid",ncpid), // new SqlParameter("@yjxzqid",yjxzqid), // new SqlParameter("@start",start), // new SqlParameter("@end",end), //}; // var data1 = db.Database.SqlQuery<v_yjdateggjg>(sql, sqlparms).ToList();
//sql 參數化查詢 1100條數據 3秒
declare @yjxzqid int =9; declare @ncpid int= 35; declare @start datetime = '2014-5-1'; declare @end datetime='2017-5-1'; select yjxzqid,ncpid,rq,sjttjg,sjpfjg,sjlsjg,ycttjg,ycpfjg,yclsjg from v_yjdateggjg where yjxzqid=@yjxzqid and ncpid=@ncpid and (rq>=@start and rq<=@end) // sql拼接 1100條 1秒 select yjxzqid,ncpid,rq,sjttjg,sjpfjg,sjlsjg,ycttjg,ycpfjg,yclsjg from v_yjdateggjg where yjxzqid=9 and ncpid=35 and (rq>'2014-5-1' and rq<'2017-5-1')
v_yjdateggjg 視圖內部sql語句
SELECT dbo.v_yjdatejg.yjxzqid, dbo.datalocation.cjdd AS yjxzqname, dbo.v_yjdatejg.ncpid, dbo.products.ncpmc, dbo.v_yjdatejg.rq, dbo.v_yjdatealljg.ttjg AS sjttjg, dbo.v_yjdatealljg.pfjg AS sjpfjg, dbo.v_yjdatealljg.lsjg AS sjlsjg, dbo.v_yjdateycjg.ttjg AS ycttjg, dbo.v_yjdateycjg.pfjg AS ycpfjg, dbo.v_yjdateycjg.lsjg AS yclsjg FROM dbo.v_yjdatejg INNER JOIN dbo.datalocation ON dbo.v_yjdatejg.yjxzqid = dbo.datalocation.id INNER JOIN dbo.products ON dbo.v_yjdatejg.ncpid = dbo.products.id LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_yjdateycjg ON dbo.v_yjdatejg.yjxzqid = dbo.v_yjdateycjg.yjxzqid AND dbo.v_yjdatejg.ncpid = dbo.v_yjdateycjg.ncpid AND dbo.v_yjdatejg.rq = dbo.v_yjdateycjg.ycrq LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.v_yjdatealljg ON dbo.v_yjdatejg.yjxzqid = dbo.v_yjdatealljg.yjxzqid AND dbo.v_yjdatejg.ncpid = dbo.v_yjdatealljg.ncpid AND dbo.v_yjdatejg.rq = dbo.v_yjdatealljg.cjrq
public static class SqlHelper { private static readonly string conStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["lyc2ConnString"].ConnectionString; //insert delete update public static int ExecuteNonQuery(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { if (pms != null) { cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } con.Open(); return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } //返回單個值 public static object ExecuteScalar(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { if (pms != null) { cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } con.Open(); return cmd.ExecuteScalar(); } } } //執行返回DataReader public static SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conStr); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { if (pms != null) { cmd.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } //con.Open(); try { if (con.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { con.Open(); } return cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); } catch { con.Close(); con.Dispose(); throw; } } } //查詢多行 public static DataTable ExecuteDataTable(string sql, params SqlParameter[] pms) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, conStr)) { if (pms != null) { adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddRange(pms); } adapter.Fill(dt); } return dt; } /// <summary> /// 將DbNull轉換成null /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object FromDbNull(object obj) { if (obj == DBNull.Value) { return null; } else { return obj; } } /// <summary> /// 將null轉換成DbNull /// </summary> /// <param name="obj"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static object ToDbNull(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return DBNull.Value; } else { return obj; } } } }