Spark Structured Streaming框架(4)之視窗管理詳解

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1. 結構 1.1 概述 Structured Streaming組件滑動視窗功能由三個參數決定其功能:視窗時間、滑動步長和觸發時間. 視窗時間:是指確定數據操作的長度; 滑動步長:是指視窗每次向前移動的時間長度; 觸發時間:是指Structured Streaming將數據寫入外部DataStre ...

1. 結構

1.1 概述

  Structured Streaming組件滑動視窗功能由三個參數決定其功能:視窗時間、滑動步長和觸發時間.

  • 視窗時間:是指確定數據操作的長度;
  • 滑動步長:是指視窗每次向前移動的時間長度;
  • 觸發時間:是指Structured Streaming將數據寫入外部DataStreamWriter的時間間隔。

圖 11

1.2 API

  用戶管理Structured Streaming的視窗功能,可以分為兩步完成:

1) 定義視窗和滑動步長


def window(timeColumn:Column, windowDuratiion:String, slideDuration:String):Column ={

window(timeColumn, windowDuration, slideDuration, "0" second)


  • timecolumn:具有時間戳的列;
  • windowDuration:為視窗的時間長度;
  • slideDuration:為滑動的步長;
  • return:返回的數據類型是Column
2) 設置

  Structured Streaming在通過readStream對象的load方法載入數據後,悔返回一個DataFrame對象(Dataset[T]類型)。所以用戶將上述定義的Column對象傳遞給DataFrame對象,從而就實現了視窗功能的設置。


def select (cols:Column*):DataFrame = withPlan{



def groupBy(cols:Column*):RelationGroupedDataset={

RelationGroupedDataset(toDF(),, RelationGroupedDataset.GroupByType)


1.3 類型

  如上述介紹的Structured Streaming API,根據Dataset提供的方法,我們可以將其分為兩類:

  1. 聚合操作:是指具有對數據進行組合操作的方法,如groupBy方法;
  2. 非聚合操作:是指普通的數據操作方法,如select方法



2. 聚合操作

2.1 操作方法

  聚合操作是指接收到的數據DataFrame先進行groupBy等操作,器操作的特征是返回RelationGroupedDataset類型的數據。若Structured Streaming存在的聚合操作,那麼輸出形式必須為"complete",否則程式會出現異常。


Import spark.implicits._

Val words = … // streaming DataFrame of schema{timestamp:timestamp, word:String}

val windowedCounts = words.groupBy(

window($"timestamp","10 minutes","5 minutes"),



2.2 example

  本例是Spark程式自帶的example,其功能是接收socket數據,在接受socket數據,在接受完數據後將數據按空格" "進行分割;然後統計每個單詞出現的次數;最後按時間戳排序輸出。


package org.apache.spark.examples.sql.streaming


import java.sql.Timestamp


import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._



* Counts words in UTF8 encoded, '\n' delimited text received from the network over a

* sliding window of configurable duration. Each line from the network is tagged

* with a timestamp that is used to determine the windows into which it falls.


* Usage: StructuredNetworkWordCountWindowed <hostname> <port> <window duration>

* [<slide duration>]

* <hostname> and <port> describe the TCP server that Structured Streaming

* would connect to receive data.

* <window duration> gives the size of window, specified as integer number of seconds

* <slide duration> gives the amount of time successive windows are offset from one another,

* given in the same units as above. <slide duration> should be less than or equal to

* <window duration>. If the two are equal, successive windows have no overlap. If

* <slide duration> is not provided, it defaults to <window duration>.


* To run this on your local machine, you need to first run a Netcat server

* `$ nc -lk 9999`

* and then run the example

* `$ bin/run-example sql.streaming.StructuredNetworkWordCountWindowed

* localhost 9999 <window duration in seconds> [<slide duration in seconds>]`


* One recommended <window duration>, <slide duration> pair is 10, 5


object StructuredNetworkWordCountWindowed {


def main(args: Array[String]) {

if (args.length < 3) {

System.err.println("Usage: StructuredNetworkWordCountWindowed <hostname> <port>" +

" <window duration in seconds> [<slide duration in seconds>]")




val host = args(0)

val port = args(1).toInt

val windowSize = args(2).toInt

val slideSize = if (args.length == 3) windowSize else args(3).toInt

if (slideSize > windowSize) {

System.err.println("<slide duration> must be less than or equal to <window duration>")


val windowDuration = s"$windowSize seconds"

val slideDuration = s"$slideSize seconds"


val spark = SparkSession





import spark.implicits._


// Create DataFrame representing the stream of input lines from connection to host:port

val lines = spark.readStream


.option("host", host)

.option("port", port)

.option("includeTimestamp", true) //輸出內容包括時間戳



// Split the lines into words, retaining timestamps

val words =[(String, Timestamp)].flatMap(line =>

line._1.split(" ").map(word => (word, line._2))

).toDF("word", "timestamp")


// Group the data by window and word and compute the count of each group


val windowedCounts = words.groupBy(

window($"timestamp", windowDuration, slideDuration), $"word"



// Start running the query that prints the windowed word counts to the console


val query = windowedCounts.writeStream



.option("truncate", "false")







3. 非聚合操作

3.1 操作方法

  非聚合操作是指接收到的數據DataFrame進行select等操作,其操作的特征是返回Dataset類型的數據。若Structured Streaming進行非聚合操作,那麼輸出形式必須為"append",否則程式會出現異常。若spark 2.1.1 版本則輸出形式開可以是"update"。

3.2 example

  本例功能只是簡單地將接收到的數據保持原樣輸出,不進行任何其它操作。只是為了觀察Structured Streaming的視窗功能。如下所示:

object StructuredNetworkWordCountWindowed {


def main(args: Array[String]) {

if (args.length < 3) {

System.err.println("Usage: StructuredNetworkWordCountWindowed <hostname> <port>" +

" <window duration in seconds> [<slide duration in seconds>]")




val host = args(0)

val port = args(1).toInt

val windowSize = args(2).toInt

val slideSize = if (args.length == 3) windowSize else args(3).toInt

    val triggerTime = args(4).toInt

if (slideSize > windowSize) {

System.err.println("<slide duration> must be less than or equal to <window duration>")


val windowDuration = s"$windowSize seconds"

val slideDuration = s"$slideSize seconds"


val spark = SparkSession





import spark.implicits._


// Create DataFrame representing the stream of input lines from connection to host:port

val lines = spark.readStream


.option("host", host)

.option("port", port)

.option("includeTimestamp", true)



    val wordCounts:DataFrame =$"timestamp",windowDuration,slideDuration),$"value")



// Start running the query that prints the windowed word counts to the console

val query = wordCounts.writeStream



     .trigger(ProcessingTime(s"$triggerTime seconds"))

.option("truncate", "false")






#nc –lk 9999







#spark-submit –class structuredNetWordCount ./sparkStreaming.jar localhost 9999 3 2 1




|window |value|

|[2017-05-16 11:14:15.0,2017-05-16 11:14:19.0]|1 |

|[2017-05-16 11:14:15.0,2017-05-16 11:14:19.0]|2 |





|window |value|

|[2017-05-16 11:14:15.0,2017-05-16 11:14:19.0]|3 |

|[2017-05-16 11:14:18.0,2017-05-16 11:14:22.0]|3 |

|[2017-05-16 11:14:18.0,2017-05-16 11:14:22.0]|4 |





|window |value|

|[2017-05-16 11:14:18.0,2017-05-16 11:14:22.0]|5 |

|[2017-05-16 11:14:18.0,2017-05-16 11:14:22.0]|6 |

|[2017-05-16 11:14:21.0,2017-05-16 11:14:25.0]|6 |



4. 參考文獻

[1]. Structured Streaming Programming Guide. [2]. Kafka Integration Guide.



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