學了面向對象三大特性繼承,多態,封裝。今天我們看看面向對象的一些進階內容,反射和一些類的內置函數。 ...
class Foo: pass class Son(Foo): pass s = Son() #判斷一個對象是不是這個類的對象,傳兩個參數(對象,類) print(isinstance(s,Son)) print(isinstance(s,Foo)) #type更精準 print(type(s) is Son) print(type(s) is Foo) #判斷一個類是不是另一類的子類,傳兩個參數(子類,父類) print(issubclass(Son,Foo)) print(issubclass(Son,object)) print(issubclass(Foo,object)) print(issubclass(int,object))

class Foo: def __init__(self): self.name = 'egon' self.age = 73 def func(self): print(123) egg = Foo() #常用: #hasattr #getattr # print(hasattr(egg,'name')) print(getattr(egg,'name')) if hasattr(egg,'func'): #返回bool Foo_func = getattr(egg,'func') #如果存在這個方法或者屬性,就返回屬性值或者方法的記憶體地址 #如果不存在,報錯,因此要配合hasattr使用 Foo_func() #不常用: #setattr # setattr(egg,'sex','屬性值') # print(egg.sex) # def show_name(self): # print(self.name + ' sb') # setattr(egg,'sh_name',show_name) # egg.sh_name(egg) # show_name(egg) # egg.sh_name() #delattr # delattr(egg,'name') # print(egg.name) # print(egg.name) # egg.func() # print(egg.__dict__) #反射 #可以用字元串的方式去訪問對象的屬性、調用對象的方法反射舉例1

class Foo: f = 123 #類變數 @classmethod def class_method_demo(cls): print('class_method_demo') @staticmethod def static_method_demo(): print('static_method_demo') # if hasattr(Foo,'f'): # print(getattr(Foo,'f')) print(hasattr(Foo,'class_method_demo')) method = getattr(Foo,'class_method_demo') method() print(hasattr(Foo,'static_method_demo')) method2 = getattr(Foo,'static_method_demo') method2() #類也是對象反射舉例2

import my_module # print(hasattr(my_module,'test')) # # func_test = getattr(my_module,'test') # # func_test() # getattr(my_module,'test')() #import其他模塊應用反射 from my_module import test def demo1(): print('demo1') import sys print(__name__) #'__main__' print(sys.modules) #'__main__': <module '__main__' from 'D:/Python代碼文件存放目錄/S6/day26/6反射3.py'> module_obj =sys.modules[__name__] #sys.modules['__main__'] # module_obj : <module '__main__' from 'D:/Python代碼文件存放目錄/S6/day26/6反射3.py'> print(module_obj) print(hasattr(module_obj,'demo1')) getattr(module_obj,'demo1')() #在本模塊中應用反射反射舉例3

#對象 #類 #模塊 : 本模塊和導入的模塊 def register(): print('register') def login(): pass def show_shoppinglst(): pass # print('註冊,登錄') ret = input('歡迎,請輸入您要做的操作: ') import sys print(sys.modules) # my_module = sys.modules[__name__] # if hasattr(my_module,ret): # getattr(my_module,ret)() if ret == '註冊': register() elif ret == '登錄': login() elif ret == 'shopping': show_shoppinglst()反射舉例4

def test(): print('test')my_module(第三個例子用到的模塊)
class Foo: def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def __str__(self): return '%s obj info in str'%self.name def __repr__(self): return 'obj info in repr' f = Foo('egon') # print(f) print('%s'%f) print('%r'%f) print(repr(f)) # f.__repr__() print(str(f)) #當列印一個對象的時候,如果實現了str,列印中的返回值 #當str沒有被實現的時候,就會調用repr方法 #但是當你用字元串格式化的時候 %s和%r會分別去調用__str__和__repr__ #不管是在字元串格式化的時候還是在列印對象的時候,repr方法都可以作為str方法的替補 #但反之不行 #用於友好的表示對象。如果str和repr方法你只能實現一個:先實現repr
class Foo: def __del__(self): print('執行我啦') f = Foo() print(123) print(123) print(123) #析構方法,當對象在記憶體中被釋放時,自動觸發執行。 #註:此方法一般無須定義,因為Python是一門高級語言,程式員在使用時無需關心記憶體的分配和釋放,因為此工作都是交給Python解釋器來執行,所以,析構函數的調用是由解釋器在進行垃圾回收時自動觸發執行的。
class Foo: def __init__(self): self.name = 'egon' self.age = 73 def __getitem__(self, item): return self.__dict__[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # print(key,value) self.__dict__[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.__dict__[key] f = Foo() print(f['name']) print(f['age']) f['name'] = 'alex' # del f['name'] print(f.name) f1 = Foo() print(f == f1)
# class A: # def __init__(self): #有一個方法在幫你創造self # print('in init function') # self.x = 1 # # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # print('in new function') # return object.__new__(A, *args, **kwargs) # a = A() # b = A() # c = A() # d = A() # print(a,b,c,d) #單例模式 class Singleton: def __new__(cls, *args, **kw): if not hasattr(cls, '_instance'): cls._instance = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kw) return cls._instance one = Singleton() two = Singleton() three = Singleton() go = Singleton() print(one,two) one.name = 'alex' print(two.name)
class Foo: def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print('__call__') obj = Foo() # 執行 __init__ obj() # 執行 __call__ Foo()() # 執行 __init__和執行 __call__ #構造方法的執行是由創建對象觸發的,即:對象 = 類名() ;而對於 __call__ 方法的執行是由對象後加括弧觸發的,即:對象() 或者 類()()
class Foo: def __len__(self): return len(self.__dict__) def __hash__(self): print('my hash func') return hash(self.name) f = Foo() print(len(f)) f.name = 'egon' print(len(f)) print(hash(f))
class A: def __init__(self): self.a = 1 self.b = 2 def __eq__(self,obj): if self.a == obj.a and self.b == obj.b: return True a = A() b = A() print(a == b) #__eq__控制著==的結果

class FranchDeck: ranks = [str(n) for n in range(2,11)] + list('JQKA') suits = ['紅心','方板','梅花','黑桃'] def __init__(self): self._cards = [Card(rank,suit) for rank in FranchDeck.ranks for suit in FranchDeck.suits] def __len__(self): return len(self._cards) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._cards[item] deck = FranchDeck() print(deck[0]) from random import choice print(choice(deck)) print(choice(deck))紙牌游戲

class FranchDeck: ranks = [str(n) for n in range(2,11)] + list('JQKA') suits = ['紅心','方板','梅花','黑桃'] def __init__(self): self._cards = [Card(rank,suit) for rank in FranchDeck.ranks for suit in FranchDeck.suits] def __len__(self): return len(self._cards) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._cards[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._cards[key] = value deck = FranchDeck() print(deck[0]) from random import choice print(choice(deck)) print(choice(deck)) from random import shuffle shuffle(deck) print(deck[:5])紙牌游戲2

class Person: def __init__(self,name,age,sex): self.name = name self.age = age self.sex = sex def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name+self.sex) def __eq__(self, other): if self.name == other.name and other.sex == other.sex:return True p_lst = [] for i in range(84): p_lst.append(Person('egon',i,'male')) print(p_lst) print(set(p_lst)) #只要姓名和年齡相同就預設為一人去重去重