怎樣查詢兩個表中同一欄位的不同數據值 例如: A表中的欄位a有40000條數據B表中的欄位a有60000條數據,其中的40000條數據跟A表是一樣的怎樣能把那不一樣的20000條數據查詢出來啊? --建表table1,table2: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 create table ta ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
create table table1(id int , name varchar (10));
create table table2(id int ,score int );
insert into table1 select '1' , 'lee' ;
insert into table1 select '2' , 'zhang' ;
insert into table1 select '3' , 'steve' ;
insert into table1 select '4' , 'wang' ;
insert into table2 select '1' , '90' ;
insert into table2 select '2' , '100' ;
insert into table2 select '3' , '70' ;
id name
1 lee
2 zhang
3 steve
4 wang
id score
1 90
2 100
3 70
(1)左向外聯接的結果集包括 left outer 子句中指定的左表的所有行,而不僅僅是聯接列所匹配的行。如果左表的某行在右表中沒有匹配行,則在相關聯的結果集行中右表的所有選擇列表列均為空值(null)。
1 |
select * from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on t1.id = t2.id
id name id score
1 lee 1 90
2 zhang 2 100
3 steve 3 70
4 wang null null
1 |
select * from table1 t1 left join table2 t2 on t1.id = t2.id WHERE t2.id is null
id name id score
4 wang null null
1 |
select userid from bbscs_role_user where roleid = 'sales'
# ---> 11條記錄
1 |
select refid from bbscs_sales_income_stat where type = 4 and month = '2012-02' and amount != 0
# ---> 4條記錄
##########這個是SQL語句模型 BEGIN##########
1 |
select * from b t2 left join a t1 on t1.a1 = t2.b1 WHERE t1.a1 is null
#########這個是SQL語句模型 END############
說明:左表是數據多的那個表(基準表如b表)。left join查詢。where條件是右邊的那個表(a表)某個欄位(a1)為Null作為(判斷欄位)
1 2 3 |
select * from ( select userid from bbscs_role_user where roleid = 'sales' ) t2 left
join ( select refid from bbscs_sales_income_stat where type = 4 and month = '2012-02'
and amount != 0) t1 on t2.userid = t1.refid WHERE t1.refid is null
# --->7條記錄
##SQL語句,mysql 查詢兩個表中不同的值(主要是差值) 這個語句查詢還是存在問題。
1 2 |
select t1.Userid from bbscs_role_user t1 left join bbscs_sales_income_stat t2 on t1.userid = t2.refid
and t1.roleid = 'sales' and t2.type = 4 and t2. month = '2012-02' and t2.amount != 0 where t2.id is null ;
# --->18條記錄
1 2 |
select t1.Userid from bbscs_role_user t1 left join bbscs_sales_income_stat t2 on t1.userid = t2.refid
and t1.roleid = 'sales' and t2.type = 4 and t2. month = '2012-02' and t2.amount != 0 and t2.id is null
##where or and 區別
# --->22條記錄
1 2 3 |
select t4.userid from ( select * from ( select userid from bbscs_role_user where roleid = 'sales' ) t2 left join
( select refid from bbscs_sales_income_stat where type = 4 and month = '2012-02' and amount != 0) t1 on
t2.userid = t1.refid WHERE t1.refid is null ) t3, bbscs_org_user t4 where t3.userid = t4.userid order by orgId