PFold.js是一款摺疊紙片插件,支持定義摺疊紙牌數量、摺疊動畫效果、摺疊方向,而且還支持摺疊結束後回調方法。 線上實例 使用方法 複製 複製 參數詳解 方法Method 下載 ...
效果一 | 效果二 | 效果三 |
- <div id="uc-container" class="uc-container">
- <div class="uc-initial-content">
- <span class="clickme">點擊我</span>
- </div>
- <div class="uc-final-content">
- <div class="scrollwrap">
- <h3>Dear Sucaihuo,</h3>
- <p>I just wanted to let you know that you left the garage door open and all the monkeys could get away! Great job! How often did I tell you <span>NOT</span> to forget to close it. On top of all that you also left the gate open and now they are literally in the wild! Anyway, just wated to say <span>THANKS</span> for that!</p><p class="signature">Yours, Barbara</p>
- </div>
- <span class="close">x</span>
- </div>
- </div>
- var $container = $('#uc-container'),
- pfold = $('#uc-container').pfold({
- easing: 'ease-in-out',
- folds: 3,
- folddirection: ['left', 'bottom', 'right']
- });
- $container.find('span.clickme').on('click', function() {
- pfold.unfold();
- }).end().find('span.close').on('click', function() {
- pfold.fold();
- });
參數 | 描述 | 預設值 |
perspective | 透視度 | 1200 |
speed | 打開紙卡速度 | 450 |
easing | 動畫效果 | linear |
folddelay | 摺疊延遲時間 | 0 |
folds | 摺疊次數 | 2 |
folddirection | 摺疊方向順序 | ['right','top'] |
overlays | 遮蓋物 | true |
centered | 是否居中 | false |
containerSpeedFactor | [0 - 1] specify a different speed for the container's translation | 1 |
containerEasing | easing for the container transition this is only valid if centered is true | linear |
方法Method |
onEndFolding | onEndFolding : function() { return false; } | - |
onEndUnfolding | onEndUnfolding : function() { return false; } | - |