
Play Games

今年3月份開始,就接到通知, 根據《關於開展有關人群第二劑次脊髓灰質炎滅活疫苗補種工作的通知》國疾控衛免發〔2024〕1號文件要求,在2016年3月1日至2019年9月30日之間出生的兒童,凡無接種禁忌者,需補齊2劑次脊髓灰質炎滅活疫苗。由於我家一直是異地打針【在外漂打工,懂的都懂】,疫苗本上信息又 ...

        今年3月份開始,就接到通知, 根據《關於開展有關人群第二劑次脊髓灰質炎滅活疫苗補種工作的通知》國疾控衛免發〔2024〕1號文件要求,在2016年3月1日至2019年9月30日之間出生的兒童,凡無接種禁忌者,需補齊2劑次脊髓灰質炎滅活疫苗。由於我家一直是異地打針【在外漂打工,懂的都懂】,疫苗本上信息又特別有限【吐槽-六七年前的疫苗本缺陷太大了:無廠家,無備註是否口服,無備註是滅活還是減毒】,上周去打針被問及6年前的第一針是註射還是口服,瞬間被問住了,記得3年前幼兒園入學前的打針就已經被工作人員問過一次了,問脊髓灰質炎疫苗第二、三針是註射還是口服的,甲肝疫苗是活疫苗還是滅活疫苗。。。





<!-- hutool工具類-->




 * 獲取疫苗批次
 * @author zhaokk
 * @since 2024/5/26
public class GetVaccinBatch {

    public static String BASE_URL = "";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        String[] listUrlArray = {

        MongoDbUtils.connect("mongodb://", "vaccin-batch");
        for (String listUrl : listUrlArray) {
            Document document = Jsoup.connect(BASE_URL+listUrl).get();
            Elements aList ="table tr td > a");

            for (int i = aList.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                Element a = aList.get(i);
                String atext = a.text();
                String ahref = a.attr("href");
                String publishDateStr = atext.substring(atext.length()-11, atext.length()-1);
                System.out.println(atext + ":" + ahref);
                System.out.println("公佈日期:" + publishDateStr);

                org.bson.Document saveLogDoc = new org.bson.Document();
                saveLogDoc.append("notice_list_url", BASE_URL+listUrl);
                saveLogDoc.append("notice_detail_url", BASE_URL+ahref);
                saveLogDoc.append("notice_title", atext);
                List<org.bson.Document> saveLogList = MongoDbUtils.findBy("vaccin-batch-savelog", saveLogDoc);
                    System.out.println(BASE_URL+ahref + "【"+ atext + "】已存在,跳過");

                viewDetail(BASE_URL+ahref, atext);
                saveLogDoc.append("publish_date", publishDateStr);
                MongoDbUtils.insert("vaccin-batch-savelog", saveLogDoc);



    public static void viewDetail(String noticeDetailUrl, String noticeTitle) throws IOException {
//        Document document = Jsoup.connect(noticeDetailUrl).get();
        Connection.Response resp = Jsoup.connect(noticeDetailUrl)
        String htmlStr = new String(resp.bodyAsBytes());

        Document document = Jsoup.parse(htmlStr);
        Elements theadList ="table thead tr");
        if(theadList.isEmpty() || theadList.size() != 2){
            throw new RuntimeException("未解析到信息");
        Elements theadCols = theadList.get(1).select("td");

        Elements tbodyList ="table thead + tbody tr");
            throw new RuntimeException("未解析到信息");
        for (Element row : tbodyList) {
            Elements cols ="td");
            if(cols.size() != theadCols.size()){
//                break;
                throw new RuntimeException("未解析到正確的信息");

            org.bson.Document mongoDoc = new org.bson.Document();
            for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) {
                String key = FieldEnum.getName(theadCols.get(i).text());
                mongoDoc.append(key, cols.get(i).text());
            mongoDoc.append("notice_title", noticeTitle);
            mongoDoc.append("notice_detail_url", noticeDetailUrl);
            MongoDbUtils.insert("vaccin-batch", mongoDoc);


 * @author zhaokk
 * @since 2024/5/26
public enum FieldEnum {

    PRODUCT_NAME("產品名稱", "product_name"),
    SPEC("規格", "spec"),
    BATCH_NO("批號", "batch_no"),
    QUANTITY("簽發量", "quantity"),
    VALID_DATE("有效期至", "valid_date"),
    PRODUCER("生產企業", "producer"),
    PRODUCER_ORG("上市許可持有人", "producer"),
    CHECK_NO("收檢編號", "check_no"),
    CERT_NO("證書編號", "cert_no"),
    REPORT_NO("報告編號", "report_no"),
    SIGN_DATE("簽發日期", "sign_date"),
    SIGN_REMARK("簽髮結論", "sign_remark"),
    SIGN_ORG("批簽發機構", "sign_org")

    private String remark;
    private String name;

    FieldEnum(String remark, String name) {
        this.remark = remark; = name;

    public static String getName(String remark){
        for(FieldEnum value : FieldEnum.values()){
                return value.getName();
        return null;

    public String getRemark() {
        return remark;

    public void setRemark(String remark) {
        this.remark = remark;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

再搭配一道菜mogodb Util,不用跑什麼tomcat,運行main函數直接就是開乾,最後通過Navicat等工具連上隨意檢索。


import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.MongoWriteException;
import com.mongodb.client.*;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;
import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;
import com.mongodb.client.result.UpdateResult;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.conversions.Bson;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * MongoDb 操作類
 * @author zhaokui
 * 2018年1月31日 
public class MongoDbUtils {
   private static MongoDatabase db;
     * 鏈接資料庫 
     * @param uri
     *            主機名 + 埠號
     * @param databaseName 
     *            資料庫名稱 
    public static void connect(String uri, String databaseName) {
        MongoClient client = MongoClients.create(uri);
        db = client.getDatabase(databaseName);  
    public static MongoCollection<Document> getCollection(String collectionName){
       return db.getCollection(collectionName);
     * 插入一個文檔 
     * @param document 
     *            文檔 
    public static void insert(String collectionName, Document document) {  
     * 插入一個文檔 
     * @param document 
     *            文檔 
    public static void insertv2(String collectionName, Document document) throws Exception {  
          }catch(MongoWriteException e) {
     * 查找對象 - 根據主鍵_id
     * @param collectionName
     * @param id
     * @return
    public static Document findById(String collectionName, String id) {
        ObjectId _idobj = null;
        try {
            _idobj = new ObjectId(id);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        Document myDoc = getCollection(collectionName).find(Filters.eq("_id", _idobj)).first();
        return myDoc;
     * 查詢所有文檔 
     * @return 所有文檔集合 
    public static List<Document> findAll(String collectionName) {  
        List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        FindIterable<Document> iterables = getCollection(collectionName).find();  
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = iterables.iterator();  
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
     * 查詢所有文檔 
     * @return 所有文檔集合 
    public static List<Document> findAll(String collectionName, Bson orderBy) {  
        List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        FindIterable<Document> iterables = getCollection(collectionName).find().sort(orderBy);  
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = iterables.iterator();  
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
     * 根據條件查詢 
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 //註意Bson的幾個實現類,BasicDBObject, BsonDocument, 
     *            BsonDocumentWrapper, CommandResult, Document, RawBsonDocument 
     * @return 返回集合列表 
    public static List<Document> findBy(String collectionName, Bson filter) {  
        List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        FindIterable<Document> iterables = getCollection(collectionName).find(filter);
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = iterables.iterator();  
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
     * 根據條件查詢 + 排序
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 //註意Bson的幾個實現類,BasicDBObject, BsonDocument, 
     *            BsonDocumentWrapper, CommandResult, Document, RawBsonDocument 
     * @return 返回集合列表 
    public static List<Document> findBy(String collectionName, Bson filter, Bson orderBy) {  
        List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        FindIterable<Document> iterables = getCollection(collectionName).find(filter).sort(orderBy);  
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = iterables.iterator();  
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
    public static List<Document> findBy(String collectionName, Bson filter, Bson orderBy, int pageSize) {  
        List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        FindIterable<Document> iterables = getCollection(collectionName).find(filter).sort(orderBy).limit(pageSize);  
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = iterables.iterator();  
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
    /** 統計數 */
    public static long getCount(String collectionName, Bson filter) {
        return getCollection(collectionName).countDocuments(filter);
    /** 分頁查詢 */
    public static List<Document> findByPage(String collectionName, Bson filter, int pageNo, int pageSize) {
       List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        Bson orderBy = new BasicDBObject("_id", -1);
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = getCollection(collectionName).find(filter).sort(orderBy).skip((pageNo - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize).iterator();
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
    /** 分頁查詢+排序 */
    public static List<Document> findByPage(String collectionName, Bson filter, Bson orderBy, int pageNo, int pageSize) {
       List<Document> results = new ArrayList<Document>();  
        MongoCursor<Document> cursor = getCollection(collectionName).find(filter).sort(orderBy).skip((pageNo - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize).iterator();
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {  
        return results;  
     * 更新查詢到的第一個 
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 
     * @param update 
     *            更新文檔 
     * @return 更新結果 
    public static UpdateResult updateOne(String collectionName, Bson filter, Bson update) {  
        UpdateResult result = getCollection(collectionName).updateOne(filter, update);  
        return result;  
     * 更新查詢到的所有的文檔 
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 
     * @param update 
     *            更新文檔 
     * @return 更新結果 
    public static UpdateResult updateMany(String collectionName, Bson filter, Bson update) {  
        UpdateResult result = getCollection(collectionName).updateMany(filter, update);  
        return result;  
     * FIXME
     * @param collectionName
     * @param id
     * @param newdoc
     * @return
    public static Document updateById(String collectionName, String id, Document newdoc) {
        ObjectId _idobj = null;
        try {
            _idobj = new ObjectId(id);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
        Bson filter = Filters.eq("_id", _idobj);
        // coll.replaceOne(filter, newdoc); // 完全替代
        getCollection(collectionName).updateOne(filter, new Document("$set", newdoc));
        return newdoc;
     * 更新一個文檔, 結果是replacement是新文檔,老文檔完全被替換 
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 
     * @param replacement 
     *            跟新文檔 
    public static void replace(String collectionName, Bson filter, Document replacement) {  
        getCollection(collectionName).replaceOne(filter, replacement);  
     * 根據條件刪除一個文檔 
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 
    public static void deleteOne(String collectionName, Bson filter) {  
     * 根據條件刪除多個文檔 
     * @param filter 
     *            查詢條件 
    public static void deleteMany(String collectionName, Bson filter) {  
     * 通過ID刪除
     * @param collectionName
     * @param id
     * @return
    public static long deleteById(String collectionName, String id) {
       long count = 0;
        ObjectId _id = null;
        try {
            _id = new ObjectId(id);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return 0;
        Bson filter = Filters.eq("_id", _id);
        DeleteResult deleteResult = getCollection(collectionName).deleteOne(filter);
        count = deleteResult.getDeletedCount();
        return count;






Play Games
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    Play Games
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