
Play Games

摘要:通過2個實例場景講解GaussDB(DWS)運維解決方案。 本文分享自華為雲社區《GaussDB(DWS)運維 -- 基表統計信息估算不准的常見場景及處理方案》,作者:譡里個檔。 場景1:基表過濾欄位存在的隱式類型時,基表行數估算偏小 這種場景絕大部分場景DWS能夠處理,但是如果隱式類型轉後的 ...


本文分享自華為雲社區《GaussDB(DWS)運維 -- 基表統計信息估算不准的常見場景及處理方案》,作者:譡里個檔。




SELECT * FROM dmgrpdi.dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f WHERE period_id=202212 AND source_flag=1;


                                                    QUERY PLAN
  id |                            operation                             | E-rows | E-memory | E-width |  E-costs
 1 | -> Row Adapter                                                  | 14160 | | 717 | 680025.43
 2 | ->  Vector Streaming (type: GATHER) | 14160 | | 717 | 680025.43
 3 | ->  Vector Partition Iterator                              | 14160 | 1MB      | 717 | 678241.33
 4 | ->  Partitioned CStore Scan on dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f | 14160 | 1MB      | 717 | 678241.33
                  Predicate Information (identified by plan id)
 3 --Vector Partition Iterator
         Iterations: 1
 4 --Partitioned CStore Scan on dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f
         Filter: ((period_id = 202212::numeric) AND ((source_flag)::bigint = 1))
         Pushdown Predicate Filter: (period_id = 202212::numeric)
         Partitions Selected by Static Prune: 36


postgres=# SELECT most_common_vals,most_common_freqs, histogram_bounds  FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename = 'dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f' AND attname = 'source_flag';
 most_common_vals | most_common_freqs | histogram_bounds
 {01,02,04,03}    | {.440034,.241349,.217413,.101089} | {05,06}
(1 row)




SELECT * FROM dmgrpdi.dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f WHERE period_id=202212 AND source_flag='01';


                                                      QUERY PLAN
  id |                            operation                             |  E-rows | E-memory | E-width |  E-costs
 1 | -> Row Adapter                                                  | 108359075 | | 717 | 480542.98
 2 | ->  Vector Streaming (type: GATHER) | 108359075 | | 717 | 480542.98
 3 | ->  Vector Partition Iterator                              | 108359075 | 1MB      | 717 | 478758.88
 4 | ->  Partitioned CStore Scan on dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f | 108359075 | 1MB      | 717 | 478758.88
                           Predicate Information (identified by plan id)
 3 --Vector Partition Iterator
         Iterations: 1
 4 --Partitioned CStore Scan on dwl_inv_res_rpt_ci_grp_f
         Filter: ((period_id = 202212::numeric) AND (source_flag = '01'::text))
         Pushdown Predicate Filter: ((period_id = 202212::numeric) AND (source_flag = '01'::text))
         Partitions Selected by Static Prune: 36




SELECT * FROM mca.mca_period_rate_t mca_rate2
WHERE period_number = '202208' AND from_currency_code = 'RMB' AND to_currency_code = 'USD'


 id |                      operation                       |       A-time | A-rows | E-rows | Peak Memory | E-memory | A-width | E-width | E-costs  
 1 | -> Row Adapter                                      | 444.735 | 1 | 2033 | 227KB       | | | 321 | 22601.41 
 2 | ->  Vector Streaming (type: GATHER) | 444.720 | 1 | 2033 | 873KB       | | | 321 | 22601.41 
 3 | -> CStore Scan on mca_period_rate_t mca_rate2 | [435.167, 435.167] | 1 | 2033 | [5MB, 5MB] | 1MB      | | 321 | 22427.41 
                                                              Predicate Information (identified by plan id) 
 3 --CStore Scan on mca_period_rate_t mca_rate2
        Filter: (((period_number)::text = '202208'::text) AND ((from_currency_code)::text = 'RMB'::text) AND ((to_currency_code)::text = 'USD'::text))
 Rows Removed by Filter: 425812
        Pushdown Predicate Filter: (((period_number)::text = '202208'::text) AND ((from_currency_code)::text = 'RMB'::text) AND ((to_currency_code)::text = 'USD'::text))



SELECT pg_get_tabledef('mca.mca_period_rate_t'::regclass);


SELECT pg_get_tabledef('mca.mca_period_rate_t');
SET search_path = mca;
CREATE TABLE mca_period_rate_t (
seq numeric NOT NULL,
period_number character varying(10) NOT NULL,
from_currency_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
to_currency_code character varying(20) NOT NULL,
begin_rate numeric(35,18),
end_rate numeric(35,18),
avg_rate numeric(35,18),
creation_date timestamp(0) without time zone NOT NULL,
created_by numeric NOT NULL,
last_update_date timestamp(0) without time zone,
last_updated_by numeric,
rmb_begin_rate numeric(35,18),
usd_begin_rate numeric(35,18),
rmb_end_rate numeric(35,18),
usd_end_rate numeric(35,18),
rmb_avg_rate numeric(35,18),
usd_avg_rate numeric(35,18),
crt_cycle_id numeric,
crt_job_instance_id numeric,
last_upd_cycle_id numeric,
upd_job_instance_id numeric,
cdc_key_id character varying(128) DEFAULT sys_guid(),
end_rate2 numeric(35,18),
avg_rate2 numeric(35,18),
last_period_end_rate numeric(35,18)
WITH (orientation=column, compression=low, colversion=2.0, enable_delta=false)
TO GROUP group_version1;
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX mca_period_rate_u1 ON mca.mca_period_rate_t USING cbtree (period_number, from_currency_code, to_currency_code) TABLESPACE pg_default;

發現 (period_number, from_currency_code, to_currency_code) 為組合的唯一索引。



針對如上查詢語句執行如下語句收集(period_number, from_currency_code, to_currency_code) 多列統計信息

ANALYZE mca.mca_period_rate_t((period_number, from_currency_code, to_currency_code));


 id |                                      operation                                      |       A-time | A-rows | E-rows | Peak Memory | A-width | E-width | E-costs 
 1 | -> Row Adapter                                                                     | 195.504 | 1 | 1 | 227KB       | | 321 | 675.14 
 2 | ->  Vector Streaming (type: GATHER) | 195.491 | 1 | 1 | 873KB       | | 321 | 675.14 
 3 | -> CStore Index Scan using mca_period_rate_u1 on mca_period_rate_t mca_rate2 | [164.344, 164.344] | 1 | 1 | [5MB, 5MB] | | 321 | 501.14 
                                                      Predicate Information (identified by plan id) 
 3 --CStore Index Scan using mca_period_rate_u1 on mca_period_rate_t mca_rate2
 Index Cond: (((period_number)::text = '202208'::text) AND ((from_currency_code)::text = 'RMB'::text) AND ((to_currency_code)::text = 'USD'::text))




Play Games
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