search(7)- elastic4s-search-filter模式

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現在我們可以開始探討ES的核心環節:搜索search了。search又分filter,query兩種模式。filter模式即篩選模式:將符合篩選條件的記錄作為結果找出來。query模式則分兩個步驟:先篩選,然後對每條符合條件記錄進行相似度計算。就是多了個評分過程。如果我們首先要實現傳統資料庫的查詢功 ...


GET /_search
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": [
        { "term":  { "status": "published" }},
        { "range": { "publish_date": { "gte": "2015-01-01" }}}


  val filterTerm = search("bank")


POST /bank/_search



  "took" : 1,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 1,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 0.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "bank",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "1",
        "_score" : 0.0,
        "_source" : {
          "account_number" : 1,
          "balance" : 39225,
          "firstname" : "Amber",
          "lastname" : "Duke",
          "age" : 32,
          "gender" : "M",
          "address" : "880 Holmes Lane",
          "employer" : "Pyrami",
          "email" : "[email protected]",
          "city" : "Brogan",
          "state" : "IL"

我們來看看elasitic4s是怎樣表達上面json結果的:首先,返回的類型是 Reponse[SearchResponse]。Response類定義如下:

sealed trait Response[+U] {
  def status: Int                  // the http status code of the response
  def body: Option[String]         // the http response body if the response included one
  def headers: Map[String, String] // any http headers included in the response
  def result: U                    // returns the marshalled response U or throws an exception
  def error: ElasticError          // returns the error or throw an exception
  def isError: Boolean             // returns true if this is an error response
  final def isSuccess: Boolean = !isError // returns true if this is a success

  def map[V](f: U => V): Response[V]
  def flatMap[V](f: U => Response[V]): Response[V]

  final def fold[V](ifError: => V)(f: U => V): V = if (isError) ifError else f(result)
  final def fold[V](onError: RequestFailure => V, onSuccess: U => V): V = this match {
    case failure: RequestFailure => onError(failure)
    case RequestSuccess(_, _, _, result) => onSuccess(result)
  final def foreach[V](f: U => V): Unit          = if (!isError) f(result)

  final def toOption: Option[U] = if (isError) None else Some(result)

Response[+U]是個高階類,如果把U替換成SearchResponse, 那麼返回的結果值可以用def result: SearchResponse來獲取。status代表標準HTTP返回狀態,isError,isSuccess代表執行情況,error是確切的異常消息。返回結果的頭部信息在headers內。我們再看看這個SearchResponse類的定義:

case class SearchResponse(took: Long,
                          @JsonProperty("timed_out") isTimedOut: Boolean,
                          @JsonProperty("terminated_early") isTerminatedEarly: Boolean,
                          private val suggest: Map[String, Seq[SuggestionResult]],
                          @JsonProperty("_shards") private val _shards: Shards,
                          @JsonProperty("_scroll_id") scrollId: Option[String],
                          @JsonProperty("aggregations") private val _aggregationsAsMap: Map[String, Any],
                          hits: SearchHits) {...}

case class SearchHits(total: Total,
                      @JsonProperty("max_score") maxScore: Double,
                      hits: Array[SearchHit]) {
  def size: Long = hits.length
  def isEmpty: Boolean = hits.isEmpty
  def nonEmpty: Boolean = hits.nonEmpty

case class SearchHit(@JsonProperty("_id") id: String,
                     @JsonProperty("_index") index: String,
                     @JsonProperty("_type") `type`: String,
                     @JsonProperty("_version") version: Long,
                     @JsonProperty("_seq_no") seqNo: Long,
                     @JsonProperty("_primary_term") primaryTerm: Long,
                     @JsonProperty("_score") score: Float,
                     @JsonProperty("_parent") parent: Option[String],
                     @JsonProperty("_shard") shard: Option[String],
                     @JsonProperty("_node") node: Option[String],
                     @JsonProperty("_routing") routing: Option[String],
                     @JsonProperty("_explanation") explanation: Option[Explanation],
                     @JsonProperty("sort") sort: Option[Seq[AnyRef]],
                     private val _source: Map[String, AnyRef],
                     fields: Map[String, AnyRef],
                     @JsonProperty("highlight") private val _highlight: Option[Map[String, Seq[String]]],
                     private val inner_hits: Map[String, Map[String, Any]],
                     @JsonProperty("matched_queries") matchedQueries: Option[Set[String]])
  extends Hit {...}

返回結果的重要部分如 _score, _source,fields都在SearchHit里。完整的返回結果處理示範如下:

 val filterTerm  = client.execute(search("bank")

  if (filterTerm.isSuccess) {
    if (filterTerm.result.nonEmpty)
      filterTerm.result.hits.hits.foreach {hit => println(hit.sourceAsMap)}
  } else println(s"Error: ${filterTerm.error.reason}")


POST /bank/_search

  val filterPrifix  = client.execute(search("bank")
  if (filterPrifix.isSuccess) {
    if (filterPrifix.result.nonEmpty)
      filterPrifix.result.hits.hits.foreach {hit => println(hit.sourceAsMap)}
  } else println(s"Error: ${filterPrifix.error.reason}")


Map(address -> 880 Holmes Lane, city -> Brogan, state -> IL)
Map(address -> 810 Nostrand Avenue, city -> Brooktrails, state -> GA)
Map(address -> 295 Whitty Lane, city -> Broadlands, state -> VT)
Map(address -> 511 Heath Place, city -> Brookfield, state -> OK)
Map(address -> 918 Bridge Street, city -> Brownlee, state -> HI)
Map(address -> 806 Pierrepont Place, city -> Brownsville, state -> MI)


POST /bank/_search

  val filterRegex  = client.execute(search("bank")
  if (filterRegex.isSuccess) {
    if (filterRegex.result.nonEmpty)
      filterRegex.result.hits.hits.foreach {hit => println(hit.sourceAsMap)}
  } else println(s"Error: ${filterRegex.error.reason}")

Map(address -> 384 Bainbridge Street, city -> Elizaville, state -> MS)
Map(address -> 721 Cambridge Place, city -> Efland, state -> ID)


POST /bank/_search
         "bool": {
         "must": [
           { "match" : {"lastname" : "lane"}}

elastic4s QueryDSL 語句和返回結果如下:

  val filterBool  = client.execute(search("bank")
  if (filterBool.isSuccess) {
    if (filterBool.result.nonEmpty)
      filterBool.result.hits.hits.foreach {hit => println(s"score: ${hit.score}, ${hit.sourceAsMap}")}
  } else println(s"Error: ${filterBool.error.reason}")


score: 0.0, Map(address -> 384 Bainbridge Street, city -> Elizaville, state -> MS, lastname -> Lane)

score: 0.0 ,說明filter不會進行評分。可能執行效率會有所提高吧。



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