VSTO開髮指南(VB版) 第二章 Office解決方案介紹

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實例2.1 通過控制台實現對Excel的自動化處理 書本第32頁 註:添加兩個引用: 第一個:程式集—框架—“System.Windows.Forms”第二個:程式集—擴展—“Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel” 程式清單2.1通過控制台程 ...

實例2.1 通過控制台實現對Excel的自動化處理 書本第32頁




Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Module Module1

  Private exitXL As Boolean = False
  Dim WithEvents myExcelApp As Excel.Application

  Sub Main()

    myExcelApp = New Excel.Application
    myExcelApp.Visible = True
    myExcelApp.StatusBar = "Hello World"

    While exitXL = False
    End While

  End Sub

  Private Sub myExcelApp_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal sheet _
    As Object, ByVal target As Excel.Range, ByRef cancel _
    As Boolean) Handles myExcelApp.SheetBeforeDoubleClick

    exitXL = True

  End Sub

End Module


Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Module Module1

    Private exitXL As Boolean = False
    Dim WithEvents myExcelApp As Excel.Application '有這句需添加引用“Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel”
    Sub Main()
        myExcelApp = New Excel.Application
        myExcelApp.Visible = True
        myExcelApp.StatusBar = "Hello World"
        While exitXL = False
            System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents() '有這句需添加引用“System.Windows.Forms”
        End While
    End Sub

    Private Sub myExcelApp_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal sheet _
      As Object, ByVal target As Excel.Range, ByRef cancel _
      As Boolean) Handles myExcelApp.SheetBeforeDoubleClick
        exitXL = True
    End Sub
End Module


 實例2.2 wiki文本表示形式 書本第33頁

  程式清單2.2 表2.1的wiki文本表示形式

||Property or Method||Name||Return Type||

實例2.3 將文本文件中的wiki形式的文本以表格的形式輸出到Word中 書本37頁

 程式清單2.3 完整的WordWiki實現

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO
Imports Office = Microsoft.Office.Core
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word

Module Module1
  Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

    Dim theApplication As New Word.Application
    theApplication.Visible = True
    Dim theDocument As Word.Document
    theDocument = theApplication.Documents.Add()

    Dim reader As TextReader
    reader = New System.IO.StreamReader(args(0))

    Dim separators(1) As String
    separators(0) = "||"
    Dim rowCount As Integer = 0
    Dim columnCount As Integer = 0

    ' Read rows and calculate number of rows and columns
    Dim rowList As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
    Dim row As String = reader.ReadLine()
    While row IsNot Nothing
      rowCount += 1

      ' If this is the first row,
      ' calculate the number of columns
      If rowCount = 1 Then
        Dim splitHeaderRow As String() = _
          row.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None)

        ' Ignore the first and last separator
        columnCount = splitHeaderRow.Length - 2
      End If

      row = reader.ReadLine()
    End While

    ' Create a table
    Dim range As Word.Range = theDocument.Range()
    Dim table As Word.Table = range.Tables.Add(range, _
      rowCount, columnCount)

    ' Populate table
    Dim columnIndex As Integer = 1
    Dim rowIndex As Integer = 1

    For Each r As String In rowList
      Dim splitRow As String() = r.Split(separators, _

      For columnIndex = 1 To columnCount
        Dim cell As Word.Cell = table.Cell(rowIndex, columnIndex)
        cell.Range.Text = splitRow(columnIndex)
      rowIndex += 1

    ' Format table
    table.Rows(1).Range.Bold = 1
    table.AutoFitBehavior( _

    ' Wait for input from the command line before exiting
    System.Console.WriteLine("Table complete.")

    ' Quit without saving changes
  End Sub
End Module


Imports System.Collections.Generic '預設
Imports System.Text  '預設
Imports System.IO '預設
Imports Office = Microsoft.Office.Core '添加引用“Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Library 2.5
Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word '添加引用"Microsoft.Office.Interop.word"

Module Module1
    Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

        Dim theApplication As New Word.Application '定義word程式
        theApplication.Visible = True '使word程式可視
        Dim theDocument As Word.Document '定義word文檔
        theDocument = theApplication.Documents.Add() '為程式添加word文檔

        Dim reader As TextReader  '定義Txt文本讀取器
        reader = New System.IO.StreamReader(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "/test.txt") '實例化讀取文本介面,My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath指的是本程式的\bin\Debug目錄

        Dim separators(1) As String  '定義分隔符字元串
        separators(0) = "||"  '為分隔符變數賦值
        Dim rowCount As Integer = 0     '定義行數
        Dim columnCount As Integer = 0  '定義列數

        ' 讀取行並計算行數和列數
        Dim rowList As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) '定義字元串型的列表集對象
        Dim row As String = reader.ReadLine() '讀取文本存儲器中的一行
        While row IsNot Nothing  '讀取行沒有到結尾
            rowCount += 1        '讀取下一行
            rowList.Add(row)    '將所讀取的一行文本存儲在列表集對象中

            ' 如果這是第一行,就計算列數
            If rowCount = 1 Then
                Dim splitHeaderRow As String() = row.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None) 'StringSplitOptions.None,就是分開的數組元素包括空元素
                columnCount = splitHeaderRow.Length - 2   ' 忽略第一和最後一個分隔符
            End If
            row = reader.ReadLine()
        End While

        ' 在word中創建一個表
        Dim range As Word.Range = theDocument.Range() '定義文檔單元格
        Dim table As Word.Table = range.Tables.Add(range, rowCount, columnCount) '創建一個rowCount行columnCount列的表格

        ' 操作word中所創建的表
        Dim columnIndex As Integer = 1
        Dim rowIndex As Integer = 1

        For Each r As String In rowList
            Dim splitRow As String() = r.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.None)  'StringSplitOptions.None,就是分開的數組元素包括空元素
            For columnIndex = 1 To columnCount
                Dim cell As Word.Cell = table.Cell(rowIndex, columnIndex) '\bin\Debug目錄中test.txt文件中的結尾不能有多餘的空行,不然會提示超出索引範圍而出現錯誤
                cell.Range.Text = splitRow(columnIndex)
            rowIndex += 1

        ' 格式化表格
        table.Rows(1).Range.Bold = 1
        table.AutoFitBehavior(Word.WdAutoFitBehavior.wdAutoFitContent) 'AutoFitBehavior()方法的作用就是以某種方法調整表格,ord.WdAutoFitBehavior.wdAutoFitContent表示表格根據內容來調節

        ' 退出前等待命令輸入
        System.Console.WriteLine("Table complete.")

        ' 沒有保存更改而退出
    End Sub
End Module


||Property or Method||Name||Return Type||




Play Games
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