redis 實現登陸次數限制

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title: redis login limitation <! more 利用 redis 實現登陸次數限制, 註解 + aop, 核心代碼很簡單. 基本思路 比如希望達到的要求是這樣: 在 1min 內登陸異常次數達到5次, 鎖定該用戶 1h 那麼登陸請求的參數中, 會有一個參數唯一標識一個 u ...

title: redis-login-limitation

利用 redis 實現登陸次數限制, 註解 + aop, 核心代碼很簡單.


比如希望達到的要求是這樣: 在 1min 內登陸異常次數達到5次, 鎖定該用戶 1h

那麼登陸請求的參數中, 會有一個參數唯一標識一個 user, 比如 郵箱/手機號/userName

用這個參數作為key存入redis, 對應的value為登陸錯誤的次數, string 類型, 並設置過期時間為 1min. 當獲取到的 value == "4" , 說明當前請求為第 5 次登陸異常, 鎖定.

所謂的鎖定, 就是將對應的value設置為某個標識符, 比如"lock", 並設置過期時間為 1h


定義一個註解, 用來標識需要登陸次數校驗的方法

package io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.anno;

import java.lang.annotation.*;

public @interface RedisLimit {
     * 標識參數名, 必須是請求參數中的一個
    String identifier();

     * 在多長時間內監控, 如希望在 60s 內嘗試
     * 次數限製為5次, 那麼 watch=60; unit: s
    long watch();

     * 鎖定時長, unit: s
    long lock();

     * 錯誤的嘗試次數
    int times();

編寫切麵, 在目標方法前後進行校驗, 處理...

package io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.aop;

// Ensure that current advice is outer compared with ControllerAOP
// so we can handling login limitation Exception in this aop advice.
public class RedisLimitAOP {

    private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate;

    public Object handleLimit(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) {
        MethodSignature  methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
        final Method     method          = methodSignature.getMethod();
        final RedisLimit redisLimitAnno  = method.getAnnotation(RedisLimit.class);// 貌似可以直接在方法參數中註入 todo

        final String identifier = redisLimitAnno.identifier();
        final long   watch      =;
        final int    times      = redisLimitAnno.times();
        final long   lock       = redisLimitAnno.lock();
        // final ServletRequestAttributes att             = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes();
        // final HttpServletRequest       request         = att.getRequest();
        // final String                   identifierValue = request.getParameter(identifier);

        String identifierValue = null;
        try {
            final Object arg           = joinPoint.getArgs()[0];
            final Field  declaredField = arg.getClass().getDeclaredField(identifier);
            identifierValue = (String) declaredField.get(arg);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
            log.error(">>> invalid identifier [{}], cannot find this field in request params", identifier);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(identifierValue)) {
            log.error(">>> the value of RedisLimit.identifier cannot be blank, invalid identifier: {}", identifier);

        // check User locked
        final ValueOperations<String, String> ssOps = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue();
        final String                          flag  = ssOps.get(identifierValue);
        if (flag != null && "lock".contentEquals(flag)) {
            final BaseResp result = new BaseResp();
            result.setErrMsg("user locked");
            return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);

        ResponseEntity result;
        try {
            result = (ResponseEntity) joinPoint.proceed();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            result = handleLoginException(e, identifierValue, watch, times, lock);
        return result;

    private ResponseEntity handleLoginException(Throwable e, String identifierValue, long watch, int times, long lock) {
        final BaseResp result = new BaseResp();
        if (e instanceof LoginException) {
  ">>> handle login exception...");
            final ValueOperations<String, String> ssOps = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue();
            Boolean                               exist = stringRedisTemplate.hasKey(identifierValue);
            // key doesn't exist, so it is the first login failure
            if (exist == null || !exist) {
                ssOps.set(identifierValue, "1", watch, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);

            String count = ssOps.get(identifierValue);
            // has been reached the limitation
            if (Integer.parseInt(count) + 1 == times) {
      ">>> [{}] has been reached the limitation and will be locked for {}s", identifierValue, lock);
                ssOps.set(identifierValue, "lock", lock, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                result.setErrMsg("user locked");
                return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);
            result.setErrMsg(e.getMessage() + "; you have try " + ssOps.get(identifierValue) + "times.");
        log.error(">>> RedisLimitAOP cannot handle {}", e.getClass().getName());
        return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK);


package io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.web;

public class SessionResources {

    private SessionService sessionService;

     * 1 min 之內嘗試超過5次, 鎖定 user 1h
    @RedisLimit(identifier = "name", watch = 30, times = 5, lock = 10)
    @RequestMapping(value = "/session", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ResponseEntity<LoginResp> login(@Validated @RequestBody LoginReq req) {
        return new ResponseEntity<>(sessionService.login(req), HttpStatus.OK);



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