[20190419]shared latch spin count 2.txt--//上午測試shared latch XX模式的情況,鏈接:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2641902/--//繼續測試其它情況.--//鏈接:http://andre ...
[20190419]shared latch spin count 2.txt
--//上午測試shared latch XX模式的情況,鏈接:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2641902/
S mode get X mode get
Held in S mode Compatible 2*_spin_count
Held in X mode 0 2*_spin_count
Blocking mode 0 2*_spin_count
SCOTT@book> @ ver1
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
SYS@book> @ hide spin_count
----------------- ---------------------------------- ------------- ------------- ------------
_mutex_spin_count Mutex spin count TRUE 255 255
_spin_count Amount to spin waiting for a latch TRUE 2000 2000
$ cat shared_latch.txt
/* 參數如下: @ latch.txt latch_name willing why where mode sleep_num */
--//connect / as sysdba
col laddr new_value laddr
col vmode new_value vmode
select decode(lower('&&5'),'s',8,'x',16,'8',8,'16',16) vmode from dual ;
SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='&&1';
oradebug setmypid
oradebug call kslgetsl_w 0x&laddr &&2 &&3 &&4 &vmode
host sleep &&6
oradebug call kslfre 0x&laddr
--//註:我前幾天的測試腳本有connect / as sysdba,exit這兩行,我為了調式方便,先註解這2行,避免反覆退出進入會話.
--//選擇一個shared latch測試,我選擇"test shared non-parent l0" latch測試:
SYS@book> select * from shared_latches where name='test shared non-parent l0';
---------- ------ ------------------------- - 6 test shared non-parent l0 Y
--//session 1:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2 x 100000
--//session 2:
SYS@book> @ spid
---------- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ------ ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
1 11 31454 DEDICATED 31455 24 5 alter system kill session '1,11' immediate;
SYS@book> @shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 s 1
--//註意session 申請S mode.
--//window 3:執行:
$ rlwrap gdb -p 31455 -x spin_s.gdb
Breakpoint 1 at 0x93f97a8
Breakpoint 2 at 0x93f9b74
Breakpoint 3 at 0x9808932
Breakpoint 4 at 0x9809840
Breakpoint 5 at 0x37990d6400
Breakpoint 6 at 0x93f9ddc
Breakpoint 7 at 0x93faa36
Breakpoint 8 at 0xa865ca
Breakpoint 9 at 0xa874fa
Breakpoint 10 at 0xa875be
(gdb) c
kslgetl 6010d860, 1, 2126093176, 3991
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:3, why:4, mode:8
kslgess 60009a18, 8, 0, 3
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1129096976, 1129097520
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1129096976, 1129097520
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
skgpwwait 1129096760, 202182304, -2044672536, 0
sskgpwwait 1129096760, 202182304, -2044672536, 0
semop 315588608, 1129096560, 1, -1
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1129096976, 1129097520
--//可以看出X模式的情況,申請S mode,第2進程直接調用semop.根本不做spin操作.
--//session 1:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2 s 100000
--//session 持有S mode.
--//session 2:
SYS@book> @shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 x 1
--//註意session 申請x mode.
--//window 3:執行:
$ rlwrap gdb -p 31455 -x spin_s.gdb
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:95, mode:8
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7f4c8, willing:1, where:-2043602896, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:3, why:4, mode:16
kslgess 60009a18, 16, 0, 3
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1129096976, 1129097520
spin count loop: 2000 a875be
spin count loop: 1999 a875be
spin count loop: 1998 a875be
spin count loop: 1997 a875be
spin count loop: 3 a875be
spin count loop: 2 a875be
spin count loop: 1 a875be
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1129096976, 1129097520
spin count loop: 1 a875be
skgpwwait 1129096760, 202182304, -2044672536, 0
sskgpwwait 1129096760, 202182304, -2044672536, 0
semop 315588608, 1129096560, 1, -1
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, 1129096976, 1129097520
spin count loop: 2000 a875be
--//可以S模式的情況,申請X mode,第2進程spin_count=2000.
--//Blocking mode,首先我對這個模式的理解不是非常清晰.
A.當前X mode持有,不管S,X模式申請都會阻塞,再有進程申請的情況.
B.當前S mode持有,X模式申請,後續再有進程申請的情況.
--//session 1:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2 s 100000
--//session 2:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 x 1
--//session 3:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 5 6 s 1
--//gdb監測session 3進程:
$ rlwrap gdb -p 31572 -x spin_s.gdb
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7fa68, willing:1, where:-2042914736, why:95, mode:8
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7fa68, willing:1, where:-2042914736, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:5, why:6, mode:8
kslgess 60009a18, 8, 0, 5
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
skgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
sskgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
semop 315588608, -1923148464, 1, -1
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
--//申請S mode,沒有spin.
--//session 1:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2 s 100000
--//session 2:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 3 4 x 1
--//session 3:
SYS@book> @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 5 6 x 1
--//gdb監測session 3進程:
$ rlwrap gdb -p 31572 -x spin_s.gdb
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7fa68, willing:1, where:-2042914736, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:5, why:6, mode:16
kslgess 60009a18, 16, 0, 5
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
spin count loop: 2000 a875be
spin count loop: 1999 a875be
spin count loop: 1998 a875be
spin count loop: 1997 a875be
spin count loop: 1 a875be
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
spin count loop: 1 a875be
skgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
sskgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
semop 315588608, -1923148464, 1, -1
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
spin count loop: 2000 a875be
--//申請X mode,spin_count=2000.
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7fa68, willing:1, where:-2042914736, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:5, why:6, mode:8
kslgess 60009a18, 8, 0, 5
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
skgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
sskgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
semop 315588608, -1923148464, 1, -1
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:85f7fa68, willing:1, where:-2042914736, why:96, mode:16
ksl_get_shared_latch laddr:60009a18, willing:1, where:5, why:6, mode:16
kslgess 60009a18, 16, 0, 5
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
spin count loop: 2000 a875be
spin count loop: 1999 a875be
spin count loop: 1998 a875be
spin count loop: 1997 a875be
spin count loop: 1996 a875be
spin count loop: 1995 a875be
sskgpwwait -1923148264, 202182304, -2044655416, 0
semop 315588608, -1923148464, 1, -1
kslskgs 60009a18, 0, -1923148048, -1923147504
spin count loop: 2000 a875be
--//總之:阻塞申請X mode,spin_count=2000.S mode 直接調用semop休眠.
S mode get X mode get
Held in S mode Compatible _spin_count
Held in X mode 0 _spin_count
Blocking mode 0 _spin_count