Akka-CQRS(5)- CQRS Writer Actor 部署和測試

Play Games

上篇我們做了一個WriterActor的例子,主要目的是示範WriterActor如何作為集群分片用persistentActor特性及event-sourcing模式實現CQRS的寫功能。既然是集群分片,那麼我們就在這篇講講WriterActor的部署和測試,因為這個裡面還是有些值得註意的地方。下 ...


      typeName = shardName,
      entityProps = writerProps,
      settings = cpsSettings,
      extractEntityId = getPOSId,
      extractShardId = getShopId,
      allocationStrategy = ClusterSharding(system).defaultShardAllocationStrategy(cpsSettings),
      handOffStopMessage = PassivatePOS



object POSRouter extends LogSupport {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    import WriterActor._
    import Commands._

    val argsPat = "(.*):(.*)".r
    val (host, port) = args(0) match {
      case argsPat(h, p) => (h, p)
      case _ => ("localhost", "2551")

    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=\"" + port + "\"")
      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname=\"" + host + "\""))
      //roles can be deployed on this node
      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [poswriter]"))

    log.info(s"******* hostname = $host,  port = $port *******")

    val shardName = "POSShard"

    case class POSMessage(id: Long, cmd: POSCommand) {
      def shopId = id.toString.head.toString

      def posId = id.toString

    val getPOSId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => (posCommand.posId, posCommand.cmd)
    val getShopId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => posCommand.shopId

    val system = ActorSystem("cloud-pos-server", config)
    val role = "poswriter"    //role of this shard
    val cpsSettings = ClusterShardingSettings(system).withRole(role) //.withPassivateIdleAfter(10 minutes)

      typeName = shardName,
      entityProps = writerProps,
      settings = cpsSettings,
      extractEntityId = getPOSId,
      extractShardId = getShopId,
      allocationStrategy = ClusterSharding(system).defaultShardAllocationStrategy(cpsSettings),
      handOffStopMessage = PassivatePOS

    system.actorOf(ClusterMonitor.props, "cps-cluster-monitor")




package sdp.cluster.monitor

import akka.actor._
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._
import akka.cluster._
import sdp.logging.LogSupport

object ClusterMonitor {
  def props = Props(new ClusterMonitor)

class ClusterMonitor extends Actor with LogSupport {
  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)
  override def preStart(): Unit = {
    cluster.subscribe(self,initialStateMode = InitialStateAsEvents
      ,classOf[MemberEvent],classOf[UnreachableMember])  //訂閱集群狀態轉換信息

  override def postStop(): Unit = {
    cluster.unsubscribe(self)    //取消訂閱

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case MemberJoined(member) =>
      log.info(s"Member is Joining: {${member.address}}")
    case MemberUp(member) =>
      log.info(s"Member is Up: {${member.address}}")
    case MemberLeft(member) =>
      log.info(s"Member is Leaving: {${member.address}}")
    case MemberExited(member) =>
      log.info(s"Member is Exiting: {${member.address}}")
    case MemberRemoved(member, previousStatus) =>
        s"Member is Removed: {${member.address}} after {${previousStatus}")
    case UnreachableMember(member) =>
      log.info(s"Member detected as unreachable: {${member.address}}")
      cluster.down(member.address)      //手工驅除,不用auto-down
    case _: MemberEvent => // ignore




    case class POSMessage(id: Long, cmd: POSCommand) {
      def shopId = id.toString.head.toString

      def posId = id.toString

    val getPOSId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => (posCommand.posId, posCommand.cmd)
    val getShopId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => posCommand.shopId


   //no shard deployed on this node  2558, use proxy
    val posHandler = ClusterSharding(system).startProxy(
      typeName = shardName,
      role = Some("poswriter"),
      extractEntityId = getPOSId,
      extractShardId = getShopId

    //val posHandler = ClusterSharding(system).shardRegion(shardName)

    system.actorOf(POSClient.props(posHandler), "pos-client")


object POSClient {
  def props(pos: ActorRef) = Props(new POSClient(pos))
class POSClient(posHandler: ActorRef)  extends Actor with LogSupport {

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case msg @ POSMessage(_,_) => posHandler ! msg
    case resp: POSResponse  =>
      log.info(s"response from server: $resp")


    val posref = system.actorOf(POSClient.props(posHandler), "pos-client")
    posref ! POSMessage(1021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", apple.code, 1, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(2021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", pineapple.code, 2, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(3021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", banana.code, 1, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(4021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", grape.code, 3, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(4021,Subtotal)




akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off
akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off
akka.log-dead-letters = off

akka {
  loglevel = INFO
  actor {
    provider = "cluster"

  remote {
    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
    netty.tcp {
      hostname = ""
      port = 0

  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [
      "akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551"]
    log-info = off
    sharding {
      role = "poswriter"
      passivate-idle-entity-after = 5 m

  persistence {
    journal.plugin = "cassandra-journal"
    snapshot-store.plugin = "cassandra-snapshot-store"


cassandra-journal {
  contact-points = [""]

cassandra-snapshot-store {
  contact-points = [""]


package cloud.pos.server

import akka.actor._
import akka.cluster.sharding._
import akka.cluster.sharding.ClusterSharding
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import sdp.cluster.monitor._
import sdp.logging._

object POSRouter extends LogSupport {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    import WriterActor._
    import Commands._

    val argsPat = "(.*):(.*)".r
    val (host, port) = args(0) match {
      case argsPat(h, p) => (h, p)
      case _ => ("localhost", "2551")

    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=\"" + port + "\"")
      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname=\"" + host + "\""))
      //roles can be deployed on this node
      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.parseString("akka.cluster.roles = [poswriter]"))

    log.info(s"******* hostname = $host,  port = $port *******")

    val shardName = "POSShard"

    case class POSMessage(id: Long, cmd: POSCommand) {
      def shopId = id.toString.head.toString

      def posId = id.toString

    val getPOSId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => (posCommand.posId, posCommand.cmd)
    val getShopId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => posCommand.shopId

    val system = ActorSystem("cloud-pos-server", config)
    val role = "poswriter"    //role of this shard
    val cpsSettings = ClusterShardingSettings(system).withRole(role) //.withPassivateIdleAfter(10 minutes)

      typeName = shardName,
      entityProps = writerProps,
      settings = cpsSettings,
      extractEntityId = getPOSId,
      extractShardId = getShopId,
      allocationStrategy = ClusterSharding(system).defaultShardAllocationStrategy(cpsSettings),
      handOffStopMessage = PassivatePOS

    system.actorOf(ClusterMonitor.props, "cps-cluster-monitor")




name := "cloud-pos-client"

version := "0.1"

scalaVersion := "2.12.8"

libraryDependencies := Seq(
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-sharding" % "2.5.19",
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence" % "2.5.19",
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra" % "0.93",
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra-launcher" % "0.93" % Test,
  "ch.qos.logback"  %  "logback-classic"   % "1.2.3"


akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off
akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off
akka.log-dead-letters = off

akka {
  loglevel = INFO
  actor {
    provider = "cluster"

  remote {
    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
    netty.tcp {
      hostname = ""
      port = 2558

  cluster {
    seed-nodes = [
      "akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551"]
    log-info = off



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
                %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n

    <root level="debug">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />


package cloud.pos.client
import akka.actor._
import akka.cluster.sharding.ClusterSharding
import sdp.cluster.monitor._
import sdp.logging._
import Commands._
import States._
import Items._
import akka.cluster.sharding._

object POSClientDemo extends LogSupport {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    val system = ActorSystem("cloud-pos-server")

    val shardName = "POSShard"

    val getPOSId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => (posCommand.posId, posCommand.cmd)
    val getShopId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {
      case posCommand: POSMessage => posCommand.shopId

    //no shard deployed on this node  2558, use proxy
    val posHandler = ClusterSharding(system).startProxy(
      typeName = shardName,
      role = Some("poswriter"),
      extractEntityId = getPOSId,
      extractShardId = getShopId

    //val posHandler = ClusterSharding(system).shardRegion(shardName)

    system.actorOf(ClusterMonitor.props, "cps-cluster-monitor")

    val posref = system.actorOf(POSClient.props(posHandler), "pos-client")

    posref ! POSMessage(1021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", apple.code, 1, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(2021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", pineapple.code, 2, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(3021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", banana.code, 1, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(4021, LogSales(SALESTYPE.plu, "", grape.code, 3, 0))
    posref ! POSMessage(4021,Subtotal)





package cloud.pos.client

object Commands {

  sealed trait POSCommand {}

  case class LogOn(opr: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
  case object LogOff extends POSCommand
  case class SuperOn(su: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
  case object SuperOff extends POSCommand
  case class MemberOn(cardnum: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
  case object MemberOff extends POSCommand   //remove member status for the voucher
  case object RefundOn extends POSCommand
  case object RefundOff extends POSCommand
  case object VoidOn extends POSCommand
  case object VoidOff extends POSCommand
  case object VoidAll extends POSCommand
  case object Suspend extends POSCommand

  case class VoucherNum(vnum: Int) extends POSCommand

  case class LogSales(salesType: Int, dpt: String, code: String, qty: Int, price: Int) extends POSCommand
  case object Subtotal extends POSCommand
  case class Discount(code: String, percent: Int) extends POSCommand

  case class OfflinePay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand          //settlement   結算支付
  //read only command, no event process
  case class VCBalance(acct: String, num: String, passwd: String) extends POSCommand
  case class VCPay(acct: String, num: String, passwd: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand
  case class AliPay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand
  case class WxPay(acct: String, num: String, amount: Int) extends POSCommand

  // read only command, no update event
  case class Plu(itemCode: String) extends POSCommand  //read only

  case class POSMessage(id: Long, cmd: POSCommand) {
    def shopId = id.toString.head.toString
    def posId = id.toString



package cloud.pos.client

object States {

  object TXNTYPE {
    val sales: Int = 0
    val refund: Int = 1
    val void: Int = 2
    val voided: Int = 3
    val voidall: Int = 4
    val subtotal: Int = 5
    val logon: Int = 6
    val supon: Int = 7       // super user on/off
    val suspend: Int = 8


  object SALESTYPE {
    val plu: Int = 0
    val dpt: Int = 1
    val cat: Int = 2
    val brd: Int = 3
    val ra:  Int = 4
    val sub: Int = 5
    val ttl: Int = 6
    val dsc: Int = 7
    val crd: Int = 8

  case class TxnItem(
                      txndate: String = ""
                      ,txntime: String = ""
                      ,opr: String = ""//工號
                      ,num: Int = 0 //銷售單號
                      ,seq: Int = 1 //交易序號
                      ,txntype: Int = TXNTYPE.sales//交易類型
                      ,salestype: Int = SALESTYPE.plu //銷售類型
                      ,qty: Int =  1 //交易數量
                      ,price: Int = 0 //單價(分)
                      ,amount: Int = 0 //碼洋(分)
                      ,dscamt: Int = 0 //折扣:負值  net實洋 = amount + dscamt
                      ,member: String = "" //會員卡號
                      ,code: String = "" //編號(商品、賬號...)
                      ,desc: String = "" //項目名稱
                      ,dpt: String = ""
                      ,department: String = ""
                      ,cat: String = ""
                      ,category: String = ""
                      ,brd: String = ""
                      ,brand: String = ""

  case class VchStatus( //操作狀態鎖留給前端維護
                        qty: Int = 1,
                        refund: Boolean = false,
                        void: Boolean = false)

  case class VchStates(
                        opr: String = "",      //收款員
                        jseq: BigInt = 0,      //begin journal sequence for read-side replay
                        num: Int = 0,          //當前單號
                        seq: Int = 1,          //當前序號
                        void: Boolean = false, //取消模式
                        refd: Boolean = false, //退款模式
                        due: Boolean = true,   //當前餘額
                        su: String = "",
                        mbr: String = ""



package cloud.pos.client

import akka.actor._
import sdp.logging._
import Responses._
import Commands._

object POSClient {
  def props(pos: ActorRef) = Props(new POSClient(pos))
class POSClient(posHandler: ActorRef)  extends Actor with LogSupport {

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case msg @ POSMessage(_,_) => posHandler ! msg
    case resp: POSResponse  =>
      log.info(s"response from server: $resp")


package cloud.pos.client

import States._
object Responses {

  object STATUS {
    val OK: Int = 0
    val FAIL: Int = -1

  case class POSResponse (sts: Int, msg: String, voucher: VchStates, txnItems: List[TxnItem])


package cloud.pos.client

import java.time.LocalDate
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter

case class Item(
                 brd: String
                 ,dpt: String
                 ,cat: String
                 ,code: String
                 ,name: String
                 ,price: Int

object Items {
  val apple = Item("01","02","01","001", "green apple", 820)
  val grape = Item("01","02","01","002", "red grape", 1050)
  val orage = Item("01","02","01","003", "sunkist orage", 350)
  val banana = Item("01","02","01","004", "demon banana", 300)
  val pineapple = Item("01","02","01","005", "hainan pineapple", 1300)
  val peach = Item("01","02","01","006", "xinjiang peach", 2390)

  val tblItems = List(apple, grape, orage, banana, pineapple, peach)

  sealed trait QueryItemsResult {}

  case class QueryItemsOK(items: List[Item]) extends QueryItemsResult

  case class QueryItemsFail(msg: String) extends QueryItemsResult


object Codes {
  case class User(code: String, name: String, passwd: String)
  case class Department(code: String, name: String)
  case class Category(code: String, name: String)
  case class Brand(code: String, name: String)
  case class Ra(code: String, name: String)
  case class Account(code: String, name: String)
  case class Disc(code: String, best: Boolean, aggr: Boolean, group: Boolean)

  val ras = List(Ra("01","Delivery"),Ra("02","Cooking"))
  val dpts = List(Department("01","Fruit"),Department("02","Grocery"))
  val cats = List(Category("0101","Fresh Fruit"),Category("0201","Dry Grocery"))
  val brds = List(Brand("01","Sunkist"),Brand("02","Demon"))
  val accts = List(Account("001","Cash"),Account("002","Value Card"), Account("003", "Visa")

  val users = List(User("1001","Tiger", "123"),User("1002","John", "123"),User("1003","Maria", "123"))

  def getDpt(code: String) = dpts.find(d => d.code == code)
  def getCat(code: String) = cats.find(d => d.code == code)
  def getBrd(code: String) = brds.find(b => b.code == code)
  def getAcct(code: String) = accts.find(a => a.code == code)
  def getRa(code: String) = ras.find(a => a.code == code)

object DAO {
  import Items._
  import Codes._

  def getItem(code: String): QueryItemsResult = {
    val optItem = tblItems.find(it => it.code == code)
    optItem match {
      case Some(item) => QueryItemsOK(List(item))
      case None => QueryItemsFail("Invalid item code!")

  def validateDpt(code: String) = dpts.find(d => d.code == code)
  def validateCat(code: String) = cats.find(d => d.code == code)
  def validateBrd(code: String) = brds.find(b => b.code == code)
  def validateRa(code: String) = ras.find(ac => ac.code == code)
  def validateAcct(code: String) = accts.find(ac => ac.code == code)

  def validateUser(userid: String, passwd: String) = users.find(u => (u.code == userid && u.passwd == passwd))

  def lastSecOfDateStr(ldate: LocalDate): String = {
    ldate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern( "yyyy-MM-dd"))+" 23:59:59"



package sdp.logging

import org.slf4j.Logger

  * Logger which just wraps org.slf4j.Logger internally.
  * @param logger logger
class Log(logger: Logger) {

  // use var consciously to enable squeezing later
  var isDebugEnabled: Boolean = logger.isDebugEnabled
  var isInfoEnabled: Boolean = logger.isInfoEnabled
  var isWarnEnabled: Boolean = logger.isWarnEnabled
  var isErrorEnabled: Boolean = logger.isErrorEnabled

  def withLevel(level: Symbol)(msg: => String, e: Throwable = null): Unit = {
    level match {
      case 'debug | 'DEBUG => debug(msg)
      case 'info | 'INFO => info(msg)
      case 'warn | 'WARN => warn(msg)
      case 'error | 'ERROR => error(msg)
      case _ => // nothing to do

  def debug(msg: => String): Unit = {
    if (isDebugEnabled && logger.isDebugEnabled) {

  def debug(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
    if (isDebugEnabled && logger.isDebugEnabled) {
      logger.debug(msg, e)

  def info(msg: => String): Unit = {
    if (isInfoEnabled && logger.isInfoEnabled) {

  def info(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
    if (isInfoEnabled && logger.isInfoEnabled) {
      logger.info(msg, e)

  def warn(msg: => String): Unit = {
    if (isWarnEnabled && logger.isWarnEnabled) {

  def warn(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
    if (isWarnEnabled && logger.isWarnEnabled) {
      logger.warn(msg, e)

  def error(msg: => String): Unit = {
    if (isErrorEnabled && logger.isErrorEnabled) {

  def error(msg: => String, e: Throwable): Unit = {
    if (isErrorEnabled && logger.isErrorEnabled) {
      logger.error(msg, e)



package sdp.logging

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

trait LogSupport {

    * Logger
  protected val log = new Log(LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass))



package sdp.cluster.monitor

import akka.actor._
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent._
import akka.clust


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  • 解決了這個問題:《winForm下,fastReport.net 從.net framework 升級到.net5遇到的錯誤“Operation is not supported on this platform.”》 本文內容轉載自:https://www.fcnsoft.com/Home/Sho ...
  • 國內文章 WPF 從裸 Win 32 的 WM_Pointer 消息獲取觸摸點繪製筆跡 https://www.cnblogs.com/lindexi/p/18390983 本文將告訴大家如何在 WPF 裡面,接收裸 Win 32 的 WM_Pointer 消息,從消息裡面獲取觸摸點信息,使用觸摸點 ...
  • 前言 給大家推薦一個專為新零售快消行業打造了一套高效的進銷存管理系統。 系統不僅具備強大的庫存管理功能,還集成了高性能的輕量級 POS 解決方案,確保頁面載入速度極快,提供良好的用戶體驗。 項目介紹 Dorisoy.POS 是一款基於 .NET 7 和 Angular 4 開發的新零售快消進銷存管理 ...
  • ABP CLI常用的代碼分享 一、確保環境配置正確 安裝.NET CLI: ABP CLI是基於.NET Core或.NET 5/6/7等更高版本構建的,因此首先需要在你的開發環境中安裝.NET CLI。這可以通過訪問Microsoft官網下載並安裝相應版本的.NET SDK來實現。 安裝ABP ...
  • 問題 問題是這樣的:第三方的webapi,需要先調用登陸介面獲取Cookie,訪問其它介面時攜帶Cookie信息。 但使用HttpClient類調用登陸介面,返回的Headers中沒有找到Cookie信息。 分析 首先,使用Postman測試該登陸介面,正常返回Cookie信息,說明是HttpCli ...
  • 國內文章 關於.NET在中國為什麼工資低的分析 https://www.cnblogs.com/thinkingmore/p/18406244 .NET在中國開發者的薪資偏低,主要因市場需求、技術棧選擇和企業文化等因素所致。歷史上,.NET曾因微軟的閉源策略發展受限,儘管後來推出了跨平臺的.NET ...
  • 在WPF開發應用中,動畫不僅可以引起用戶的註意與興趣,而且還使軟體更加便於使用。前面幾篇文章講解了畫筆(Brush),形狀(Shape),幾何圖形(Geometry),變換(Transform)等相關內容,今天繼續講解動畫相關內容和知識點,僅供學習分享使用,如有不足之處,還請指正。 ...
  • 什麼是委托? 委托可以說是把一個方法代入另一個方法執行,相當於指向函數的指針;事件就相當於保存委托的數組; 1.實例化委托的方式: 方式1:通過new創建實例: public delegate void ShowDelegate(); 或者 public delegate string ShowDe ...