sql database基本指令 sql table基本指令 sql增刪改 sql查詢 排序 聚合函數 分組 輸出: 分頁 連接查詢 自關聯 sql SELECT FROM as c INNER JOIN as d on c.id=d.origin_comment_id where c.post_i ...
sql database基本指令
select version();
select now()
create database xxx charset utf8;
use xxx
drop database xxx;
show create database xxx;
show databases
sql table基本指令
create table yyy(
id int primary key not null auto_increment,
name varchar(30)
alter table yyy add name varchar(30);
alter table yyy modify name varchar(100);
alter table yyy change name newname varchar(20);
alter table yyy drop name;
drop database xxx
drop table xxx
insert into table_name values (xxx),(xxx);
insert into table_name (colum1,colum2) values (xxx),(xxx)
update table_name set xxx=xxx where xxx
delete from table_name where xxx
SELECT * from posts;
SELECT title as '標題',create_time as '創建時間' FROM posts; #別名
SELECT posts.title,posts.author_id from posts;
SELECT DISTINCT gender from front_user#只顯示一列
#條件查詢 > < <= >= = !=(或者<>) 不等於,等於,大於小於
SELECT username,gender FROM front_user where not(gender="男")
SELECT username,gender FROM front_user where not(gender="男" AND username="donghao")
SELECT name from album where id=1 or id=3
#like %替換一個或者多個 _替換一個
SELECT title from posts where content like "<p>用戶%"
SELECT title from posts where content like "%陽光,而是微笑%"
SELECT title from posts where title like "__%"
SELECT title from posts where title RLIKE "^祝.*~$"
SELECT name from album where id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
SELECT name from album where id BETWEEN 1 and 100
SELECT name from album where id not BETWEEN 1 and 100
#is null
SELECT * from front_user where realname is null;
#is not null
SELECT * from front_user where realname is not null;
SELECT * from posts ORDER BY read_count desc
#(預設,可省略) 從小到大
SELECT * from posts ORDER BY read_count asc
count avg max min
SELECT COUNT(*) from posts
SELECT max(read_count) from posts
SELECT avg(read_count) from posts # or select sum(read_count)/count(read_count) from posts;
SELECT min(read_count) from posts
SELECT round(avg(read_count),2) from posts
#四捨五入 round(count,num)#保留2位小數
SELECT gender,count(gender) from front_user GROUP BY gender;
SELECT gender,count(gender),GROUP_CONCAT(username) from front_user GROUP BY gender;
#having 過濾數據(對結果查詢出的結果過濾)
SELECT gender,GROUP_CONCAT(username),avg(charactors) FROM front_user GROUP BY gender HAVING(gender!='男')
select * from posts LIMIT 10
select * from posts LIMIT 1 10 #1:起始下標 10 下標
# inner join
SELECT front_user.nickname,posts.title from front_user INNER JOIN posts ON front_user.id=posts.author_id where nickname='小姐姐'
SELECT f.nickname,p.title from front_user as f INNER JOIN posts as p ON f.id=p.author_id where nickname='小姐姐'
#left join
left join左邊的表為基準,找不到置id 為null
與left join相反
SELECT *FROM `comment` as c INNER JOIN `comment` as d on c.id=d.origin_comment_id where c.post_id="PuanQjvyHDzULWTj4cEick"
SELECT * from front_user where charactors=(SELECT MAX(charactors) from front_user)