-- 查詢外鍵 塗聚文 (Geovin Du) select concat(table_name, '.', column_name) as 'foreign key', concat(referenced_table_name, '.', referenced_column_name) as 'r... ...
-- 查詢外鍵 塗聚文 (Geovin Du) select concat(table_name, '.', column_name) as 'foreign key', concat(referenced_table_name, '.', referenced_column_name) as 'references' from information_schema.key_column_usage where referenced_table_name is not null; -- 查詢外鍵 select concat(table_name, '.', column_name) as 'foreign key', concat(referenced_table_name, '.', referenced_column_name) as 'references' from information_schema.key_column_usage where referenced_table_name is not null and table_schema = 'geovindu'; -- table_name 查詢表和視圖 SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'geovindu'; -- 表 SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'geovindu' and table_type='base table'; -- 視圖 SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'geovindu' and table_type='VIEW'; -- 列 SELECT * FROM information_schema.COLUMNS; -- 主外鍵 SELECT * FROM information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE; SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS; -- 存儲過程,自定義函數 SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS where Specific_schema='geovindu'; -- 'PROCEDURE' SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS where Specific_schema='geovindu' and routine_type='PROCEDURE'; select * from information_schema.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_SCHEMA='geovindu' and routine_type='PROCEDURE'; -- 'FUNCTION' SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS where Specific_schema='geovindu' and routine_type='FUNCTION'; select * from information_schema.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_SCHEMA='geovindu' and routine_type='FUNCTION'; SELECT * FROM information_schema.PROCESSLIST; -- SELECT * FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA; -- 表,視圖 SELECT TABLE_NAME, ENGINE, VERSION, ROW_FORMAT, TABLE_ROWS, AVG_ROW_LENGTH, DATA_LENGTH, MAX_DATA_LENGTH, INDEX_LENGTH, DATA_FREE, AUTO_INCREMENT, CREATE_TIME, UPDATE_TIME, CHECK_TIME, TABLE_COLLATION, CHECKSUM, CREATE_OPTIONS, TABLE_COMMENT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = 'geovindu'; -- 主鍵 select * from information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE; -- https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/keywords-table.html select * from information_schema.KEYWORDS; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEYWORDS; select concat(table_name, '.', column_name) as 'foreign key', concat(referenced_table_name, '.', referenced_column_name) as 'references' from information_schema.key_column_usage where referenced_table_name is not null; select `column_name`, `column_type`, `column_default`, `column_comment` from `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` where `table_name` = 'customerlist' and `table_schema` = 'geovindu'; select * from `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` where `table_name` = 'customerlist' and `table_schema` = 'geovindu'; select * from `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` where `table_schema` = 'geovindu'; -- column_key PRI,MUL,UNI pri 主鍵,mul 外鍵 -- EXTRA auto increment 自動增長 -- DATA_TYPE 數據類型 -- 外鍵表與主表關係 SELECT `TABLE_SCHEMA`, -- Foreign key schema `TABLE_NAME`, -- Foreign key table `COLUMN_NAME`, -- Foreign key column `REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA`, -- Origin key schema `REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME`, -- Origin key table `REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME` -- Origin key column FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` -- Will fail if user don't have privilege WHERE `TABLE_SCHEMA` = SCHEMA() -- Detect current schema in USE AND `REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` IS NOT NULL; -- Only tables with foreign keys -- SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'geovindu' AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL; -- SELECT count(1) totalrelationships , c.table_name tablename, CONCAT(' ',GROUP_CONCAT(c.column_name ORDER BY ordinal_position SEPARATOR ', ')) columnname, CONCAT(' ',GROUP_CONCAT(c.column_type ORDER BY ordinal_position SEPARATOR ', ')) columntype FROM information_schema.columns c RIGHT JOIN (SELECT column_name , column_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE -- column_key in ('PRI','MUL') AND -- uncomment this line if you want to see relations only with indexes table_schema = DATABASE() AND table_name = 'productitorderdetails') AS p USING (column_name,column_type) WHERE c.table_schema = DATABASE() -- AND c.table_name != 'YourTableName' GROUP BY tablename -- HAVING (locate(' YourColumnName',columnname) > 0) -- uncomment this line to search for specific column ORDER BY totalrelationships desc, columnname ; -- SELECT i.TABLE_SCHEMA, i.TABLE_NAME, i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, i.CONSTRAINT_NAME, k.COLUMN_NAME, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS i LEFT JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k ON i.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE i.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'productitorderdetails' AND i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' ORDER BY i.TABLE_NAME; -- select concat(table_name, '.', column_name) as 'foreign key', concat(referenced_table_name, '.', referenced_column_name) as 'references', constraint_name as 'constraint name' from information_schema.key_column_usage where referenced_table_name is not null and table_schema = 'geovindu'; SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME, TABLE_NAME, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = 'geovindu' AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'productitorderdetails'; SELECT i.TABLE_SCHEMA, i.TABLE_NAME, i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, i.CONSTRAINT_NAME, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS i LEFT JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k ON i.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' and i.table_schema = 'geovindu'; SELECT i.TABLE_NAME, i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, i.CONSTRAINT_NAME, k.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, k.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS i LEFT JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE k ON i.CONSTRAINT_NAME = k.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE i.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND i.TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND i.TABLE_NAME = 'productitorderdetails'; SELECT * FROM information_schema.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS; SELECT TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'geovindu' AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = 'productitorderdetails'; SELECT TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,CONSTRAINT_NAME, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = 'geovindu' AND TABLE_NAME = 'productitorderdetails'; select * from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='geovindu'; -- 主鍵 select table_name as 'TableName',column_name as 'FieldName',data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',is_nullable as 'IS_NULL' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='geovindu' and column_key='PRI'; -- 主鍵 ,有註釋 select a.table_name as 'TableName',a.column_name as 'FieldName',a.data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(a.character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',a.is_nullable as 'IS_NULL',a.COLUMN_COMMENT,b.TABLE_COMMENT from information_schema.columns as a,information_schema.TABLES as b where a.table_schema='geovindu' and b.table_schema='geovindu' and column_key='PRI' and a.table_name=b.table_name; -- 外鍵 select table_name as 'TableName',column_name as 'FieldName',data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',is_nullable as 'IS_NULL' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='geovindu' and column_key='MUL'; SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'geovindu' AND REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL; select a.table_name as 'TableName',a.column_name as 'FieldName',a.data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(a.character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',a.is_nullable as 'IS_NULL', b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,b.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.columns as a,INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE as b where a.TABLE_NAME=b.TABLE_NAME and a.table_schema='geovindu' and b.table_schema='geovindu' and a.column_key='MUL' AND b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL; -- 自表外鍵 列有註釋 select a.table_name as 'TableName',a.column_name as 'FieldName',a.data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(a.character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',a.is_nullable as 'IS_NULL',a.COLUMN_COMMENT,b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,b.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.columns as a,INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE as b where a.table_name=b.TABLE_NAME and a.COLUMN_NAME=b.COLUMN_NAME and a.table_schema='geovindu' and b.table_schema='geovindu' and a.column_key='MUL' AND b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL and a.table_name='productorderdetails'; -- 主表的主鍵作的外鍵表 列有註釋 select a.table_name as 'TableName',a.column_name as 'FieldName',a.data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(a.character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',a.is_nullable as 'IS_NULL',a.COLUMN_COMMENT, b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME,b.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME from information_schema.columns as a,INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE as b where a.TABLE_NAME=b.TABLE_NAME and a.COLUMN_NAME=b.COLUMN_NAME and a.table_schema='geovindu' and b.table_schema='geovindu' and a.column_key='MUL' AND b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME IS NOT NULL and b.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME='unitlist'; -- 表 select table_name as 'TableName',column_name as 'FieldName',data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',is_nullable as 'IS_NULL' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='geovindu' and column_key='PRI' and table_name=('orderdetails'); -- 表 select column_name as 'FieldName',data_type as 'FieldType',ifnull(character_maximum_length,8) as 'FieldLength' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='geovindu' and table_name=('orderdetails'); -- 表,列表有註釋 select a.column_name as 'FieldName',a.data_type as 'FieldType',ifnull(a.character_maximum_length,8) as 'FieldLength',a.COLUMN_COMMENT,b.TABLE_COMMENT from information_schema.columns as a,information_schema.TABLES as b where a.table_schema='geovindu' and b.table_schema='geovindu' and a.TABLE_NAME=b.TABLE_NAME and a.table_name=('orderdetails'); select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='geovindu' and column_key='PRI' and table_name=('orderdetails'); -- UNI select table_name as 'TableName',column_name as 'FieldName',data_type as 'TypeName',ifnull(character_maximum_length,8) as 'Length',is_nullable as 'IS_NULL' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='geovindu' and column_key='UNI'; -- 查表的描述 select TABLE_COMMENT from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema='geovindu' and table_name=('orderdetails'); select a.column_name as 'FieldName',a.data_type as 'FieldType',ifnull(a.character_maximum_length,8) as 'FieldLength',a.COLUMN_COMMENT,b.TABLE_COMMENT from information_schema.columns as a,information_schema.TABLES as b where a.table_schema='geovindu' and b.table_schema='geovindu' and a.TABLE_NAME=b.TABLE_NAME and a.table_name=('enterprisetype'); -- MySQL5.7 2018-09-28 -- Geovin Du 塗聚文 edit #查詢函數,存儲過程 SELECT * FROM mysql.proc WHERE db='geovindu'; SELECT * FROM information_schema.routines WHERE routine_schema='geovindu'; SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE db='geovindu'; #查看存儲過程詳細信息 SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE geovindu.DeleteBookKind; -- 存儲過程,自定義函數 SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS where Specific_schema='geovindu'; -- 'PROCEDURE' SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS where Specific_schema='geovindu' and routine_type='PROCEDURE'; select * from information_schema.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_SCHEMA='geovindu' and routine_type='PROCEDURE'; -- 'FUNCTION' SELECT * FROM information_schema.PARAMETERS where Specific_schema='geovindu' and routine_type='FUNCTION'; select * from information_schema.ROUTINES where ROUTINE_SCHEMA='geovindu' and routine_type='FUNCTION'; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_splitpage`; -- ok DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `sp_splitpage`( in _pagecurrent int,/*當前頁*/ in _pagesize int,/*每頁的記錄數*/ in _ifelse varchar(1000),/*顯示欄位*/ in _where varchar(1000),/*條件*/ in _order varchar(1000) /*排序*/ ) COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' BEGIN declare strsql varchar(1000); if _pagesize<=1 then set _pagesize=20; end if; if _pagecurrent < 1 then set _pagecurrent = 1; end if; set @strsql = concat('select ',_ifelse,' from ',_where,' ',_order,' limit ',_pagecurrent*_pagesize-_pagesize,',',_pagesize); prepare stmtsql from @strsql; execute stmtsql; deallocate prepare stmtsql; set @strsqlcount=concat('select count(1) as count from ',_where);/*count(1) 這個欄位最好是主鍵*/ prepare stmtsqlcount from @strsqlcount; execute stmtsqlcount; deallocate prepare stmtsqlcount; END$$ DELIMITER ; /* --名稱:MYSQL版查詢分頁存儲過程 by peace 2013-8-14 --輸入參數:@fields -- 要查詢的欄位用逗號隔開 --輸入參數:@tables -- 要查詢的表 --輸入參數:@where -- 查詢條件 --輸入參數:@orderby -- 排序欄位 --輸出參數:@page -- 當前頁計數從1開始 --輸出參數:@pagesize -- 每頁大小 --輸出參數:@totalcount -- 總記錄數 --輸出參數:@pagecount -- 總頁數 */ -- ok DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `Query_Pagination`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE Query_Pagination ( in _fields varchar(2000), in _tables text, in _where varchar(2000), in _orderby varchar(200), in _pageindex int, in _pagesize int, in _sumfields varchar(200),/*增加統計欄位2013-5-8 peaceli*/ out _totalcount int , out _pagecount int )COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' begin declare startRow int; declare pageSize int; declare rowindex int; declare strsql varchar(1000); set startRow = _pagesize*(_pageindex-1); set pageSize = _pagesize; set rowindex = 0; set strsql = CONCAT('select sql_calc_found_rows @rowindex:=@rowindex+1 as rownumber,',_fields,' from ',_tables,case ifnull(_where,'') when '' then '' else concat(' where ',_where) end,' order by ',_orderby,' limit ',@startRow,',',@pageSize); prepare strsql from @strsql; execute strsql; deallocate prepare strsql; set _totalcount = found_rows(); if(_totalcount <= _pagesize) then set _pagecount = 1; else if(_totalcount % _pagesize > 0) then set _pagecount = _totalcount / _pagesize + 1; else set _pagecount = _totalcount / _pagesize; end if; if(ifnull(_sumfields,'') <> '') then set @sumsql = contact('select ',_sumfields,' from ',_tables,case ifnull(_where,'') when '' then '' else concat(' where ',_where) end); prepare sumsql from @sumsql; execute sumsql; deallocate prepare sumsql; end if; end if; end$$ DELIMITER ; /*test" CALL sp_viewPage( '*'#查詢欄位 ,'userupdatelog'#表名 ,'1=1'#條件 ,'Id desc'#排序 ,1 #頁碼 ,20 #每頁記錄數 ,@totalcount #輸出總記錄數 ,@pagecount #輸出用頁數 ); SELECT @totalcount,@pagecount; */ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_viewPage`; -- OK DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_viewPage( _fields VARCHAR(1000), #要查詢的欄位,用逗號(,)分隔 _tables TEXT, #要查詢的表 _where VARCHAR(2000), #查詢條件 _orderby VARCHAR(200), #排序規則 _pageindex INT, #查詢頁碼 _pageSize INT, #每頁記錄數 /*_sumfields VARCHAR(200),#求和欄位 */ #輸出參數 OUT _totalcount INT, #總記錄數 OUT _pagecount INT #總頁數 /* OUT _sumResult VARCHAR(2000)#求和結果 */ )COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' BEGIN #140529-xxj-分頁存儲過程 #計算起始行號 declare strsql varchar(1000); declare startRow int; declare pageSize int; declare rowindex int; SET startRow = _pageSize * (_pageindex - 1); SET pageSize = _pageSize; SET rowindex = 0; #行號 #合併字元串 SET @strsql = CONCAT( #'select sql_calc_found_rows @rowindex:=@rowindex+1 as rownumber,' #記錄行號 'select sql_calc_found_rows ' ,_fields ,' from ' ,_tables ,CASE IFNULL(_where, '') WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE CONCAT(' where ', _where) END ,CASE IFNULL(_orderby, '') WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE CONCAT(' order by ', _orderby) END ,' limit ' ,startRow ,',' ,pageSize ); PREPARE strsql FROM @strsql;#定義預處理語句 EXECUTE strsql; #執行預處理語句 DEALLOCATE PREPARE strsql; #刪除定義 #通過 sql_calc_found_rows 記錄沒有使用 limit 語句的記錄,使用 found_rows() 獲取行數 SET _totalcount = FOUND_ROWS(); #計算總頁數 IF (_totalcount <= _pageSize) THEN SET _pagecount = 1; ELSE IF (_totalcount % _pageSize > 0) THEN SET _pagecount = _totalcount DIV _pageSize + 1; ELSE SET _pagecount = _totalcount DIV _pageSize; END IF; end if; END$$ DELIMITER ; -- Ok DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `GetRecordAsPage`; DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `GetRecordAsPage` (in tbName varchar(800), -- 表名 in fldName varchar(1000), -- 表的列名 in strWhere varchar(500), -- 查詢條件 in pageIndex int, -- 第幾頁 傳入1就是顯示第一頁 in pageSize int, -- 一頁顯示幾條記錄 in orderType int, -- 0是升序 非0是降序 in sortName varchar(50) -- 排序欄位 ) COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' BEGIN declare startRow int; declare sqlStr varchar(1000); declare limitTemp varchar(1000); declare orderTemp varchar(1000); set startRow = (pageIndex-1)*pageSize; set sqlStr = CONCAT('SELECT ',fldName,' from ',tbName); set limitTemp = CONCAT(' limit ',startRow,',',pageSize); set orderTemp = CONCAT(' order by ',sortName); if orderType = 0 then set orderTemp = CONCAT(orderTemp,' ASC '); else set orderTemp = CONCAT(orderTemp,' DESC '); end if; set @sqlString = CONCAT(sqlStr,' ',strWhere,orderTemp,limitTemp); prepare sqlstmt from @sqlString; execute sqlstmt; deallocate prepare sqlstmt; END$$ DELIMITER ; -- DELIMITER $$ DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `GetRecordCount` $$ -- --CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `GetRecordCount`(in tbName varchar(800),in strWhere varchar(500)) CREATE PROCEDURE `GetRecordCount` ( in tbName varchar(800), in strWhere varchar(500) )COMMENT '獲取條件下的總記錄數據 存儲過程' BEGIN set @strSQL=concat('select count(*) as countStr from ',tbName,strWhere); prepare sqlstmt from @strSQL; execute sqlstmt; deallocate prepare sqlstmt; END $$ DELIMITER ; -- OK DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `LazyLoadScope` ( IN ClientId INT, IN StartIndex INT, IN Count INT )COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' BEGIN DECLARE LowerBound INT; DECLARE UpperBound INT; DECLARE rownum INT; SET LowerBound = ((StartIndex - 1) * Count) + 1; SET UpperBound = ((StartIndex - 1) * Count) + Count; SELECT scopeid,scopename,clientid,scope,createddate,ViewDate,IsLocked from (SELECT *, @rownum := @rownum + 1 AS rank from (SELECT sm.scopeid,sm.scopename,sm.clientid,sm.scope,sm.createddate,sm.ViewDate,sm.Is Locked FROM scopemaster as sm inner join clientmaster cm on cm.clientid=sm.clientid where cm.userid=ClientId order by sm.ViewDate desc) d, (SELECT @rownum := 0) r ) m WHERE rank >= LowerBound and rank <= UpperBound; END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `GetCustomers_Pager`( _PageIndex INT ,_PageSize INT ,OUT _RecordCount INT )COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' BEGIN SET @RowNumber:=0; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Results SELECT @RowNumber:=@RowNumber+1 RowNumber ,CustomerID ,ContactName ,CompanyName FROM Customers; SET _RecordCount =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Results); SELECT * FROM Results WHERE RowNumber BETWEEN(_PageIndex -1) * _PageSize + 1 AND(((_PageIndex -1) * _PageSize + 1) + _PageSize) - 1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE Results; END$$ DELIMITER ; -- OK DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE ProcPage( in tableName varchar(20), #表名 in showField varchar(100), #要顯示的列名 in whereText varchar(500), #where條件(只需要寫where後面的語句) in orderText varchar(500), #排序條件(只需要寫order by後面的語句) in pageSize int, #每一頁顯示的記錄數 in pageIndex int, #當前頁 out dataCount int #總記錄數 )COMMENT '分頁存儲過程' BEGIN DECLARE f INT unsigned DEFAULT 0; set f=1; if _pagesize<=100 then set f=200; end if; if(pageSzie<1) then set pagesize=20; end if; if(pageIdex<1) then set pageIndex=1; end if; if(length(whereText)>0) then set whereText=concat(' where 1=1 ',whereText); end if; if(LENGTH(orderText)>0)then set orderText = CONCAT(' ORDER BY ',orderText); end if; /* if (pageSize<1) then set pageSize=20; end if; if (pageIndex < 1)then set pageIndex = 1; end if; if(LENGTH(whereText)>0)then set whereText=CONCAT(' where 1=1 ',whereText); end if; */ set @strsql = CONCAT('select ',showField,' from ',tableName,' ',whereText,' ',orderText,' limit ',pageIndex*pageSize-pageSize,',',pageSize); prepare stmtsql from @strsql; execute stmtsql; deallocate prepare stmtsql; set @strsqlcount=concat('select count(1) as count into @datacount from ',tableName,'',whereText); prepare stmtsqlcount from @strsqlcount; execute stmtsqlcount; deallocate prepare stmtsqlcount; set datacount=@datacount; END$$ DELIMITER ;