
Play Games

最近在使用snapkit過程中遇到一個問題,在github上搜索之後發現另外一個有趣的問題 問題鏈接 看起來很理所當然的,明顯不可以這樣寫,但是具體是什麼原因呢,明明沒有報任何錯誤和警告,但是.multipliedBy()方法卻沒有效果,那我們來看一下snapkit源碼。 1.首先點進equalTo ...


frameImageContainer.snp.makeConstraints({ (make) in 



    public func equalTo(_ other: ConstraintRelatableTarget, _ file: String = #file, _ line: UInt = #line) -> ConstraintMakerEditable {
        return self.relatedTo(other, relation: .equal, file: file, line: line)


internal func relatedTo(_ other: ConstraintRelatableTarget, relation: ConstraintRelation, file: String, line: UInt) -> ConstraintMakerEditable {
        let related: ConstraintItem
        let constant: ConstraintConstantTarget
        if let other = other as? ConstraintItem {
            guard other.attributes == ConstraintAttributes.none ||
                  other.attributes.layoutAttributes.count <= 1 ||
                  other.attributes.layoutAttributes == self.description.attributes.layoutAttributes ||
                  other.attributes == .edges && self.description.attributes == .margins ||
                  other.attributes == .margins && self.description.attributes == .edges else {
                fatalError("Cannot constraint to multiple non identical attributes. (\(file), \(line))");
            related = other
            constant = 0.0
        } else if let other = other as? ConstraintView {
            related = ConstraintItem(target: other, attributes: ConstraintAttributes.none)
            constant = 0.0
        } else if let other = other as? ConstraintConstantTarget {
            related = ConstraintItem(target: nil, attributes: ConstraintAttributes.none)
            constant = other
        } else if #available(iOS 9.0, OSX 10.11, *), let other = other as? ConstraintLayoutGuide {
            related = ConstraintItem(target: other, attributes: ConstraintAttributes.none)
            constant = 0.0
        } else {
            fatalError("Invalid constraint. (\(file), \(line))")
        let editable = ConstraintMakerEditable(self.description)
        editable.description.sourceLocation = (file, line)
        editable.description.relation = relation
        editable.description.related = related
        editable.description.constant = constant
        return editable



    public func multipliedBy(_ amount: ConstraintMultiplierTarget) -> ConstraintMakerEditable {
        self.description.multiplier = amount
        return self



internal static func makeConstraints(item: LayoutConstraintItem, closure: (_ make: ConstraintMaker) -> Void) {
        let maker = ConstraintMaker(item: item)
        var constraints: [Constraint] = []
        for description in maker.descriptions {
            guard let constraint = description.constraint else {
        for constraint in constraints {
            constraint.activateIfNeeded(updatingExisting: false)

首先將要添加約束的對象封裝成ConstraintMaker對象,再把它作為參數調用closure,開始添加約束。closure中的每條語句會先被解析ConstraintDescription對象,添加到maker的descriptions屬性中。 在第一個for迴圈中可以看到,每次迴圈從descriptions中取出一條description,判斷是否改description是否有constraint屬性;


internal lazy var constraint: Constraint? = {
        guard let relation = self.relation,
              let related = self.related,
              let sourceLocation = self.sourceLocation else {
            return nil
        let from = ConstraintItem(target: self.item, attributes: self.attributes)
        return Constraint(
            from: from,
            to: related,
            relation: relation,
            sourceLocation: sourceLocation,
            label: self.label,
            multiplier: self.multiplier,
            constant: self.constant,
            priority: self.priority



    internal init(from: ConstraintItem,
                  to: ConstraintItem,
                  relation: ConstraintRelation,
                  sourceLocation: (String, UInt),
                  label: String?,
                  multiplier: ConstraintMultiplierTarget,
                  constant: ConstraintConstantTarget,
                  priority: ConstraintPriorityTarget) {
        self.from = from
        self.to = to
        self.relation = relation
        self.sourceLocation = sourceLocation
        self.label = label
        self.multiplier = multiplier
        self.constant = constant
        self.priority = priority
        self.layoutConstraints = []

        // get attributes
        let layoutFromAttributes = self.from.attributes.layoutAttributes
        let layoutToAttributes = self.to.attributes.layoutAttributes

        // get layout from
        let layoutFrom = self.from.layoutConstraintItem!

        // get relation
        let layoutRelation = self.relation.layoutRelation

        for layoutFromAttribute in layoutFromAttributes {
            // get layout to attribute
            let layoutToAttribute: LayoutAttribute
            #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS)
                if layoutToAttributes.count > 0 {
                    if self.from.attributes == .edges && self.to.attributes == .margins {
                        switch layoutFromAttribute {
                        case .left:
                            layoutToAttribute = .leftMargin
                        case .right:
                            layoutToAttribute = .rightMargin
                        case .top:
                            layoutToAttribute = .topMargin
                        case .bottom:
                            layoutToAttribute = .bottomMargin
                    } else if self.from.attributes == .margins && self.to.attributes == .edges {
                        switch layoutFromAttribute {
                        case .leftMargin:
                            layoutToAttribute = .left
                        case .rightMargin:
                            layoutToAttribute = .right
                        case .topMargin:
                            layoutToAttribute = .top
                        case .bottomMargin:
                            layoutToAttribute = .bottom
                    } else if self.from.attributes == self.to.attributes {
                        layoutToAttribute = layoutFromAttribute
                    } else {
                        layoutToAttribute = layoutToAttributes[0]
                } else {
                    if self.to.target == nil && (layoutFromAttribute == .centerX || layoutFromAttribute == .centerY) {
                        layoutToAttribute = layoutFromAttribute == .centerX ? .left : .top
                    } else {
                        layoutToAttribute = layoutFromAttribute
                if self.from.attributes == self.to.attributes {
                    layoutToAttribute = layoutFromAttribute
                } else if layoutToAttributes.count > 0 {
                    layoutToAttribute = layoutToAttributes[0]
                } else {
                    layoutToAttribute = layoutFromAttribute

            // get layout constant
            let layoutConstant: CGFloat = self.constant.constraintConstantTargetValueFor(layoutAttribute: layoutToAttribute)

            // get layout to
            var layoutTo: AnyObject? = self.to.target

            // use superview if possible
            if layoutTo == nil && layoutToAttribute != .width && layoutToAttribute != .height {
                layoutTo = layoutFrom.superview

            // create layout constraint
            let layoutConstraint = LayoutConstraint(
                item: layoutFrom,
                attribute: layoutFromAttribute,
                relatedBy: layoutRelation,
                toItem: layoutTo,
                attribute: layoutToAttribute,
                multiplier: self.multiplier.constraintMultiplierTargetValue,
                constant: layoutConstant

            // set label
            layoutConstraint.label = self.label

            // set priority
            layoutConstraint.priority = LayoutPriority(rawValue: self.priority.constraintPriorityTargetValue)

            // set constraint
            layoutConstraint.constraint = self

            // append



 internal func activateIfNeeded(updatingExisting: Bool = false) {
        guard let item = self.from.layoutConstraintItem else {
            print("WARNING: SnapKit failed to get from item from constraint. Activate will be a no-op.")
        let layoutConstraints = self.layoutConstraints

        if updatingExisting {
            var existingLayoutConstraints: [LayoutConstraint] = []
            for constraint in item.constraints {
                existingLayoutConstraints += constraint.layoutConstraints

            for layoutConstraint in layoutConstraints {
                let existingLayoutConstraint = existingLayoutConstraints.first { $0 == layoutConstraint }
                guard let updateLayoutConstraint = existingLayoutConstraint else {
                    fatalError("Updated constraint could not find existing matching constraint to update: \(layoutConstraint)")

                let updateLayoutAttribute = (updateLayoutConstraint.secondAttribute == .notAnAttribute) ? updateLayoutConstraint.firstAttribute : updateLayoutConstraint.secondAttribute
                updateLayoutConstraint.constant = self.constant.constraintConstantTargetValueFor(layoutAttribute: updateLayoutAttribute)
        } else {
            item.add(constraints: [self])


/* Convenience method that activates each constraint in the contained array, in the same manner as setting active=YES. This is often more efficient than activating each constraint individually. */
    @available(iOS 8.0, *)
    open class func activate(_ constraints: [NSLayoutConstraint])


internal var constraints: [Constraint] {
        return self.constraintsSet.allObjects as! [Constraint]
    internal func add(constraints: [Constraint]) {
        let constraintsSet = self.constraintsSet
        for constraint in constraints {
    internal func remove(constraints: [Constraint]) {
        let constraintsSet = self.constraintsSet
        for constraint in constraints {
    private var constraintsSet: NSMutableSet {
        let constraintsSet: NSMutableSet
        if let existing = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &constraintsKey) as? NSMutableSet {
            constraintsSet = existing
        } else {
            constraintsSet = NSMutableSet()
            objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &constraintsKey, constraintsSet, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC)
        return constraintsSet

5.通過這個過程不難發現,使用make.width.equalTo(295).multipliedBy(0.2) 這種方式不能得到想要的結果。在3中Constraint的構造方法的紅色部分,其實構造LayoutConstraint對象時調用的NSLayoutConstraint的便利構造器方法:

    /* Create constraints explicitly.  Constraints are of the form "view1.attr1 = view2.attr2 * multiplier + constant" 
     If your equation does not have a second view and attribute, use nil and NSLayoutAttributeNotAnAttribute.
    public convenience init(item view1: Any, attribute attr1: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, relatedBy relation: NSLayoutConstraint.Relation, toItem view2: Any?, attribute attr2: NSLayoutConstraint.Attribute, multiplier: CGFloat, constant c: CGFloat)

註意上面註釋 view1.attr1 = view2.attr2 * multiplier + constant 如果只設置為數字,則相當於view2為nil,所以view1的屬性值只能等於constant的值,不會乘以multiplier。

6.終於寫完了,哈哈。  demo工程地址,對應的方法已打斷點,可以跟著代碼一步步調試,有助於理解。








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