
Play Games

轉載:http://blog.163.com/panda_sha/blog/static/4782819620108743351655/ conversion from %s to %s not supported by iconv”iconv 不支持從 %s 到 %s 的轉換” iconv_ope ...


conversion from %s to %s not supported by iconv”
iconv 不支持從 %s 到 %s 的轉換”


no iconv implementation, cannot convert from %s to %s”
沒有 iconv 的實現,無法從 %s 轉換到 %s”

character 0x%lx is not in the basic source character set\n”
字元 0x%lx 不在基本源字元集中\n”

converting to execution character set”

character 0x%lx is not unibyte in execution character set”
字元 0x%lx 在執行字元集中不是單位元組的”

Character %x might not be NFKC”
字元 %x 可能不是 NFKC”

universal character names are only valid in C++ and C99″
Unicode 字元名只在 C++ 和 C99 中有效”

the meaning of ‘\\%c’ is different in traditional C”
‘\\%c’的意義與在傳統 C 中不同”

In _cpp_valid_ucn but not a UCN”
在 _cpp_valid_ucn 中但不是一個 UCN”

incomplete universal character name %.*s”
不完全的 Unicode 字元名 %.*s”

%.*s is not a valid universal character”
%.*s 不是一個有效的 Unicode 字元”

‘$’ in identifier or number”

universal character %.*s is not valid in an identifier”
Unicode 字元 %.*s 在標識符中無效”

universal character %.*s is not valid at the start of an identifier”
Unicode 字元 %.*s 在標識符開頭無效”

converting UCN to source character set”
將 UCN 轉換到源字元集”

converting UCN to execution character set”
將 UCN 轉換到執行字元集”

the meaning of ‘\\x’ is different in traditional C”
‘\\x’的意義與在傳統 C 中不同”

\\x used with no following hex digits”
\\x 後沒有 16 進位數字”

hex escape sequence out of range”
16 進位轉義序列越界”

octal escape sequence out of range”
8 進位轉義序列越界”

the meaning of ‘\\a’ is different in traditional C”
‘\\a’的意義與在傳統 C 中不同”

non-ISO-standard escape sequence, ‘\\%c’”
非 ISO 標準的轉義序列,‘\\%c’”

unknown escape sequence: ‘\\%c’”

unknown escape sequence: ‘\\%s’”

converting escape sequence to execution character set”

character constant too long for its type”

multi-character character constant”

empty character constant”

failure to convert %s to %s”
無法從 %s 轉換到 %s”

extra tokens at end of #%s directive”
#%s 指示的末尾有多餘的標識符”

#%s is a GCC extension”
#%s 是一個 GCC 擴展”

#%s is a deprecated GCC extension”
#%s 是一個已過時的 GCC 擴展”

suggest not using #elif in traditional C”
建議在傳統 C 中不使用 #elif”

traditional C ignores #%s with the # indented”
當 # 有縮進時傳統 C 忽略 #%s”

suggest hiding #%s from traditional C with an indented #”
建議使用縮進的 # 以讓 #%s 對傳統 C 不可見”

embedding a directive within macro arguments is not portable”

style of line directive is a GCC extension”
line 指示的風格是一個 GCC 擴展”

invalid preprocessing directive #%s”
無效的預處理指示 #%s”

\”defined\” cannot be used as a macro name”

\”%s\” cannot be used as a macro name as it is an operator in C++”
“%s”不能被用作巨集名,因為它是 C++ 中的一個操作符”

no macro name given in #%s directive”
#%s 指示中未給出巨集名”

macro names must be identifiers”

undefining \”%s\”"

missing terminating > character”
缺少結尾的 > 字元”

#%s expects \”FILENAME\” or ”
#%s 需要 \”FILENAME\” 或 ”

empty filename in #%s”
#%s 中文件名為空”

#include nested too deeply”
#include 嵌套過深”

#include_next in primary source file”
#include_next 出現在主源文件中”

invalid flag \”%s\” in line directive”
line 指示中有無效的標記“%s””

unexpected end of file after #line”
#line 後未預期的文件結束”

\”%s\” after #line is not a positive integer”
#line 後的“%s”不是一個正整數”

line number out of range”

\”%s\” is not a valid filename”

\”%s\” after # is not a positive integer”
# 後的“%s”不是一個正整數”

invalid #%s directive”
無效的 #%s 指示”

registering pragmas in namespace \”%s\” with mismatched name expansion”
在命名空間“%s”中註冊 pragma 時名稱擴展不匹配”

registering pragma \”%s\” with name expansion and no namespace”
pragma “%s”被註冊為一個命名擴展,而沒有命名空間”

registering \”%s\” as both a pragma and a pragma namespace”
“%s”既被註冊為一個pragma 又被註冊為一個 pragma 命名空間”

#pragma %s %s is already registered”
#pragma %s %s 已經被註冊”

#pragma %s is already registered”
#pragma %s 已經被註冊”

registering pragma with NULL handler”
pragma 註冊為被 NULL 處理”

#pragma once in main file”
#pragma once 出現在主文件中”

invalid #pragma push_macro directive”
無效的 #pragma push_macro 指示”

invalid #pragma pop_macro directive”
無效的 #pragma pop_macro 指示”

invalid #pragma GCC poison directive”
無效的 #pragma GCC poison 指示”

poisoning existing macro \”%s\”"

#pragma system_header ignored outside include file”
#pragma system_heade 在包含文件外被忽略”

cannot find source file %s”
找不到源文件 %s”

current file is older than %s”
當前文件早於 %s”

_Pragma takes a parenthesized string literal”
_Pragma 需要一個括起的字元串字面常量”

#else without #if”
#else 沒有匹配的 #if”

#else after #else”
#else 出現在 #else 後”

the conditional began here”

#elif without #if”
#elif 沒有匹配的 #if”
#elif after #else”
#elif 出現在 #else 後”

#: directives.c:1960
#endif without #if”
#endif 沒有匹配的 #if”

missing ‘(‘ after predicate”

missing ‘)’ to complete answer”

predicate’s answer is empty”

assertion without predicate”

predicate must be an identifier”

\”%s\” re-asserted”

unterminated #%s”
未終止的 #%s”

unterminated comment”


%s: %s”

too many decimal points in number”

fixed-point constants are a GCC extension”
定點常量是一個 GCC 擴展”

invalid digit \”%c\” in binary constant”

invalid digit \”%c\” in octal constant”
8 進位常量中有非法字元“%c””

invalid prefix \”0b\” for floating constant”

use of C99 hexadecimal floating constant”
使用 C99 式的 16 進位浮點常量”

exponent has no digits”

hexadecimal floating constants require an exponent”
16 進位浮點常量需要指數部分”

invalid suffix \”%.*s\” on floating constant”

traditional C rejects the \”%.*s\” suffix”
傳統 C 不接受“%.*s”尾碼”

suffix for double constant is a GCC extension”
雙精度常量尾碼是一個 GCC 擴展”

invalid suffix \”%.*s\” with hexadecimal floating constant”

decimal float constants are a GCC extension”
十進位浮點常量是一個 GCC 擴展”

invalid suffix \”%.*s\” on integer constant”

use of C++0x long long integer constant”
使用 C++0x long long 整數常量”

imaginary constants are a GCC extension”
虛數常量是一個 GCC 擴展”

binary constants are a GCC extension”
二進位常量是一個 GCC 擴展”

integer constant is too large for its type”

integer constant is so large that it is unsigned”
整數常量太大,認定為 unsigned”

missing ‘)’ after \”defined\”"
“defined” 後出現‘)’”

operator \”defined\” requires an identifier”

(\”%s\” is an alternative token for \”%s\” in C++)”
(在 C++ 中“%s”會是“%s”的替代標識符)”

this use of \”defined\” may not be portable”

floating constant in preprocessor expression”

imaginary number in preprocessor expression”

\”%s\” is not defined”

assertions are a GCC extension”
斷言是一個 GCC 擴展”

assertions are a deprecated extension”
斷言是一個已過時的 GCC 擴展”

missing binary operator before token \”%s\”"

token \”%s\” is not valid in preprocessor expressions”

missing expression between ‘(‘ and ‘)’”

%s with no expression”
%s 後沒有表達式”

operator ‘%s’ has no right operand”

operator ‘%s’ has no left operand”

‘:’ without preceding ‘?’”

unbalanced stack in %s”
%s 中堆棧不平衡”

impossible operator ‘%u’”

missing ‘)’ in expression”

‘?’ without following ‘:’”

integer overflow in preprocessor expression”

missing ‘(‘ in expression”

the left operand of \”%s\” changes sign when promoted”

the right operand of \”%s\” changes sign when promoted”

traditional C rejects the unary plus operator”
傳統 C 不接受單目 + 運算符”

comma operator in operand of #if”
#if 操作數中出現逗號”

division by zero in #if”
#if 中用零做除數”

NULL directory in find_file”
find_file 中有 NULL 目錄”

one or more PCH files were found, but they were invalid”
找到一個或多個 PCH 文件,但它們是無效的”

use -Winvalid-pch for more information”
使用 -Winvalid-pch 以獲得更多信息”

%s is a block device”
%s 是一個塊設備”

%s is too large”
%s 過大”

%s is shorter than expected”
%s 短於預期”

no include path in which to search for %s”
沒有包含路徑可供搜索 %s”

Multiple include guards may be useful for:\n”

cppchar_t must be an unsigned type”
cppchar_t 必須是無符號型”

preprocessor arithmetic has maximum precision of %lu bits; target requires %lu bits”
預處理算術的最高精度為 %lu 位;目標需要 %lu 位”

CPP arithmetic must be at least as precise as a target int”
CPP 算術必須至少具有目標 int 的精度”

target char is less than 8 bits wide”
目標 char 短於 8 位”

target wchar_t is narrower than target char”
目錄 wchar_t 短於目標 char”

target int is narrower than target char”
目標 int 短於目標 char”

CPP half-integer narrower than CPP character”
CPP 半整數短於 CPP 字元”

CPP on this host cannot handle wide character constants over %lu bits, but the target requires %lu bits”
在此宿主機上,CPP 不能處理長於 %lu 位的寬字元常量,但目標需要 %lu 位”

backslash and newline separated by space”

backslash-newline at end of file”

trigraph ??%c converted to %c”
三元符 ??%c 轉換為 %c”

trigraph ??%c ignored, use -trigraphs to enable”
三元符 ??%c 被忽略,請使用 -trigraphs 來啟用”

\”/*\” within comment”

%s in preprocessing directive”
預處理指示中出現 %s”

null character(s) ignored”

`%.*s’ is not in NFKC”
‘%.*s’不在 NFKC 中”

`%.*s’ is not in NFC”
‘%.*s’不在 NFC 中”

attempt to use poisoned \”%s\”"

__VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macro”
__VA_ARGS__ 只能出現在 C99 可變參數巨集的展開中”

identifier \”%s\” is a special operator name in C++”
標識符“%s”是 C++ 中的一個特殊操作符”

raw string delimiter longer than 16 characters”
原始字元串分隔符長過 16 個字元”

invalid character ‘%c’ in raw string delimiter”

unterminated raw string”

null character(s) preserved in literal”

missing terminating %c character”
缺少結尾的 %c 字元”

C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90″
C++ 風格的註釋在 ISO C90 中不被允許”

(this will be reported only once per input file)”

multi-line comment”

unspellable token %s”
無法拼出的標識符 %s”

macro \”%s\” is not used”

invalid built-in macro \”%s\”"

could not determine file timestamp”

could not determine date and time”

__COUNTER__ expanded inside directive with -fdirectives-only”
帶 -fdirectives-only 時 __COUNTER__ 在指示中擴展”

invalid string literal, ignoring final ‘\\’”

pasting \”%s\” and \”%s\” does not give a valid preprocessing token”

ISO C99 requires rest arguments to be used”
ISO C99 需要使用剩餘的參數”

macro \”%s\” requires %u arguments, but only %u given”
巨集“%s”需要 %u 個參數,但只給出了 %u 個”

macro \”%s\” passed %u arguments, but takes just %u”
巨集“%s”傳遞了 %u 個參數,但只需要 %u 個”

unterminated argument list invoking macro \”%s\”"

function-like macro \”%s\” must be used with arguments in traditional C”
類似函數的巨集“%s”在傳統 C 中必須與參數一起使用”

invoking macro %s argument %d: empty macro arguments are undefined in ISO C90 and ISO C++98″
調用巨集 %s 的參數 %d:空的巨集參數未被 ISO C90 和 ISO C++98 定義”

duplicate macro parameter \”%s\”"

\”%s\” may not appear in macro parameter list”

macro parameters must be comma-separated”

parameter name missing”

anonymous variadic macros were introduced in C99″
匿名可變參數巨集在 C99 中被引入”

ISO C does not permit named variadic macros”
ISO C 不允許有名的可變參數巨集”

missing ‘)’ in macro parameter list”

‘##’ cannot appear at either end of a macro expansion”

ISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro name”
ISO C99 要求巨集名後必須有空白”

missing whitespace after the macro name”

‘#’ is not followed by a macro parameter”

\”%s\” redefined”

this is the location of the previous definition”

macro argument \”%s\” would be stringified in traditional C”
巨集參數“%s”將在傳統 C 中被字元串化”

invalid hash type %d in cpp_macro_definition”
cpp_macro_definition 中有無效的散列類型 %d”

while writing precompiled header”

%s: not used because `%.*s’ is poisoned”

%s: not used because `%.*s’ not defined”

%s: not used because `%.*s’ defined as `%s’ not `%.*s’”

%s: not used because `%s’ is defined”

%s: not used because `__COUNTER__’ is invalid”

while reading precompiled header”

detected recursion whilst expanding macro \”%s\”"

syntax error in macro parameter list”

#~ warning: ”
#~ 警告:”

#~ internal error: ”
#~ 內部錯誤:”

#~ error: ”
#~ 錯誤:”

#~ In file included from %s:%u”
#~ 在包含自 %s:%u 的文件中”

#~ ”
#~ “,\n”
#~ ” from %s:%u”
#~ ”
#~ “,\n”
#~ ” 從 %s:%u”

#~ no newline at end of file”
#~ 文件未以空白行結束”


Play Games
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    Play Games
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