Android開發遇到的錯誤及解決方法1. Unable to resolve target 'android-7' 解決方案:修改工程目錄下的default.properties文件里的內容target=android-7改成target=android-12(或者其他版本)就可以了,最好用txt
1. Unable to resolve target 'android-7'
# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system use,
# "", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# Project target.
2. Android Error: Unable to open class file
You’ve just installed Eclipse , and attempted to create your first Android Application. When clicking create, you see an error similar to this: "Error: Unable to open class file "
如果出現 “Error: Unable to open class file No such file or directory”。
The “Build Path” for your Java environment is not setup correctly in Eclipse. To fix this, follow these steps:
1) Open the Preferences Window by clicking “Window -> Preferences”
2) Find the “Java” section and expand it
3) Select “Build Path ”
4) Change the value of Source and output folder from Folders to “Project ”
5) Click Apply and then “OK ”
Your problem should be resolved!
3. 學習android的開發,才剛開始,不知道什麼原因,建立一個helloworld,eclipse就蹦出個錯誤,晴高手指點一
ERROR: Unable to open class file E:\Users\Administrator\workspace\helloworld1\gen\fanghui\helloworld\ No such file or directory
要看你用的哪個sdk版本開發的, 不同版本工程文件結構稍有不同 ,最新的2.2中 解決辦法是 你把gen文件夾刪除 然後點擊菜單欄中的project—》clean,彈出視窗中選擇你的工程 確定應該就沒有問題了
4. 求助:我是新手,最近在照書學習時,導入的程式都在項目的圖標處有個紅叉,
提示:ERROR:Unable to open class file ..\..\ Permission denied
請問這種情況是什麼導致的 ?
Help with “Error: Unable to open class file” when building an Android App for the first time in Eclipse
This is just a really, quick and dirty post to help resolve this issue.
You’ve just installed Eclipse (5.2.x at the time of this writing), and attempted to create your first Android Application. When clicking create, you see an error similar to this:
Error: Unable to open class file
The “Build Path” for your Java environment is not setup correctly in Eclipse. To fix this, follow these steps:
1) Open the Preferences Window by clicking Window -> Preferences
2) Find the Java section and expand it
3) Select Build Path
4) Change the value of Source and output folder from Folders to Project
5) Click Apply and then OK
Your problem should be resolved!
5. 求助:我是新手,最近在照書學習時,導入的程式都在項目的圖標處有個紅叉,
提示:ERROR:Unable to open class file ..\..\ Permission denied
請問這種情況是什麼導致的 ?
第二種解決方式:1.先檢查你的代碼,代碼有誤,R.java文件是生成不了的(一般導入的程式是不會有這個問題的) 2. 打開Project ----> Build Automatically那個選項勾上,讓工程每次修改完後都會自動編譯,這樣R.java會是最新的(這時候程式有誤,不會生成) 3. Project ---> Clean,點開後,選中你的工程,然後OK,(clean本身就會Reset你的工程設置,並且在之後能自動重新Build一下,如果一次clean還是有問題,那就再clean。一般兩次就可以了)。這樣三步下來,就能搞定你的問題了
我clean 了還是不行啊
6. 今天我導入一個游戲demo的工程,發現項目名稱上有紅叉,控制台拋出錯誤報告
[2011-01-13 13:47:42 - DrifBall] ERROR: Unable to open class file G:\Android2.0游戲開發實踐寶典源代碼\源代碼\第14章\DrifBall\gen\wyf\wpf\ Permission denied
上網搜了一下“Permission denied”,說要更改項目的只讀屬性,結果我沒找到,這個問題到底是怎麼回事啊?
參照10樓的 成功解決了問題
7. Android程式調試時生成main.out.xml文件,報錯: Resource entry main is already defined
20:47:58 - TextView] Error in an XML file: aborting build.
[2011-09-07 20:47:58 - TextView] res\layout\main.xml:0: error: Resource entry main is already defined.
[2011-09-07 20:47:58 - TextView] res\layout\main.out.xml:0: Originally defined here.
可以在Eclipse裡面配置,菜單Windows->Preference,選擇結點Run/Debug->Lauching,Lauch Operation選擇第一項。
8. Android開發中總是生成*.out.xml問題
Error in an XML file: aborting build.
[2010-04-01 00:38:45 - AndroidPhoneDialer] res\layout\main.xml:0: error: Resource entry main is already defined.
[2010-04-01 00:38:45 - AndroidPhoneDialer] res\layout\main.out.xml:0: Originally defined here.
[2010-04-01 00:38:45 - AndroidPhoneDialer] F:\workspace\AndroidPhoneDialer\res\layout\main.out.xml:1: error: Error parsing XML: no element found
[2010-04-01 00:55:29 - AndroidPhoneDialer] Error in an XML file: aborting build.
[2010-04-01 01:07:46 - AndroidPhoneDialer] Error in an XML file: aborting build.
[2010-04-01 10:52:35 - AndroidPhoneDialer] Error in an XML file: aborting build.
我用的是eclipse IDE,百度Hi線上可以直接交流~~多謝了
這個我也遇到了。其實很簡單,你在打開一個 XML 文件的時候直接點了“運行”按鈕就會這樣了。