
Play Games

Slony是PostgreSQL領域中最廣泛的複製解決方案之一。它不僅是最古老的複製實現之一,它也是一個擁有最廣泛的外部工具支持的工具,比如pgAdmin3。多年來,Slony是在PostgreSQL中複製數據的惟一可行的解決方案。Slony使用邏輯複製;Slony-I一般要求表有主鍵,或者唯一鍵; ...


1. 安裝Slony


# tar -jxvf slony1-2.2.5.tar.bz2
# cd slony1-2.2.5
# ./configure --with-pgconfigdir=/opt/pgsql96/bin
# make
# make install


2. Slony架構圖

3. 複製表


主機名 IP 角色
PostgreSQL201 master
PostgreSQL202 slave

3.1 在兩台資料庫中都創建一個slony的超級用戶;專為slony服務

create user slony superuser password 'li0924';

3.2  本實驗兩台主機都有lottu資料庫;以lottu資料庫中的表作為實驗對象;在兩個資料庫中以相同的方式創建該表synctab,因為表結構不會自動複製。

create table synctab(id int primary key,name text);

3.3  在所有節點設置允許Slony-I用戶遠程登錄;在pg_hba.conf文件添加

host    all             slony           trust

3.4 設置slony(在master主機操作)


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ cat 
cluster name = first_cluster;
# define nodes (this is needed by pretty much
# all slonik scripts)
node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDB host=$HOST1 user=$DBUSER';
node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDB host=$HOST2 user=$DBUSER';
# init cluster
init cluster ( id=1, comment = 'Master Node');
# group tables into sets
create set (id=1, origin=1, comment='Our tables');
set add table (set id=1, origin=1, id=1, fully qualified name = 'lottu.synctab', comment='sample table');
store node (id=2, comment = 'Slave node', event node=1);
store path (server = 1, client = 2, conninfo='dbname=$MASTERDB host=$HOST1 user=$DBUSER');
store path (server = 2, client = 1, conninfo='dbname=$SLAVEDB host=$HOST2 user=$DBUSER');


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ cat 
cluster name = first_cluster;
node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDB host=$HOST1 user=$DBUSER';
node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDB host=$HOST2 user=$DBUSER';
subscribe set ( id = 1, provider = 1, receiver = 2, forward = no);


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ ./ 
[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ ./ &
[1] 1225


slon first_cluster 'host= dbname=lottu user=slony' &
slon first_cluster 'host= dbname=lottu user=slony' &

3.5 驗證slony-I是否配置成功?


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ psql lottu lottu
psql (9.6.0)
Type "help" for help.

lottu=# \d synctab
    Table "lottu.synctab"
 Column |  Type   | Modifiers 
 id     | integer | not null
 name   | text    | 
    "synctab_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    _first_cluster_logtrigger AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON synctab FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _first_cluster.logtrigger('_first_cluster', '1', 'k')
    _first_cluster_truncatetrigger BEFORE TRUNCATE ON synctab FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE _first_cluster.log_truncate('1')
Disabled user triggers:
    _first_cluster_denyaccess BEFORE INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON synctab FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE _first_cluster.denyaccess('_first_cluster')
    _first_cluster_truncatedeny BEFORE TRUNCATE ON synctab FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE _first_cluster.deny_truncate()

lottu=# insert into synctab values (1001,'lottu');


[postgres@Postgres202 ~]$ psql
psql (9.6.0)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c lottu lottu
You are now connected to database "lottu" as user "lottu".
lottu=> select * from synctab ;
  id  | name  
 1001 | lottu
(1 row)

4.  Slony-I相關表或者視圖查看

4.1 配置成功;會在所在的資料庫中生成一個schema

[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ psql lottu lottu
psql (9.6.0)
Type "help" for help.

lottu=# \dn
      List of schemas
      Name      |  Owner   
 _first_cluster | slony
 lottu          | lottu
 public         | postgres
(3 rows)

4.2 查看集群中的節點信息

lottu=# select * from _first_cluster.sl_node;
 no_id | no_active | no_comment  | no_failed 
     1 | t         | Master Node | f
     2 | t         | Slave node  | f
(2 rows)

4.3 查看集群中的集合信息

lottu=# select * from _first_cluster.sl_set;
 set_id | set_origin | set_locked | set_comment 
      1 |          1 |            | Our tables
(1 row)

4.4 查看集群中的表信息

lottu=# select * from _first_cluster.sl_table;
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------------
tab_id      | 1
tab_reloid  | 57420
tab_relname | synctab
tab_nspname | lottu
tab_set     | 1
tab_idxname | synctab_pkey
tab_altered | f
tab_comment | sample table

5. 日常維護

5.1  Slony-I向現有集群中增加一個複製表


create table synctab2(id int primary key,name text,reg_time timestamp);


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ cat 
cluster name = first_cluster;
node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDB host=$HOST1 user=$DBUSER';
node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDB host=$HOST2 user=$DBUSER';
create set (id=2, origin=1, comment='a second replication set');
set add table (set id=2, origin=1, id=2, fully qualified name ='lottu.synctab2', comment='second table');
subscribe set(id=1, provider=1,receiver=2);
subscribe set(id=2, provider=1,receiver=2);
merge set(id=1, add id=2,origin=1);


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ ./ 
<stdin>:8 subscription in progress before mergeSet. waiting
<stdin>:8 subscription in progress before mergeSet. waiting


lottu=# select * from _first_cluster.sl_table;
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------------
tab_id      | 1
tab_reloid  | 57420
tab_relname | synctab
tab_nspname | lottu
tab_set     | 1
tab_idxname | synctab_pkey
tab_altered | f
tab_comment | sample table
-[ RECORD 2 ]--------------
tab_id      | 2
tab_reloid  | 57840
tab_relname | synctab2
tab_nspname | lottu
tab_set     | 1
tab_idxname | synctab2_pkey
tab_altered | f
tab_comment | second table

5.2  Slony-I向現有集群中刪除一個複製表

[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ cat
cluster name = first_cluster;
node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDB host=$HOST1 user=$DBUSER';
node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDB host=$HOST2 user=$DBUSER';
set drop table (id=2, origin=1);


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ ./


lottu=# select * from _first_cluster.sl_table;
 tab_id | tab_reloid | tab_relname | tab_nspname | tab_set | tab_idxname  | tab_altered | tab_comment  
      1 |      57420 | synctab     | lottu       |       1 | synctab_pkey | f           | sample table
(1 row)

5. 3刪除slony

[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ cat 
cluster name = first_cluster;
node 1 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$MASTERDB host=$HOST1 user=$DBUSER';
node 2 admin conninfo = 'dbname=$SLAVEDB host=$HOST2 user=$DBUSER';
uninstall node (id = 1);
uninstall node (id = 2);


[postgres@Postgres201 ~]$ ./ 
<stdin>:4: NOTICE:  Slony-I: Please drop schema "_first_cluster"
<stdin>:4: NOTICE:  drop cascades to 175 other objects
DETAIL:  drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_node
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_nodelock
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_set
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_setsync
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_table
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_sequence
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_path
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_listen
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_subscribe
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_event
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_confirm
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_seqlog
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.sequencelastvalue(text)
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_log_1
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_log_2
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_log_script
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_registry
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_apply_stats
drop cascades to view _first_cluster.sl_seqlastvalue
drop cascades to view _first_cluster.sl_failover_targets
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_local_node_id
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_event_seq
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_action_seq
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_log_status
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_config_lock
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_event_lock
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_archive_counter
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_components
drop cascades to type _first_cluster.vactables
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.denyaccess()
drop cascades to trigger _first_cluster_denyaccess on table lottu.synctab
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.lockedset()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.getlocalnodeid(name)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.getmoduleversion()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.resetsession()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logapply()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logapplysetcachesize(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logapplysavestats(name,integer,interval)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.checkmoduleversion()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.decode_tgargs(bytea)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logtrigger()
drop cascades to trigger _first_cluster_logtrigger on table lottu.synctab
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.terminatenodeconnections(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.killbackend(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.seqtrack(integer,bigint)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slon_quote_brute(text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slon_quote_input(text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversionmajor()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversionminor()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversionpatchlevel()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversion()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_set_int4(text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_get_int4(text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_set_text(text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_get_text(text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_set_timestamp(text,timestamp with time zone)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_get_timestamp(text,timestamp with time zone)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.cleanupnodelock()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registernodeconnection(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.initializelocalnode(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storenode(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storenode_int(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.enablenode(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.enablenode_int(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.disablenode(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.disablenode_int(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.dropnode(integer[])
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.dropnode_int(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.prefailover(integer,boolean)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failednode(integer,integer,integer[])
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failednode2(integer,integer,bigint,integer[])
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failednode3(integer,integer,bigint)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failoverset_int(integer,integer,bigint)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.uninstallnode()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.clonenodeprepare(integer,integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.clonenodeprepare_int(integer,integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.clonenodefinish(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storepath(integer,integer,text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storepath_int(integer,integer,text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droppath(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droppath_int(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storelisten(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storelisten_int(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droplisten(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droplisten_int(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storeset(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storeset_int(integer,integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.lockset(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.unlockset(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.moveset(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.moveset_int(integer,integer,integer,bigint)
and 75 other objects (see server log for list)
<stdin>:5: NOTICE:  Slony-I: Please drop schema "_first_cluster"
<stdin>:5: NOTICE:  drop cascades to 175 other objects
DETAIL:  drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_node
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_nodelock
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_set
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_setsync
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_table
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_sequence
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_path
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_listen
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_subscribe
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_event
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_confirm
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_seqlog
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.sequencelastvalue(text)
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_log_1
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_log_2
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_log_script
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_registry
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_apply_stats
drop cascades to view _first_cluster.sl_seqlastvalue
drop cascades to view _first_cluster.sl_failover_targets
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_local_node_id
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_event_seq
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_action_seq
drop cascades to sequence _first_cluster.sl_log_status
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_config_lock
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_event_lock
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_archive_counter
drop cascades to table _first_cluster.sl_components
drop cascades to type _first_cluster.vactables
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.createevent(name,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.denyaccess()
drop cascades to trigger _first_cluster_denyaccess on table lottu.synctab
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.lockedset()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.getlocalnodeid(name)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.getmoduleversion()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.resetsession()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logapply()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logapplysetcachesize(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logapplysavestats(name,integer,interval)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.checkmoduleversion()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.decode_tgargs(bytea)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.logtrigger()
drop cascades to trigger _first_cluster_logtrigger on table lottu.synctab
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.terminatenodeconnections(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.killbackend(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.seqtrack(integer,bigint)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slon_quote_brute(text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slon_quote_input(text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversionmajor()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversionminor()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversionpatchlevel()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.slonyversion()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_set_int4(text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_get_int4(text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_set_text(text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_get_text(text,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_set_timestamp(text,timestamp with time zone)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registry_get_timestamp(text,timestamp with time zone)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.cleanupnodelock()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.registernodeconnection(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.initializelocalnode(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storenode(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storenode_int(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.enablenode(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.enablenode_int(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.disablenode(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.disablenode_int(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.dropnode(integer[])
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.dropnode_int(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.prefailover(integer,boolean)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failednode(integer,integer,integer[])
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failednode2(integer,integer,bigint,integer[])
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failednode3(integer,integer,bigint)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.failoverset_int(integer,integer,bigint)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.uninstallnode()
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.clonenodeprepare(integer,integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.clonenodeprepare_int(integer,integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.clonenodefinish(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storepath(integer,integer,text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storepath_int(integer,integer,text,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droppath(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droppath_int(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storelisten(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storelisten_int(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droplisten(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.droplisten_int(integer,integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storeset(integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.storeset_int(integer,integer,text)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.lockset(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.unlockset(integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.moveset(integer,integer)
drop cascades to function _first_cluster.moveset_int(integer,integer,integer,bigint)
and 75 other objects (see server log for list)
View Code




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  • 項目地址 項目後端地址: 項目前端頁面地址: ZyPLJ/TreeHoleVue ( 目前項目測試訪問地址: http://tree ...
  • 話不多說,直接開乾 一.下載 1.官方鏈接下載: 2.在下載目錄中找到下麵這個小的安裝包 SQL2022-SSEI-Dev.exe,運行開始下載SQL server; 二. ...
  • 前言 隨著物聯網(IoT)技術的迅猛發展,MQTT(消息隊列遙測傳輸)協議憑藉其輕量級和高效性,已成為眾多物聯網應用的首選通信標準。 MQTTnet 作為一個高性能的 .NET 開源庫,為 .NET 平臺上的 MQTT 客戶端與伺服器開發提供了強大的支持。 本文將全面介紹 MQTTnet 的核心功能 ...
  • Serilog支持多種接收器用於日誌存儲,增強器用於添加屬性,LogContext管理動態屬性,支持多種輸出格式包括純文本、JSON及ExpressionTemplate。還提供了自定義格式化選項,適用於不同需求。 ...
  • 目錄簡介獲取 HTML 文檔解析 HTML 文檔測試參考文章 簡介 動態內容網站使用 JavaScript 腳本動態檢索和渲染數據,爬取信息時需要模擬瀏覽器行為,否則獲取到的源碼基本是空的。 本文使用的爬取步驟如下: 使用 Selenium 獲取渲染後的 HTML 文檔 使用 HtmlAgility ...
  • 1.前言 什麼是熱更新 游戲或者軟體更新時,無需重新下載客戶端進行安裝,而是在應用程式啟動的情況下,在內部進行資源或者代碼更新 Unity目前常用熱更新解決方案 HybridCLR,Xlua,ILRuntime等 Unity目前常用資源管理解決方案 AssetBundles,Addressable, ...
  • 本文章主要是在C# ASP.NET Core Web API框架實現向手機發送驗證碼簡訊功能。這裡我選擇是一個互億無線簡訊驗證碼平臺,其實像阿裡雲,騰訊雲上面也可以。 首先我們先去 互億無線 去註冊一個賬號 註冊完成賬號後,它會送 ...
  • 通過以下方式可以高效,並保證數據同步的可靠性 1.API設計 使用RESTful設計,確保API端點明確,並使用適當的HTTP方法(如POST用於創建,PUT用於更新)。 設計清晰的請求和響應模型,以確保客戶端能夠理解預期格式。 2.數據驗證 在伺服器端進行嚴格的數據驗證,確保接收到的數據符合預期格 ...