
Play Games

語法 1、建表 create table 表名( 列名 數據類型, …… ); 2、刪除表:drop table 表名; 3、添加列:alter table 表名 add(列名 數據類型); 4、修改列:alter table 表名 rename column 原列名 to 列名; 5、修改數據類型 ...



create table 表名(

  列名 數據類型,



2、刪除表:drop table 表名;

3、添加列:alter table 表名 add(列名 數據類型);

4、修改列:alter table 表名 rename column 原列名 to 列名;

5、修改數據類型:alter table 表名 modify 列名 數據類型;

6、刪除列:alter table 表名 drop column 列名;


  添加表註釋:comment on table 表名 is '表註釋;

  添加欄位註釋:comment on column 表名.列名 is '列註釋';


  添加主鍵約束:alter table 表名 primary key(列名);

  添加唯一約束:alter table 表名 constraint 約束名 unique(列名);


  非空約束:alter table 表名 modify(列名 constraints);

9、插入數據:insert into(列名,……)values(數據,……);


  插入時間:to_date('2018-1-4 15:53:34','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')





 1 --student表
 2 create table student(
 3   stu_id varchar2(10) primary key,
 4   stu_name varchar2(10) not null,
 5   stu_sex varchar2(2) not null,
 6   stu_birthday date,
 7   class_id number
 8 );
 9 --添加表註釋
10 comment on table student is '學生信息表';
11 --欄位添加註釋
12 comment on column student.stu_id is '學號(主鍵)';
13 comment on column student.stu_name is '學生姓名';
14 comment on column student.stu_sex is '學生性別';
15 comment on column student.stu_birthday is '學生出生年月';
16 comment on column student.class_id is '學生所在班級';
18 --sclass表
19 create table sclass(
20   class_id number primary key,
21   class_name varchar2(10) not null
22 );
23 comment on table sclass is '班級信息表';
24 comment on column sclass.class_id is '班級編號';
25 comment on column sclass.class_name is '班級名稱'; 
27 --添加外鍵
28 alter table student add constraint fk_class_id foreign key(class_id) references sclass(class_id);
30 --添加數據
31 insert into sclass(class_id, class_name)values(1,'計應1401');
32 insert into sclass(class_id, class_name)values(2,'計網1401');
33 insert into sclass(class_id, class_name)values(3,'軟體1401');
34 insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_sex, stu_birthday, class_id)values('A001','張珊','',to_date('1995-10-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),1) ;
35 insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_sex, stu_birthday, class_id)values('A002','李思','',to_date('1995-10-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),1) ;
36 insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_sex, stu_birthday, class_id)values('A003','王武','',to_date('1996-10-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),2) ;
37 insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_sex, stu_birthday, class_id)values('A004','趙柳','',to_date('1996-12-02','yyyy-mm-dd'),3) ;
38 insert into student(stu_id, stu_name, stu_sex, stu_birthday, class_id)values('A005','趙柳','',sysdate,3) ;







Play Games
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    Play Games
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