2017-11-21 17:51:04 select * from world.city; select countrycode from world.city; /*distinct關鍵字作用於所有列,不僅僅跟著的後面那列*/select distinct countrycode from wor ...
2017-11-21 17:51:04
select *
from world.city;
select countrycode
from world.city;
select distinct countrycode
from world.city;
select district
from world.city
limit 5;
select district
from world.city
limit 10,5;
select Name
from world.city
order by name;
/*先按GNP排列 再按Continent排列 (order by 2,3可以達到同樣的效果,但更改時候容易出錯)*/
select name, GNP, Continent
from world.country
order by GNP, Continent;
select name, region, population
from world.country
order by population desc;
/*order by語句需要放在where語句之後*/
select name, region, population
from world.country
where population >= 1000000
order by population;
select name, region, population
from world.country
where population between 5000000 and 10000000;
/*and關鍵字鏈接兩個條件 or關鍵字滿足其中一個條件就可以把數據返回*/
select name, district, population
from world.city
where CountryCode = 'PHL' and Population >= 400000
select name, district, population
from world.city
where (CountryCode = 'PHL' or CountryCode = 'BRA' )
and Population >= 400000