最近在練習EF的過程中,實現將Linq返回的結果綁定到Combox時出錯。 錯誤提示如下: System.NotSupportedException:“Data binding directly to a store query (DbSet, DbQuery, DbSqlQuery, DbRawS... ...
System.NotSupportedException:“Data binding directly to a store query (DbSet, DbQuery, DbSqlQuery, DbRawSqlQuery) is not supported. Instead populate a DbSet with data, for example by calling Load on the DbSet, and then bind to local data. For WPF bind to DbSet.Local. For WinForms bind to DbSet.Local.ToBindingList(). For ASP.NET WebForms you can bind to the result of calling ToList() on the query or use Model Binding, for more information see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389592.”
private void SearchBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //讀取表數據並綁定Combox空間 using (OrderDBContainer db = new OrderDBContainer()) { CBox_User.DisplayMember = "Name"; CBox_User.ValueMember = "Id"; CBox_User.DataSource = from u in db.UserAccoutSet orderby u.LastName select new { Name = u.LastName + ", " + u.FirstName, Id = u.Id }; } }