前幾天跟著視頻做了一個簡單的購物車程式,但是沒有做出來,之後又跟著後面的視頻,做了一個,視頻裡面老師也講了,只有不斷的嘗試寫,才能慢慢有感覺,越不寫,越不會。下麵是我前幾天寫的購物車和跟著視頻做的購物車的對比: 自己寫的: 老師寫的: 後面的視頻佈置的作業是把購物車進行優化,優化的內容是,分別添 ...
1 __Author__ = "Zhang Peng" 2 3 salary = input("What is your monthly salary?\n") 4 somethings={"IPhone":5888,"杯子":8,"眼鏡盒":15,"計算器":38,"滑鼠":128,"電腦":7889,"零食":120,} 5 Shopping_Cart=[] 6 7 while True: 8 dongxi = input("What do you want to buy? \n") 9 10 if dongxi == 'quit': 11 break 12 13 elif somethings[dongxi] == 'KeyError': 14 print("Sorry!The product you want is not found.") 15 break 16 17 elif salary - somethings[dongxi] >= 0: 18 Shopping_Cart.append([dongxi,somethings[dongxi]],) 19 salary = salary - somethings[dongxi] 20 21 22 elif salary - somethings[dongxi] < 0: 23 print("The balance you have left is not enough to buy it. Try something else, please.") 24 print("Enter 'quit' to end the program.") 25 26 27 28 29 print(f'你還有{salary}塊錢!') 30 print(f'Your shopping list:\n{Shopping_Cart}')
product_list = [ ('Iphone',5800), ('Mac Pro',9800), ('Bike',800), ('Watch',10600), ('Coffee',31), ('Alex Python',120), ] shopping_list = [] salary = input("Input your salary:") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) while True: for index,item in enumerate(product_list): #print(product_list.index(item),item) print(index,item) user_choice = input("選擇要買嘛?>>>:") if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice >=0: p_item = product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1] <= salary: #買的起 shopping_list.append(p_item) salary -= p_item[1] print("Added %s into shopping cart,your current balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m" %(p_item,salary) ) else: print("\033[41;1m你的餘額只剩[%s]啦,還買個毛線\033[0m" % salary) else: print("product code [%s] is not exist!"% user_choice) elif user_choice == 'q': print("--------shopping list------") for p in shopping_list: print(p) print("Your current balance:",salary) exit() else: print("invalid option")
product_list=[ ('Iphone',5888), ('筆記本',12888), ('手錶',10600), ('電視',3888), ('書',58), ] id_list=["商家","用戶","shangjia","yonghu"] id_shopping=input("Please input your ID:\n") exit_flag=False if id_shopping=="shangjia": choice=input("你是否想添加\修改商品?添加商品輸入'1',修改商品輸入'2',退出輸入'q':\n") if choice=="1": while not exit_flag: name=input("請輸入您想添加的商品名稱:\n") name2=input("請輸入您添加商品的價格:\n") if name=="q" or name2=="q": exit_flag=True else: product_list.append((name,name2),) elif choice=="2": while not exit_flag: name3=input("請輸入您想修改價格的商品名稱:\n") name4=input("請輸入您想要修改的價格:\n") if name3=="q" or name4=="q": exit_flag=True else: a=product_list.index(name3) product_list.remove(name3) product_list.index((name3,name4)) else: if choice=="q": exit_flag=True print(product_list) elif id_shopping=="yonghu": shopping_list=[] with open("shopping_list.txt") as f: print("你的購物車裡已經有:\n") f.read() with open("salary.txt") as f: salary=f.read() print(salary) if salary.isdigit(): #isdigit 是判斷輸入的是不是一個數字 salary=int(salary) while True: print("我們有一下商品:\n") for index,item in enumerate(product_list): print(index,item) user_choice=input("請問你還想買什麼?:\n") if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice=int(user_choice) if user_choice<len(product_list) and user_choice>0: p_item=product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1]<salary: #買不起 shopping_list.append(p_item) salary -=p_item[1] print("您買的商品已經加入購物車") else: print("沒錢別嘚瑟了") else: print("沒有您要的商品") elif user_choice == 'q': print("----------shopping list----------") for p in shopping_list: print(p) with open("shopping_list.txt","w") as f: f.write("shopping_list") print("你還剩餘",salary) salary.save("salary.txt") else: print("輸入錯誤") else: shopping_list=[] salary=input("請輸入你的月薪:\n") if salary.isdigit(): #isdigit 是判斷輸入的是不是一個數字 salary=int(salary) while True: for index,item in enumerate(product_list): print(index,item) user_choice=input("請問你想買什麼?:\n") if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice=int(user_choice) if user_choice<len(product_list) and user_choice>0: p_item=product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1]<salary: #買不起 shopping_list.append(p_item) salary -=p_item[1] print("您買的商品已經加入購物車") else: print("沒錢別嘚瑟了") else: print("沒有您要的商品") elif user_choice == 'q': print("----------shopping list----------") for p in shopping_list: print(p) shopping_list.save("shopping_list.txt") print("你還剩餘",salary) with open("salary.txt","w") as f: f.write("salary") exit() else: print("輸入錯誤")View Code