數據統計是每個系統中必備的功能,在給領導彙報統計數據,工作中需要的進展數據時非常有用。 在我看來,一個統計的模塊應該實現以下功能: 能夠將常用的查詢的統計結果顯示出來; 顯示的結果可以是表格形式,也可以是圖形形式,如果是圖形的話能夠以多種形式顯示(柱狀圖、折線圖、餅圖、雷達圖、堆疊柱狀圖等): 統計 ...
- 能夠將常用的查詢的統計結果顯示出來;
- 顯示的結果可以是表格形式,也可以是圖形形式,如果是圖形的話能夠以多種形式顯示(柱狀圖、折線圖、餅圖、雷達圖、堆疊柱狀圖等):
- 統計查詢的結果,點擊數字或者百分比能夠顯示詳細的數據;
- 能夠自由組合查詢條件、篩選條件、分組條件、排序等;
- 統計結果最好有個實時預覽;
- 查詢統計能夠保存,以便下次能直接調用並顯示統計查詢的結果;
- 對於保存後的查詢統計,下次調用時也可以按照靈活的篩選手段對查詢結果進行篩選;
- 界面需要做的簡潔、直觀,就算是不太懂電腦的操作員也能夠方便使用;
- 對於一些複雜的查詢,能夠直接在後臺寫Sql或者調用Sp出數據
- ......

1 ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Get.............] 2 ( 3 @gxsj datetime 4 ) 5 RETURNS TABLE 6 AS 7 RETURN 8 ( 9 select t1.*, 10 dbo.depacode.xymc, 11 CASE t1.xldm WHEN '01' THEN '博士' WHEN '11' THEN '碩士' WHEN '25' THEN '雙學位' WHEN '31' THEN '本科' WHEN '41' THEN '專科' WHEN '61' THEN '高職' ELSE '' END AS xlmc, 12 CASE WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN ('11', '12', '13', '21', '31', '32', '33', '35', '37', '44', '46', '71', '81', '82') THEN '東部' 13 WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN ('14', '22', '23', '34', '36', '41', '42', '43') THEN '中部' 14 WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN ('15', '45', '51', '50', '52', '53', '54', '61', '62', '65', '63', '64') THEN '西部' ELSE '' END AS sydq, 15 sydq.dwdqmc AS sysf, 16 CASE WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN ('11', '12', '13', '21', '31', '32', '33', '35', '37', '44', '46', '71', '81', '82') THEN '東部' 17 WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN ('14', '22', '23', '34', '36', '41', '42', '43') THEN '中部' 18 WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN ('15', '45', '51', '50', '52', '53', '54', '61', '62', '65', '63', '64') THEN '西部' ELSE '' END AS dwdq, 19 dwdq.dwdqmc AS dwsf, dbo.Entcode.hyname, 20 dbo.hydygx.hymldm, dbo.hydygx.hyml, 21 CASE t1.xbdm WHEN 1 THEN '男' WHEN 2 THEN '女' ELSE '男' END AS xbmc, 22 [mzdmb].[nation] AS mzmc, 23 [EjByqxdmb].[Ejbyqxmc], dbo.byqxdygx.jybbyqx, t1.gn500 AS jybdwxzdm, 24 CASE t1.knslbdm WHEN '7' THEN '就業困難、家庭困難和殘疾' WHEN '6' THEN '家庭困難和殘疾' WHEN '5' THEN '就業困難和殘疾' WHEN '4' THEN '殘疾' WHEN '3' THEN '就業和家庭困難' WHEN '2' THEN '家庭困難' WHEN '1' THEN '就業困難' ELSE '非困難生' END AS Knslb 25 from [table] as t1 26 LEFT OUTER JOIN 27 dbo.depacode ON t1.xydm = dbo.depacode.xydm LEFT OUTER JOIN 28 dbo.dwdq AS sydq ON LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) + '0000' = sydq.dwdqdm LEFT OUTER JOIN 29 dbo.dwdq AS dwdq ON LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) + '0000' = dwdq.dwdqdm LEFT OUTER JOIN 30 dbo.Entcode ON t1.hylb = dbo.Entcode.hycode LEFT OUTER JOIN 31 dbo.hydygx ON t1.hylb = dbo.hydygx.hydldm LEFT OUTER JOIN 32 [mzdmb] ON t1.mzdm = [mzdmb].[mzdm] LEFT OUTER JOIN 33 [EjByqxdmb] ON t1.byqx2 = [EjByqxdmb].[Ejbyqxdm] LEFT OUTER JOIN 34 dbo.byqxdygx ON t1.byqx = dbo.byqxdygx.shbyqx AND 35 t1.dwxzdm = dbo.byqxdygx.shdwxzdm 36 where [gxsj] <= dateadd(day,1,@gxsj) and HisId in 37 (SELECT TOP 1 HisId FROM [table] 38 WHERE [gxsj] <= dateadd(day,1,@gxsj) and xsxh = t1.xsxh 39 and bynf = t1.bynf and t1.byqx not in ('08','05','11') 40 ORDER BY [gxsj] DESC) 41 )View Code
這樣我們使用 select * from [get...]('2016-8-25') 就可以查詢出8月25日截止日期的數據。

1 [Serializable] 2 [XmlInclude(typeof(BYNF_InquireField))] 3 [XmlInclude(typeof(Count_InquireField))] 4 [XmlInclude(typeof(XYMC_InquireField))] 5 [XmlInclude(typeof(ZYMC_InquireField))] 6 [XmlInclude(typeof(SZBJ_InquireField))] 7 [XmlInclude(typeof(FDY_InquireField))] 8 [XmlInclude(typeof(XL_InquireField))] 9 [XmlInclude(typeof(SYDQ_InquireField))] 10 [XmlInclude(typeof(SYSF_InquireField))] 11 [XmlInclude(typeof(DWDQ_InquireField))] 12 [XmlInclude(typeof(DWSF_InquireField))] 13 [XmlInclude(typeof(HYML_InquireField))] 14 [XmlInclude(typeof(HYDL_InquireField))] 15 [XmlInclude(typeof(XBMC_InquireField))] 16 [XmlInclude(typeof(MZMC_InquireField))] 17 [XmlInclude(typeof(BYQX_InquireField))] 18 [XmlInclude(typeof(KNSLB_InquireField))] 19 [XmlInclude(typeof(ZYDKL_InquireField))] 20 [XmlInclude(typeof(DWXZ_InquireField))] 21 [XmlInclude(typeof(EJBYQXMC_InquireField))] 22 [XmlInclude(typeof(GZ_InquireField))] 23 [XmlInclude(typeof(WYJE_InquireField))] 24 public abstract class InquireFieldBase 25 { 26 public InquireFieldBase() 27 { 28 FieldItems = this.GetInquireItemsByInquireType(); 29 } 30 31 [XmlAttribute] 32 public int FieldDisplayOrder { get; set; } 33 [XmlAttribute] 34 public string FieldName { get; set; } 35 [XmlAttribute] 36 public string DbName { get; set; } 37 [XmlAttribute] 38 public bool IsAggregate { get; set; } 39 [XmlAttribute] 40 public InquireHelper.FieldType FieldType { get; set; } 41 42 //用於highchart統計 43 [XmlAttribute] 44 public bool IsNameField { get; set; } 45 46 //用於統計輸出數據 47 [XmlAttribute] 48 public bool IsPercent { get; set; } 49 50 [XmlIgnore] 51 public List<string> FieldItems { get; set; } 52 public List<string> FieldValue { get; set; } 53 public bool? OrderByAsc { get; set; } 54 } 55 [Serializable] 56 public class BYNF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 57 { 58 public BYNF_InquireField() 59 { 60 FieldDisplayOrder = 1; 61 FieldName = "畢業年份"; 62 DbName = "BYNF"; 63 } 64 } 65 [Serializable] 66 public class XYMC_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 67 { 68 public XYMC_InquireField() 69 { 70 FieldDisplayOrder = 5; 71 FieldName = "學院名稱"; 72 DbName = "XYMC"; 73 } 74 } 75 [Serializable] 76 public class ZYMC_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 77 { 78 public ZYMC_InquireField() 79 { 80 FieldDisplayOrder = 6; 81 FieldName = "專業名稱"; 82 DbName = "ZYMC"; 83 } 84 } 85 [Serializable] 86 public class SZBJ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 87 { 88 public SZBJ_InquireField() 89 { 90 FieldDisplayOrder = 7; 91 FieldName = "所在班級"; 92 DbName = "SZBJ"; 93 } 94 } 95 [Serializable] 96 public class FDY_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 97 { 98 public FDY_InquireField() 99 { 100 FieldDisplayOrder = 8; 101 FieldName = "輔導員"; 102 DbName = "FDY"; 103 } 104 } 105 [Serializable] 106 public class XL_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 107 { 108 public XL_InquireField() 109 { 110 FieldDisplayOrder = 9; 111 FieldName = "學歷"; 112 DbName = "XLMC"; 113 } 114 } 115 [Serializable] 116 public class SYDQ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 117 { 118 public SYDQ_InquireField() 119 { 120 FieldDisplayOrder = 10; 121 FieldName = "生源地區"; 122 DbName = "SYDQ"; 123 } 124 } 125 [Serializable] 126 public class SYSF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 127 { 128 public SYSF_InquireField() 129 { 130 FieldDisplayOrder = 11; 131 FieldName = "生源省份"; 132 DbName = "SYSF"; 133 } 134 } 135 [Serializable] 136 public class DWDQ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 137 { 138 public DWDQ_InquireField() 139 { 140 FieldDisplayOrder = 12; 141 FieldName = "單位地區"; 142 DbName = "DWDQ"; 143 } 144 } 145 [Serializable] 146 public class DWSF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase 147 { 148 public DWSF_InquireField() 149 { 150 FieldDisplayOrder = 13; 151 FieldName = "單位省份"; 152 DbName = "DWSF"; 153 } 154 }View Code

1 public static class InquireHelper 2 { 3 public static List<InquireFieldBase> GetSubInquireList() 4 { 5 var inquires = new List<InquireFieldBase>(); 6 var subTypeQuery = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() 7 where IsSubClassOf(t, typeof(InquireFieldBase)) 8 select t; 9 10 foreach (var type in subTypeQuery) 11 { 12 InquireFieldBase obj = CreateObject(type.FullName) as InquireFieldBase; 13 if (obj != null) 14 { 15 inquires.Add(obj); 16 } 17 } 18 return inquires; 19 20 } 21 22 static bool IsSubClassOf(Type type, Type baseType) 23 { 24 var b = type.BaseType; 25 while (b != null) 26 { 27 if (b.Equals(baseType)) 28 { 29 return true; 30 } 31 b = b.BaseType; 32 } 33 return false; 34 } 35 /// <summary> 36 /// 創建對象(當前程式集) 37 /// </summary> 38 /// <param name="typeName">類型名</param> 39 /// <returns>創建的對象,失敗返回 null</returns> 40 public static object CreateObject(string typeName) 41 { 42 object obj = null; 43 try 44 { 45 Type objType = Type.GetType(typeName, true); 46 obj = Activator.CreateInstance(objType); 47 } 48 catch (Exception ex) 49 { 50 51 } 52 return obj; 53 } 54 55 public static List<InquireFieldBase> BindCondition(this List<InquireFieldBase> conditions, string conditionName, List<string> values) 56 { 57 var condition = conditions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType().Name == conditionName && c.FieldType == FieldType.ConditionField); 58 59 if (condition == null) 60 { 61 condition = CreateObject("BLL." + conditionName) as InquireFieldBase; 62 condition.FieldType = FieldType.ConditionField; 63 conditions.Add(condition); 64 } 65 66 condition.FieldValue = values; 67 68 return conditions; 69 } 70 //public static List<InquireFieldBase> BindCondition(this List<InquireFieldBase> conditions, string conditionName, string range1, string range2) 71 //{ 72 // var condition = conditions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType().Name == conditionName && c.FieldType == FieldType.ConditionField); 73 74 75 // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(range2)&&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(range1)) 76 // { 77 // if (condition == null) 78 // { 79 // condition = CreateObject("BLL." + conditionName) as InquireFieldBase; 80 //