1、基本構成 (1)需要查詢的表(單表,多表,視圖) (2)需要查詢的信息(欄位信息,過濾處理) (3)查詢條件(欄位關聯,欄位值範圍,記錄截取設置,排序方式,分組方式,去重,or ,and) 2、實例展示(以user表為例) 2.1查詢單表(user) (1)查詢單表所有欄位 select * f ...
(3)查詢條件(欄位關聯,欄位值範圍,記錄截取設置,排序方式,分組方式,去重,or ,and)
select * from user;(select後面跟欄位名,from後面跟表名,*代表所有欄位, where後面跟條件)
select user_id,user_name from user;(欄位名之間用“,”隔開)
select count(*) from user;
select count(*) from user group by user_id desc;
select count(*) from user group by user_id,user_name order by user_id desc;
註意:group by與order by同時使用,排序的欄位user_id要出現在分組欄位(user_id,user_name)中
user_id>=1並且<=2:select * from user where user_id>=1 and user_id<=2;
user_id在1和2之間 :select * from user where user_id between 1 and 2;
user_id包含於(1,2):select * from user where user_id in(1,2);
user_id是1或2 :select * from user where user_id=1 or user_id=2;
(7)查詢單表,截取數據limit index,length
截取第1條:select * from user limit 1;或者select * from user limit 0,1;
截取第2條:select * from user limit 1,1;
select distinct user_name from user;
(1)inner join(只返回匹配值)
select * from user inner join order on user.user_id=order.user_id;
(2)left join(返回匹配值和左表剩餘值)
select * from user u left join order o on u.user_id=o.user_id;
(3)right join(返回匹配值和右表剩餘值)
select * from user right join order on user.user_id=order.user_id;
(4)full join(返回所有值)
select * from user full join order on user.user_id=order.user_id;