Logwatch功能介紹 Logwatch是一款Perl腳本編寫的、開源的日誌分析工具。它能對原始的日誌文件進行解析並轉換成結構化格式的文檔,也能根據您的使用情況和需求來定製報告。Logwatch的特點是配置簡單、監控、分析日誌方便,而且可以對某些功能進行定製化。 項目源碼位於https://sou... ...
Logwatch是一款Perl腳本編寫的、開源的日誌分析工具。它能對原始的日誌文件進行解析並轉換成結構化格式的文檔,也能根據您的使用情況和需求來定製報告。Logwatch的特點是配置簡單、監控、分析日誌方便,而且可以對某些功能進行定製化。 項目源碼位於https://sourceforge.net/projects/logwatch/ 。
Logwatch is a customizable, pluggable log-monitoring system. It will go through your logs for a given period of time and make a report in the areas that you wish with the detail that you wish.
1: 查看是否安裝Logwatch組件
[root@DB-Server ~]# rpm -qa | grep logwatch
2: Logwatch的安裝、升級、卸載
2.1.1 Logwatch的RPM安裝
[root@DB-Server Server]# rpm -ivh logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6.noarch.rpm
warning: logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6.noarch.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6.noarch is already installed
[root@DB-Server Server]#
[root@DB-Server Server]# yum install logwatch
2.1.2 Logwatch的源碼安裝
[root@DB-Server tmp]# tar -xzvf logwatch-7.4.3.tar.gz
[root@DB-Server tmp]# cd logwatch-7.4.3
[root@DB-Server logwatch-7.4.3]# ./install_logwatch.sh
Preparing to install Logwatch
Enter the path to the Logwatch BaseDir [/usr/share/logwatch] :
### Using /usr/share/logwatch
Enter the path for the Logwatch ConfigDir [/etc/logwatch] :
### Using /etc/logwatch
Enter the dir name to be used for temp files [/var/cache/logwatch] :
### Using /var/cache/logwatch
Enter the location of perl [/usr/bin/perl] :
### Using /usr/bin/perl
Enter the dir name to used for the manpage [/usr/share/man] :
### Using /usr/share/man
### Installing
Created symlink for /usr/sbin/logwatch
Created /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch
2.2 Logwatch的卸載
[root@DB-Server Server]# rpm -e logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6
2.2 Logwatch的升級
[root@DB-Server Server]#rpm -Uvh logwatch***.rpm
Logwatch的配置文件為 /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf ,初始安裝後,這個配置文件是空的。你可以將配置文件的模板拷貝過來,如果不做這一步,就會預設使用/usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf 這個配置文件。
[root@DB-Server ~]# more /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
# Local configuration options go here (defaults are in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf)
[root@DB-Server ~]# cp /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
cp: overwrite `/etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf'? yes
LogDir = /var/log 系統日誌或需要分析日誌所在路徑
TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch 臨時文件位置
Output = stdout 輸出格式(stdout 屏幕上顯示)
Format = text 輸出格式,有text、html選項可以選擇
Encode = none 編碼格式
MailTo = root 分析結果發送給那些人或郵件組。多個郵箱逗號隔開
MailFrom = Logwatch 郵件的發件人
Range = yesterday 處理什麼時候的日誌 , 可選項 All(所有) ,Yesterday(昨天) , Today(今天)
Range = "1 hours ago for that hour"
Range = "-7 days"
Range = "between -7 days and -3 days"
Range = "since March 15, 2017"
Range = "first Friday in October"
Range = "2017/04/15 12:50:15 for that second"
Detail = Low 該參數控制著 Logwatch 報告的詳細程, 可選項:Low , Med , High 也可以用0-10數字表示
其中High、Med、Low 幾個選項分別代表著10、5和0數字。
Service = All 監控所有服務 all
Service = "-httpd" 不監控的服務前面加 “-” , 如 -httpd ,即不監控 httpd 服務 , 可以寫多條
mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" 發送郵件的方式(可以選sendmail,postfix,Qmail)
[root@DB-Server01 ~]# sed -n "/^\s*[^#\t].*$/p" /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf
LogDir = /var/log
TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch
MailTo = root
MailFrom = Logwatch
Print = No
Range = yesterday
Detail = Low
Service = All
Service = "-zz-network" # Prevents execution of zz-network service, which
# prints useful network configuration info.
Service = "-zz-sys" # Prevents execution of zz-sys service, which
# prints useful system configuration info.
Service = "-eximstats" # Prevents execution of eximstats service, which
# is a wrapper for the eximstats program.
mailer = "sendmail -t"
[root@DB-Server ~]# sed -n "/^\s*[^#\t].*$/p" /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf
LogDir = /var/log
TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch
Output = stdout
Format = text
Encode = none
MailTo = root
MailFrom = Logwatch
Range = yesterday
Detail = Low
Service = All
Service = "-zz-network" # Prevents execution of zz-network service, which
# prints useful network configuration info.
Service = "-zz-sys" # Prevents execution of zz-sys service, which
# prints useful system configuration info.
Service = "-eximstats" # Prevents execution of eximstats service, which
# is a wrapper for the eximstats program.
mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"