最近悟出來一個道理,在這兒分享給大家:學歷代表你的過去,能力代表你的現在,學習代表你的將來。 十年河東十年河西,莫欺少年窮 學無止境,精益求精 本節探討C#獲取漢字拼音首字母的方法: 代碼類東西,直接上代碼: 截取字元串的方法: 以上便是完整代碼,謝謝! 在此,順便說下資料庫按照漢字首字母進行排序的 ...
/// <summary> /// 在指定的字元串列表CnStr中檢索符合拼音索引字元串 /// </summary> /// <param name="CnStr">漢字字元串</param> /// <returns>相對應的漢語拼音首字母串</returns> public static string GetSpellCode(string CnStr) { string strTemp = ""; int iLen = CnStr.Length; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= iLen - 1; i++) { strTemp += GetCharSpellCode(CnStr.Substring(i, 1)); break; } return strTemp; } /// <summary> /// 得到一個漢字的拼音第一個字母,如果是一個英文字母則直接返回大寫字母 /// </summary> /// <param name="CnChar">單個漢字</param> /// <returns>單個大寫字母</returns> private static string GetCharSpellCode(string CnChar) { long iCnChar; byte[] ZW = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(CnChar); //如果是字母,則直接返迴首字母 if (ZW.Length == 1) { return CommonMethod.CutString(CnChar.ToUpper(),1); } else { // get the array of byte from the single char int i1 = (short)(ZW[0]); int i2 = (short)(ZW[1]); iCnChar = i1 * 256 + i2; } // iCnChar match the constant if ((iCnChar >= 45217) && (iCnChar <= 45252)) { return "A"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 45253) && (iCnChar <= 45760)) { return "B"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 45761) && (iCnChar <= 46317)) { return "C"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 46318) && (iCnChar <= 46825)) { return "D"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 46826) && (iCnChar <= 47009)) { return "E"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 47010) && (iCnChar <= 47296)) { return "F"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 47297) && (iCnChar <= 47613)) { return "G"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 47614) && (iCnChar <= 48118)) { return "H"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 48119) && (iCnChar <= 49061)) { return "J"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 49062) && (iCnChar <= 49323)) { return "K"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 49324) && (iCnChar <= 49895)) { return "L"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 49896) && (iCnChar <= 50370)) { return "M"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 50371) && (iCnChar <= 50613)) { return "N"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 50614) && (iCnChar <= 50621)) { return "O"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 50622) && (iCnChar <= 50905)) { return "P"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 50906) && (iCnChar <= 51386)) { return "Q"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 51387) && (iCnChar <= 51445)) { return "R"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 51446) && (iCnChar <= 52217)) { return "S"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 52218) && (iCnChar <= 52697)) { return "T"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 52698) && (iCnChar <= 52979)) { return "W"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 52980) && (iCnChar <= 53640)) { return "X"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 53689) && (iCnChar <= 54480)) { return "Y"; } else if ((iCnChar >= 54481) && (iCnChar <= 55289)) { return "Z"; } else return ("?"); }
#region 截取字元長度 static string CutString(string str, int len) /// <summary> /// 截取字元長度 /// </summary> /// <param name="str">被截取的字元串</param> /// <param name="len">所截取的長度</param> /// <returns>子字元串</returns> public static string CutString(string str, int len) { if (str == null || str.Length == 0 || len <= 0) { return string.Empty; } int l = str.Length; #region 計算長度 int clen = 0; while (clen < len && clen < l) { //每遇到一個中文,則將目標長度減一。 if ((int)str[clen] > 128) { len--; } clen++; } #endregion if (clen < l) { return str.Substring(0, clen) + "..."; } else { return str; } } /// <summary> /// //截取字元串中文 字母 /// </summary> /// <param name="content">源字元串</param> /// <param name="length">截取長度!</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SubTrueString(object content, int length) { string strContent = NoHTML(content.ToString()); bool isConvert = false; int splitLength = 0; int currLength = 0; int code = 0; int chfrom = Convert.ToInt32("4e00", 16); //範圍(0x4e00~0x9fff)轉換成int(chfrom~chend) int chend = Convert.ToInt32("9fff", 16); for (int i = 0; i < strContent.Length; i++) { code = Char.ConvertToUtf32(strContent, i); if (code >= chfrom && code <= chend) { currLength += 2; //中文 } else { currLength += 1;//非中文 } splitLength = i + 1; if (currLength >= length) { isConvert = true; break; } } if (isConvert) { return strContent.Substring(0, splitLength); } else { return strContent; } } public static int GetStringLenth(object content) { string strContent = NoHTML(content.ToString()); int currLength = 0; int code = 0; int chfrom = Convert.ToInt32("4e00", 16); //範圍(0x4e00~0x9fff)轉換成int(chfrom~chend) int chend = Convert.ToInt32("9fff", 16); for (int i = 0; i < strContent.Length; i++) { code = Char.ConvertToUtf32(strContent, i); if (code >= chfrom && code <= chend) { currLength += 2; //中文 } else { currLength += 1;//非中文 } } return currLength; } #endregion
oracle :
SCHINESE_RADICAL_M 按照部首(第一順序)、筆劃(第二順序)排序
SCHINESE_STROKE_M 按照筆劃(第一順序)、部首(第二順序)排序
SCHINESE_PINYIN_M 按照拼音排序,系統的預設排序方式為拼音排序
表名為 dept ,其中name欄位是中文,下麵分別實現按照單位名稱的筆劃、部首和拼音排序。
select * from dept order by nlssort(name,'NLS_SORT=SCHINESE_STROKE_M');
select * from dept order by nlssort(name,'NLS_SORT=SCHINESE_RADICAL_M');
select * from dept order by nlssort(name,'NLS_SORT=SCHINESE_PINYIN_M');
select * from table order by name collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS
執行結果:select * from Table where cateFid=0 order by cateName collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS_KS_WS