
Play Games

創建表 插入數據 查詢結果顯示,如下截圖: 問題: 1.計算每個人的總成績併排名(要求顯示欄位:姓名,總成績) select name,SUM(score) as allscore from dbo.stuscore group by name order by allscore; View Cod ...


( [name] [varchar](50)   COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL,    
[subject] [varchar](50)   COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS   NULL,    
[score] [int]   NULL,   
[stuid] [int]    NULL) 


insert into dbo.stuscore values ('張三','數學',89,1);
insert into dbo.stuscore values ('張三','語文',80,1);
insert into dbo.stuscore values ('張三','英語',70,1);
insert into dbo.stuscore values ('李四','數學',90,2);
insert into dbo.stuscore values ('李四','語文',70,2);
insert into dbo.stuscore values ('李四','英語',80,2);


問題:   1.計算每個人的總成績併排名(要求顯示欄位:姓名,總成績) 
select name,SUM(score) as allscore from dbo.stuscore
group by name 
order by allscore;
View Code

2.計算每個人的總成績併排名(要求顯示欄位: 學號,姓名,總成績) 

select stuid,name,SUM(score) as allscore from dbo.stuscore 
group by name,stuid 
order by allscore;
View Code 3.計算每個人單科的最高成績(要求顯示欄位: 學號,姓名,課程,最高成績)
select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t1.score from stuscore t1,
(select stuid,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2 
where t1.stuid=t2.stuid and t1.score=t2.maxscore;
View Code 4.計算每個人的平均成績(要求顯示欄位: 學號,姓名,平均成績)
select stuid,name,AVG(score) avgscore from dbo.stuscore 
group by stuid,name;
View Code 5.列出各門課程成績最好的學生(要求顯示欄位: 學號,姓名,科目,成績) 
select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t1.score from stuscore t1,(
select subject,MAX(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by subject)t2
where t1.subject = t2.subject and t1.score = t2.maxscore;
View Code 6.列出各門課程成績最好的兩位學生(要求顯示欄位: 學號,姓名,科目,成績) 
select  t1.* from stuscore t1 where t1.stuid in (
select top 2 stuid from stuscore where subject = t1.subject order by score desc)
order by t1.subject;
View Code 7.統計如下: 
學號 姓名 語文 數學 英語 總分 平均分
select stuid 學號,name 姓名,sum(case when subject='語文' then score else 0 end )as 語文,
sum(case when subject='數學' then score else 0 end )as 數學,
sum(case when subject='英語' then score else 0 end )as 英語,
SUM(score)總分,avg(score)平均分 from stuscore
group by stuid,name order by 總分;
View Code   8.列出各門課程的平均成績(要求顯示欄位:課程,平均成績)
select subject,AVG(score)平均成績 from stuscore 
group by subject;
View Code   9.列出數學成績的排名(要求顯示欄位:學號,姓名,成績,排名)
select stuid,name,score,
(select count(*) from stuscore t1 where subject ='數學' and t1.score > t2.score)+1 as 名次 from stuscore t2  
where subject='數學' order by score desc;
 --註釋:排序,比較大小,比較的次數+1 = 排名。
View Code   10.列出數學成績在2-3名的學生(要求顯示欄位:學號,姓名,科目,成績) 
select t3.* from (
select top 2  t2.* from (
select top 3 stuid,name,subject,score from stuscore where 
subject = '數學' order by score desc) t2 order by t2.score) t3
order by t3.score desc;
View Code
 select t3.*  from (
 select top 100 percent stuid,name,subject,score,
(select count(*) from stuscore t1 where subject ='數學' and t1.score > t2.score)+1 as 名次 from
 stuscore t2  where subject='數學' order by t2.score desc) t3 
 where t3.名次 between 2 and 3 order by t3.score desc;
View Code
 select t3.*  from (
 select stuid,name,subject,score,
(select count(*) from stuscore t1 where subject ='數學' and t1.score > t2.score)+1 as 名次 from
 stuscore t2  where subject='數學') t3 
 where t3.名次 between 2 and 3 order by t3.score desc;
View Code


declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)insert into @tmp 
select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='數學' 
order by score desc declare @id int set @id=0;
update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@id select * from @tmp where name='李四'
View Code
select stuid,name,subject,score,(select count(*) from stuscore t1 where subject ='數學' and t1.score > t2.score)+1 as 名次
 from stuscore t2  where subject='數學' and name = '李四' order by score desc;
View Code 12.統計如下: 
課程 不及格(0-59)個 良(60-80)個 優(81-100)個
 select subject 科目,sum(case when score between 0 and 59 then 1 else 0 end) as 不及格,
 sum(case when score between 60 and 80 then 1 else 0 end) as 良,
 sum(case when score between 81 and 100 then 1 else 0 end) as 優秀 from stuscore
 group by subject;
View Code 13.統計如下:   數學: 張三(50分),李四(90分),王五(90分),趙六(76分)   
 declare @s nvarchar(1000)
 set @s=''
 select @s =@s+','+name+'('+convert(nvarchar(10),score)+'分)' from 
 stuscore where subject='數學'
 set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,' ')print '數學:'+@s
View Code



Play Games
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