Redis 數據類型

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Redis數據類型 官網說明文檔: Redis keys Redis keys are binary safe, this means that you can use any binary sequence as ...





Redis keys

Redis keys are binary safe, this means that you can use any binary sequence as a key, from a string like "foo" to the content of a JPEG file. The empty string is also a valid key.

Redis key是二進位安全的,這意味著你可以使用任何二進位序列作為一個key,從一個字元串”foo”到JPEG文件的內容。空字元串也是合法的key。



  • Key不要太長,消耗記憶體,在數據集中查找key可能會需要更多的匹配成本。
  • Key不要太短,可讀性較差,
  • 追尋一種模式"object-type:id"  "" or "comment:1234:reply-to"
  • Key允許的最大值為512M


Redis客戶端 Redis-Cli


redis-cli  --help


redis-cli -n 0




help @string  獲取數據類型string的相關操作命令

help @list 獲取數據類型list的相關操作命令

help set

help <tab>鍵 有提示信息




help @string

  APPEND key value
  summary: Append a value to a key
  since: 2.0.0

  BITCOUNT key [start] [end]
  summary: Count set bits in a string
  since: 2.6.0

  BITOP operation destkey key [key ...]
  summary: Perform bitwise operations between strings
  since: 2.6.0

  BITPOS key bit [start] [end]
  summary: Find first bit set or clear in a string
  since: 2.8.7

  DECR key
  summary: Decrement the integer value of a key by one
  since: 1.0.0

  DECRBY key decrement
  summary: Decrement the integer value of a key by the given number
  since: 1.0.0

  GET key
  summary: Get the value of a key
  since: 1.0.0

  GETBIT key offset
  summary: Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key
  since: 2.2.0

  GETRANGE key start end
  summary: Get a substring of the string stored at a key
  since: 2.4.0

  GETSET key value
  summary: Set the string value of a key and return its old value
  since: 1.0.0

  INCR key
  summary: Increment the integer value of a key by one
  since: 1.0.0

  INCRBY key increment
  summary: Increment the integer value of a key by the given amount
  since: 1.0.0

  INCRBYFLOAT key increment
  summary: Increment the float value of a key by the given amount
  since: 2.6.0

  MGET key [key ...]
  summary: Get the values of all the given keys
  since: 1.0.0

  MSET key value [key value ...]
  summary: Set multiple keys to multiple values
  since: 1.0.1

  MSETNX key value [key value ...]
  summary: Set multiple keys to multiple values, only if none of the keys exist
  since: 1.0.1

  PSETEX key milliseconds value
  summary: Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key
  since: 2.6.0

  SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]
  summary: Set the string value of a key
  since: 1.0.0

  SETBIT key offset value
  summary: Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key
  since: 2.2.0

  SETEX key seconds value
  summary: Set the value and expiration of a key
  since: 2.0.0

  SETNX key value
  summary: Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist
  since: 1.0.0

  SETRANGE key offset value
  summary: Overwrite part of a string at key starting at the specified offset
  since: 2.2.0

  STRLEN key
  summary: Get the length of the value stored in a key
  since: 2.2.0



SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]

EX  過期時間,秒  等同於 SETEX key seconds value

PX  過期時間,毫秒  等同於 PSETEX key milliseconds value

NX  鍵不存在,才能設置  等同於 SETNX key value

XX  鍵存在時,才能設置



MSET key value [key value ...]
MSETNX key value [key value ...]   鍵不存在時,才設置值




EXPIRE key seconds    秒
PEXPIRE key milliseconds  毫秒



EXPIREAT key timestamp     秒
PEXPIREAT key milliseconds-timestamp    毫秒
PERSIST key  刪除過期的key



TTL key
PTTL key

-1 沒有設置TTL




KEYS pattern






INCR key


set counter 100

INCR counter


INCRBY key increment  根據給定的值進行增量計數
DECR key
DECRBY key increment 



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