lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting

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在檢查一Linux伺服器時,發現日誌裡面有大量“lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...” Jul 4 00:01:42 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling a... ...

  在檢查一Linux伺服器時,發現日誌裡面有大量“lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...”

Jul  4 00:01:42 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:09:36 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:13:42 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:13:43 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:13:43 localhost lvm[12446]: dm_task_run failed, errno = 9, Bad file descriptor
Jul  4 00:14:42 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:15:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:17:02 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:17:02 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:17:46 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:18:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:19:42 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:20:32 localhost lvm[12446]: Snapshot VolGroup05-LogVol00--PS--user--snapshot is now 80% full. 
Jul  4 00:20:32 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:23:12 localhost lvm[12446]: Snapshot VolGroup05-LogVol00--PS--user--snapshot is now 85% full. 
Jul  4 00:23:12 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:23:12 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:23:12 localhost lvm[12446]: dm_task_run failed, errno = 9, Bad file descriptor
Jul  4 00:26:09 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:26:52 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Jul  4 00:26:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Snapshot VolGroup05-LogVol00--PS--user--snapshot is now 90% full. 
Jul  4 00:26:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:28:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:28:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Snapshot VolGroup05-LogVol00--PS--user--snapshot is now 95% full. 
Jul  4 00:28:52 localhost lvm[12446]: Extension of snapshot VolGroup05/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot finished successfully.
Jul  4 00:28:52 localhost lvm[12446]: dm_task_run failed, errno = 9, Bad file descriptor
Jul  4 00:31:07 localhost kernel: device-mapper: snapshots: Invalidating snapshot: Unable to allocate exception.
Jul  4 00:34:59 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:35:42 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:42:29 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:44:16 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:45:49 localhost lvm[12446]: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
Jul  4 00:46:59 localhost last message repeated 3 times
Jul  4 00:48:49 localhost last message repeated 2 times



在Redhat官網有看到相關資料介紹”"What does "lvm: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting..." log messages mean on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6?" 如下所示:



  • lvm event log messages
  • Continuous messages filling /var/log/messages
    lvm: Another thread is handling an event, Waiting...
    lvm: Another thread is handling an event, Waiting...


  • These messages can safely be ignored at this stage.  They are verbose messages that do not indicate any error has occurred.
  • Red Hat are planning to remove these messages from the lvm2 package in a future release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.


  • dmeventd daemon montors for events that need to occur on device-mapper devices.
    • There are segments of code that can only be entered by one thread at a time.
    • If a second thread tries to enter the code section, it will be forced to wait until the first thread has exited. This message is printed when a process is forced to wait.
  • There is currently no evidence that there is any problem with locking access to critical code in dmeventd.


If the following symptoms are present on your system, then this article may apply to your issue:

  • Your lvm2 package is 2.02.87-6.el6 or earlier.
  • You have more than 1 LVM snapshots on the system.
  • Periodically, the following messages appear in /var/log/messages:

        lvm: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...
        lvm: Another thread is handling an event. Waiting...




      當你的lvm2包版本是2.02.87-6.el6 或之前的版本。



對比、參考本機操作系統版本,發現lvm2的版本確實比2.02.87-6.el6 低。另外,這個系統也確實有多個LVM快照。唯一有點差別的是Linux版本Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 ,並不是Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep lvm
[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 (Tikanga)


[root@localhost ~]# ps -ef | grep  12446 
root     12446     1  0 Jul02 ?        00:07:51 /sbin/dmeventd
root     26043 23106  0 11:06 pts/6    00:00:00 grep 12446




這個錯誤信息一直不停的出現在系統日誌當中,很奇怪的時候,我同樣環境的其它伺服器又沒有出現這個問題。應該是某些問題引起的。在做VG掃描時,發現有這樣/dev/VolGroup03/LogVol00-PS-user-snapshot: read failed after 0 of 4096 at 0: Input/output error一些錯誤信息,懷疑這個導致引起的,但是生產環境還不能亂動,需要在測試環境測試、驗證後,方能在生產環境處理。目前沒有許可權和資源處理,需要系統管理員幫忙解決。



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