在ASP.NET Core中創建自定義端點可視化圖

Play Games

在上篇文章中,我為構建自定義端點可視化圖奠定了基礎,正如我在第一篇文章中展示的那樣。該圖顯示了端點路由的不同部分:文字值,參數,動詞約束和產生結果的端點: 在本文中,我將展示如何通過創建一個自定義的DfaGraphWriter來為自己的應用程式創建一個端點圖。 這篇文章使用了本系列前幾篇文章中的技巧 ...









  • 文字邊緣:路線部分,例如apivalues中的文字匹配api/values/{id}
  • 參數邊緣:路線的參數化部分,例如{id}route中api/values/{id}
  • 捕獲所有邊:與“全部捕獲”路由參數相對應的邊,例如{**slug}
  • 策略邊緣:與URL以外的其他約束相對應的邊緣。例如,圖中的基於HTTP謂詞的邊HTTP: GET


  • 匹配節點:與端點匹配關聯的節點,因此將生成響應。
  • 預設節點:與端點匹配關聯的節點。


public class GraphDisplayOptions
    /// <summary>
    /// Additional display options for literal edges
    /// </summary>
    public string LiteralEdge { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    /// <summary>
    /// Additional display options for parameter edges
    /// </summary>
    public string ParametersEdge { get; set; } = "arrowhead=diamond color=\"blue\"";

    /// <summary>
    /// Additional display options for catchall parameter edges
    /// </summary>
    public string CatchAllEdge { get; set; } = "arrowhead=odot color=\"green\"";

    /// <summary>
    /// Additional display options for policy edges
    /// </summary>
    public string PolicyEdge { get; set; } = "color=\"red\" style=dashed arrowhead=open";

    /// <summary>
    /// Additional display options for node which contains a match
    /// </summary>
    public string MatchingNode { get; set; } = "shape=box style=filled color=\"brown\" fontcolor=\"white\"";

    /// <summary>
    /// Additional display options for node without matches
    /// </summary>
    public string DefaultNode { get; set; } = string.Empty;



我們的自定義圖形編輯器(巧妙地稱為CustomDfaGraphWriter)在很大程度上基於包含在ASP.NET Core中的DfaGraphWriter。該類的主體與原始類相同,但有以下更改:

  • GraphDisplayOptions註入類中以自定義顯示。
  • 使用ImpromptuInterface庫來處理內部DfaMatcherBuilderDfaNode類,如上一篇文章中所示
  • 自定義WriteNode函數以使用我們的自定義樣式。
  • 添加一個Visit函數來處理IDfaNode介面,而不是在內部DfaNode類上使用Visit()方法。


public class CustomDfaGraphWriter
    // Inject the GraphDisplayOptions 
    private readonly IServiceProvider _services;
    private readonly GraphDisplayOptions _options;
    public CustomDfaGraphWriter(IServiceProvider services, GraphDisplayOptions options)
        _services = services;
        _options = options;

    public void Write(EndpointDataSource dataSource, TextWriter writer)
        // Use ImpromptuInterface to create the required dependencies as shown in previous post
        Type matcherBuilder = typeof(IEndpointSelectorPolicy).Assembly

        // Build the list of endpoints used to build the graph
        var rawBuilder = _services.GetRequiredService(matcherBuilder);
        IDfaMatcherBuilder builder = rawBuilder.ActLike<IDfaMatcherBuilder>();

        // This is the same logic as the original graph writer
        var endpoints = dataSource.Endpoints;
        for (var i = 0; i < endpoints.Count; i++)
            if (endpoints[i] is RouteEndpoint endpoint && (endpoint.Metadata.GetMetadata<ISuppressMatchingMetadata>()?.SuppressMatching ?? false) == false)

        // Build the raw tree from the registered routes
        var rawTree = builder.BuildDfaTree(includeLabel: true);
        IDfaNode tree = rawTree.ActLike<IDfaNode>();

        // Store a list of nodes that have already been visited 
        var visited = new Dictionary<IDfaNode, int>();

        // Build the graph by visiting each node, and calling WriteNode on each
        writer.WriteLine("digraph DFA {");
        Visit(tree, WriteNode);

        void WriteNode(IDfaNode node)
            /* Write the node to the TextWriter */
            /* Details shown later in this post*/

    static void Visit(IDfaNode node, Action<IDfaNode> visitor)
        /* Recursively visit each node in the tree. */
        /* Details shown later in this post*/







static void Visit(IDfaNode node, Action<IDfaNode> visitor)
    // Does the node of interest have any nodes connected by literal edges?
    if (node.Literals?.Values != null)
        // node.Literals is actually a Dictionary<string, DfaNode>
        foreach (var dictValue in node.Literals.Values)
            // Create a proxy for the child DfaNode node and visit it
            IDfaNode value = dictValue.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
            Visit(value, visitor);

    // Does the node have a node connected by a parameter edge?
    // The reference check breaks any cycles in the graph
    if (node.Parameters != null && !ReferenceEquals(node, node.Parameters))
        // Create a proxy for the DfaNode node and visit it
        IDfaNode parameters = node.Parameters.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
        Visit(parameters, visitor);

    // Does the node have a node connected by a catch-all edge?
    // The refernece check breaks any cycles in the graph
    if (node.CatchAll != null && !ReferenceEquals(node, node.CatchAll))
        // Create a proxy for the DfaNode node and visit it
        IDfaNode catchAll = node.CatchAll.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
        Visit(catchAll, visitor);

    // Does the node have a node connected by a policy edges?
    if (node.PolicyEdges?.Values != null)
        // node.PolicyEdges is actually a Dictionary<object, DfaNode>
        foreach (var dictValue in node.PolicyEdges.Values)
            IDfaNode value = dictValue.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
            Visit(value, visitor);

    // Write the node using the provided Action<>







  • 原始的圖形編寫器使用DfaNodes,我們必須轉換為使用IDfaNode代理。
  • 原始圖形編寫器對所有節點和邊使用相同的樣式。我們根據配置的GraphDisplayOptions定製節點和邊的顯示。



void WriteNode(IDfaNode node)
    // add the node to the visited node dictionary if it isn't already
    // generate a zero-based integer label for the node
    if (!visited.TryGetValue(node, out var label))
        label = visited.Count;
        visited.Add(node, label);

    // We can safely index into visited because this is a post-order traversal,
    // all of the children of this node are already in the dictionary.

    // If this node is linked to any nodes by a literal edge
    if (node.Literals != null)
        foreach (DictionaryEntry dictEntry in node.Literals)
            // Foreach linked node, get the label for the edge and the linked node
            var edgeLabel = (string)dictEntry.Key;
            IDfaNode value = dictEntry.Value.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
            int nodeLabel = visited[value];

            // Write an edge, including our custom styling for literal edges
            writer.WriteLine($"{label} -> {nodeLabel} [label=\"/{edgeLabel}\" {_options.LiteralEdge}]");

    // If this node is linked to a nodes by a parameter edge
    if (node.Parameters != null)
        IDfaNode parameters = node.Parameters.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
        int nodeLabel = visited[catchAll];

        // Write an edge labelled as /* using our custom styling for parameter edges
        writer.WriteLine($"{label} -> {nodeLabel} [label=\"/**\" {_options.CatchAllEdge}]");

    // If this node is linked to a catch-all edge
    if (node.CatchAll != null && node.Parameters != node.CatchAll)
        IDfaNode catchAll = node.CatchAll.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
        int nodeLabel = visited[catchAll];

        // Write an edge labelled as /** using our custom styling for catch-all edges
        writer.WriteLine($"{label} -> {nodelLabel} [label=\"/**\" {_options.CatchAllEdge}]");

    // If this node is linked to any Policy Edges
    if (node.PolicyEdges != null)
        foreach (DictionaryEntry dictEntry in node.PolicyEdges)
            // Foreach linked node, get the label for the edge and the linked node
            var edgeLabel = (object)dictEntry.Key;
            IDfaNode value = dictEntry.Value.ActLike<IDfaNode>();
            int nodeLabel = visited[value];

            // Write an edge, including our custom styling for policy edges
            writer.WriteLine($"{label} -> {nodeLabel} [label=\"{key}\" {_options.PolicyEdge}]");

    // Does this node have any associated matches, indicating it generates a response?
    var matchCount = node?.Matches?.Count ?? 0;

    var extras = matchCount > 0 
        ? _options.MatchingNode // If we have matches, use the styling for response-generating nodes...
        : _options.DefaultNode; // ...otherwise use the default style

    // Write the node to the graph output
    writer.WriteLine($"{label} [label=\"{node.Label}\" {extras}]");


digraph DFA {
  1 [label="/healthz/" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  2 [label="/api/Values/{...}/ HTTP: GET" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  3 [label="/api/Values/{...}/ HTTP: PUT" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  4 [label="/api/Values/{...}/ HTTP: DELETE" shape=box style=filled color="brown"  fontcolor="white"]
  5 [label="/api/Values/{...}/ HTTP: *" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  6 -> 2 [label="HTTP: GET" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  6 -> 3 [label="HTTP: PUT" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  6 -> 4 [label="HTTP: DELETE" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  6 -> 5 [label="HTTP: *" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  6 [label="/api/Values/{...}/"]
  7 [label="/api/Values/ HTTP: GET" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  8 [label="/api/Values/ HTTP: POST" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  9 [label="/api/Values/ HTTP: *" shape=box style=filled color="brown" fontcolor="white"]
  10 -> 6 [label="/*" arrowhead=diamond color="blue"]
  10 -> 7 [label="HTTP: GET" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  10 -> 8 [label="HTTP: POST" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  10 -> 9 [label="HTTP: *" color="red" style=dashed arrowhead=open]
  10 [label="/api/Values/"]
  11 -> 10 [label="/Values"]
  11 [label="/api/"]
  12 -> 1 [label="/healthz"]
  12 -> 11 [label="/api"]
  12 [label="/"]






Play Games
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