api.versioning 版本控制 自動識別最高版本

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Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning //引入程式集 .net core 下麵api的版本控製作用不需要多說,可以查閱https://www.cnblogs.com/dc20181010/p/11313738.html 普通的版本控制一般是通過鏈接、header此類 ...

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning //引入程式集

.net core 下麵api的版本控製作用不需要多說,可以查閱https://www.cnblogs.com/dc20181010/p/11313738.html


services.AddApiVersioning(o => {
                //o.ReportApiVersions = true;//返回版本可使用的版本
                o.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(new HeaderApiVersionReader("api-version"), new QueryStringApiVersionReader("api-version"));//通過Header或QueryString進行傳值來判斷api的版本
= new ApiVersion(1, 0);//預設版本號



{"error":{"code":"ApiVersionUnspecified","message":"An API version is required, but was not specified.","innerError":null}}


o.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true; //此選項將用於在沒有版本的情況下提供請求
o.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0); //設置預設Api版本是1.0





The CurrentImplementationApiVersionSelector selects the maximum API version available which does not have a version status. 
If no match is found, it falls back to the configured DefaultApiVersion. For example, if the versions "1.0", "2.0", and "3.0-Alpha" are available,
then "2.0" will be selected because it's the highest, implemented or released API version. CurrentImplementationApiVersionSelector選擇不具有版本狀態的最大可用API版本。 如果找不到匹配項,它將回退到配置的DefaultApiVersion。
1.0”,“ 2.0”和“ 3.0-Alpha”,則將選擇“ 2.0”,因為它是最高,已實施或已發佈的API版本。

    options => options.ApiVersionSelector =
        new CurrentImplementationApiVersionSelector( options ) );


services.AddApiVersioning(o => {
                o.ReportApiVersions = true;//返回版本可使用的版本
                //o.ApiVersionReader = new UrlSegmentApiVersionReader();
                //o.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(new HeaderApiVersionReader("api-version"), new QueryStringApiVersionReader("api-version"));
                //o.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(new QueryStringApiVersionReader("api-version"));
                o.ApiVersionReader = ApiVersionReader.Combine(new HeaderApiVersionReader("api-version"));//版本號以什麼形式,什麼欄位傳遞
                o.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;//此選項將用於在沒有版本的情況下提供請求
                o.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);//預設版本號
                o.ApiVersionSelector = new CurrentImplementationApiVersionSelector(o);//預設以當前最高版本進行訪問


namespace Default.v1.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller, IBaseController
        private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;

        public HomeController (ILogger<HomeController> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public JsonResult GetJson()
            return Json("Home 1.0");
namespace Default.v2.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller, IBaseController
        private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;

        public HomeController (ILogger<HomeController> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public JsonResult GetJson()
            return Json("Home 2.0");
namespace Default.v1.Controllers
    public class TestController : Controller, IBaseController
        private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;

        public TestController (ILogger<HomeController> logger)
            _logger = logger;

        public JsonResult GetJson()
            return Json("Test 1.0");





請求/home/getjson 時返回“Home 2.0”

請求/test/getjson 時返回“Test 1.0”





{"error":{"code":"UnsupportedApiVersion","message":"The HTTP resource that matches the request URI 'https://localhost:44311/home/getjson' is not supported.","innerError":null}}









namespace Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstractions;
    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Controllers;
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;

    /// <summary>
    /// Represents an object that collates <see cref="ApiVersion">API versions</see> per <see cref="ActionDescriptor">action</see>.
    /// </summary>
    [CLSCompliant( false )]
    public class ApiVersionCollator : IActionDescriptorProvider
        readonly IOptions<ApiVersioningOptions> options;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ApiVersionCollator"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options">The current <see cref="ApiVersioningOptions">API versioning options</see>.</param>
        public ApiVersionCollator( IOptions<ApiVersioningOptions> options ) => this.options = options;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the API versioning options associated with the collator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>The current <see cref="ApiVersioningOptions">API versioning options</see>.</value>
        protected ApiVersioningOptions Options => options.Value;

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public int Order { get; protected set; }

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual void OnProvidersExecuted( ActionDescriptorProviderContext context )
            if ( context == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( context ) );

            foreach ( var actions in GroupActionsByController( context.Results ) )
                var collatedModel = CollateModel( actions );

                foreach ( var action in actions )
                    var model = action.GetProperty<ApiVersionModel>();

                    if ( model != null && !model.IsApiVersionNeutral )
                        action.SetProperty( model.Aggregate( collatedModel ) );

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual void OnProvidersExecuting( ActionDescriptorProviderContext context ) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves and returns the logical controller name for the specified action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">The <see cref="ActionDescriptor">action</see> to get the controller name from.</param>
        /// <returns>The logical name of the associated controller.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The logical controller name is used to collate actions together and aggregate API versions. The
        /// default implementation uses the "controller" route parameter and falls back to the
        /// <see cref="ControllerActionDescriptor.ControllerName"/> property when available.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// The default implementation will also trim trailing numbers in the controller name by convention. For example,
        /// the type "Values2Controller" will have the controller name "Values2", which will be trimmed to just "Values".
        /// This behavior can be changed by using the <see cref="ControllerNameAttribute"/> or overriding the default
        /// implementation.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual string GetControllerName( ActionDescriptor action )
            if ( action == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( action ) );

            if ( !action.RouteValues.TryGetValue( "controller", out var key ) )
                if ( action is ControllerActionDescriptor controllerAction )
                    key = controllerAction.ControllerName;

            return TrimTrailingNumbers( key );

        IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ActionDescriptor>> GroupActionsByController( IEnumerable<ActionDescriptor> actions )
            var groups = new Dictionary<string, List<ActionDescriptor>>( StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase );

            foreach ( var action in actions )
                var key = GetControllerName( action );

                if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( key ) )

                if ( !groups.TryGetValue( key, out var values ) )
                    groups.Add( key, values = new List<ActionDescriptor>() );

                values.Add( action );

            foreach ( var value in groups.Values )
                yield return value;

        static string TrimTrailingNumbers( string? name )
            if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( name ) )
                return string.Empty;

            var last = name!.Length - 1;

            for ( var i = last; i >= 0; i-- )
                if ( !char.IsNumber( name[i] ) )
                    if ( i < last )
                        return name.Substring( 0, i + 1 );

                    return name;

            return name;

        static ApiVersionModel CollateModel( IEnumerable<ActionDescriptor> actions ) => actions.Select( a => a.GetApiVersionModel() ).Aggregate();
View Code


其中GroupActionsByController將Controller按照Controller的名字進行分組,再看看內部,分組的時候將GetControllerName( action )作為key,那麼GetControllerName是幹嘛的,

protected virtual string GetControllerName( ActionDescriptor action )
            if ( action == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( action ) );

            if ( !action.RouteValues.TryGetValue( "controller", out var key ) )
                if ( action is ControllerActionDescriptor controllerAction )
                    key = controllerAction.ControllerName;

            return TrimTrailingNumbers( key );


protected virtual string GetControllerName( ActionDescriptor action )
            if ( action == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( nameof( action ) );

            if ( !action.RouteValues.TryGetValue( "controller", out var key ) )
                if ( action is ControllerActionDescriptor controllerAction )
                    key = controllerAction.ControllerName;

            if ( !action.RouteValues.TryGetValue( "area", out var area ) )

            return TrimTrailingNumbers( area + key );






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